
IMDb member since January 2018
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Kimetsu no Yaiba: Kizuna no Kiseki, Soshite Hashira Geiko e

80% recap, 15% hoakie nonsense, 5% new content
This movie is mostly recap and very little new content. Wish this wouldve been prefaced, and i wouldnt feel so scammed. To have such a blatant cash grab of a film after having record numbers for profit on their first film is just egregious. UFOtable should be ashamed.

Only gets 2 stars because the last season was solid.

Seeing Tanjiro yell and scream as much as he did at the end of the last season in surround sound was a suffering i was not prepared for.

Durring this movie I had to look up how long the recap had been (i clocked it in at about 1hr15mins of last season recap). At that point there was like 10-15mins of hoakie nonsense and then the last 10-15mins was plot buildup for the next season.

The only way this can get worse is if the next season of demon slayer is a prolonged recap of this movie (like how they did with Mugen Train).

Here's hoping they learn from their mistakes and not their profit.

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