
IMDb member since January 2018
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Would be perfect if they would not turn that into a soap opera
Nice show. But the story got deteriorated with the soapy love triangles, showing that it told everything it should in a first season. Many things in the story makes absolutely no sense, yes, but that's the entertainment, right?


Although pedictable cliche, but very boring
It was short but ineffective. Olga is the only who can act. I like her acting, you cannot take that away. Although as a soldier she is more funny than cool. But the rest of the movie: idea, plot, story, continuity, feasibility, twist - does not exist. Camera work is amateur. Color grading is done by reading help, I guess.

If you want a good feeling about this movie, then take any movie by Steven Seagal, cut out of it a quarter and stretch it out to 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Outside the Wire

It is well made, well acted. A bit funny script.
The VFX is great. Action is just like any other war movie. Robots, pew pew pew. Moderate twist. Humans are great.

I mean, it could be shorter but enjoyable enough.

The Girl in the Spider's Web

A very nice potential, poorly made
I love she can hack anywhere from anything anytime anyhow using just LTE connection in a high security facility (read no connection). But still cannot get that phones are triangulated, so using them during trying to be off grid is braindead stupid. But she does. Many times... Yep.... She does.


White Lines

Nonsensefest with a crazy woman leading the circus
It is ok. The only adequate character I really liked is Boxer. Others are like escaped from some hardcore psychiatric asylum.


Bad acting, simple script, very predictable
You know who is a bad guy, who leaks the info, who is organising everything through who already from 3rd episode. The whole series is not slow-burn, it is even question if it is at all slow-smoke.

The end is just freaking pathetic. I mean, c'mon... Why you are so cool bunch of policemen and cannot fake for the bad guy's getaway so he then gets a surprise "Hi, now get back to the prison forever"? Dude, you can give the bad guy real gun with fake bullets, after all (with no powder in them). You can predict all that will happen, you can have few phones, few extra guns whatever hidden in several cars for Plan A, Plan B and Plan C. Everyone from your colleagues could know what you are doing and track you, following, waiting for the sweet spot how to re-arrest the bad guy. And the bad guy could think he is winning, but at the end could be easily stopped. On the other hand, if you are so badass coldblood killer, why you just not blew them off? The girly is about to die. So you could just finish the detective and getaway. You're anyway in a run and forever convict, so what to lose?

I mean, this all makes absolutely no sense, lacks of realism and feels like a script is written by a school kid. Not to mention that the whole series has chunked links in the story, hard to follow.

Giving one extra star for the mountains views, because everything else (music, camerawork, plot, script, acting) deserves only one star. :-)

After Life

This could be perfect. Could be.
Every time one makes "second season", it very rarely means "good". The After Life is not an exception. If the first season is packed of black humor, sadness, no hope, screwed up existence and at the end we ended up with a great message, then the second season leaving the audience with "WTF?" question permanently. In the second season seems Gervais ran out of ideas and to fix the hollow, he just simply put all his old flat stand up jokes on the screen, basically repeating the whole plot of the first season. Why, Ricky, why would you ruin the whole message like this?? At the end seems Tony haven't learned anything after all, but was just a selfish jerk to everyone around him, actually wanted to kill himself. Again. The whole message contradicts to Gervais atheistic beliefs: if this is natural to die, then life naturally goes on, then you move on, then what's the problem? Sad, true, but not impossible. Gervais probably isn't very much aware about concentration camps, Holocaust and Holodomor in Ukraine. There's where black cynical death came. And yet people could go forward and fight further. Ricky's drama, compared to this level of brutality renders After Life problems an unnecessary white noise.

So. Ricky, if I were you, I would stop at first season. It was really good, 10 of 10. I enjoyed every single scene there. But with the second season you simply overdid so much that you have cancelled the whole message to nothing. Even dog is smarter than Tony, seems like.


Lovely action, zero plot
Plot is simple: they get a boy out of the city the entire movie. Yes, that's it, basically.

Just nice filming and John Wick wearing marine armour.

The Witcher

Boring, cheap, primitive, stretched, dull
They talking, talking, walking, talking, talking, walking, talking, talking, talking, walking, talking...

Who did this lame color grading? Students of second grade of moviemaking University? Did they used HitFilm Express to render this boring stuff? Bad chroma key on the green screen, guys. Booo.


I loved just everything in that movie!
What a nice surprise!! Usually everything that comes from Netflix is a plain amateur garbage. But this one... wow! OK, plot is pretty predictable. Action and fight scenes are just a circus. Any cheap Van Damme or Seagal "2 of 10" movies are far better than this. But! The entire movie is not about that. It is about generations and relationship, about stereotypes and cliches that every generation has. I totally loved it and will watch it again.

Captain Marvel

You will watch a CGI cartoons where a brickface cannot act doll will destroy whatever she can imagine, yet having no idea why.

Kudos to the director of the movie: you've reached the very bottom of the Indian Bollywood movies. Rodriguez should nervously smoking in the corner...

Into the Badlands

They are flying like Jackie Chan.
They're using cars that left from previous civilization. And the gasoline. But no a single gun, just swords?

The movie filmed in someone's backyard.

Cheap Chinese movie tricks on ropes.

Red Sparrow

Could be half shorter...
They are trying to speak with the Russian accent. At the end you get the entire movie with a very strange screwed language, which they sometimes even forget to keep and fall back to a normal pronouncing. In the meantime, their Russian is really funny and laughable.

The whole movie is a propaganda of "good people forced to be bad", so you should say oh oh how cruel it is. It is a typical way how West is seeing Russia, hoping they can be fantastic with some push. In reality, US helped Russia from being very dead many times over the history, yet Russia hates all West, principles,, democracy and wishes death to America.

When you born in Soviet Union, know that system to the ground, you laugh at such movies as illiterate nonsense about how actually it is.

One star for main actress. And one star for Putin-looking actor, her uncle, who gets what he deserves.

The Marine 4: Moving Target

Another low-cost forest hunt
Plot is simple: shoot em all. In a forest.

You are going to watch an airsoft game, where nobody can properly shoot rifle from ten meters but is a perfect sniper from long distance with a handgun. You will watch a hysterical biatch that is claiming having high IQ but acts like a complete idiot at everything she is doing.

Wearing armor vests without armor inside is just lame. At least insert some wooden plates for let the vest stops repeating fatty actors bodies.

Oh, and the bad guys always want to shoot good guys both dead, but as long as bad guys ambush and meet them from behind - asking to drop the gun (of course fist fight begins, of course bad guys losing).

The movie is so predictable and foreseeable that you won't expect that absolutely blunt and abrupt ending of the movie.

Oh, you just watched the whole movie in my review.

Black Panther

Shockingly bad
My first clickbait on Amazon: IMDb just fooled me by setting 7/10. In reality it is 2/10 at it's best. It is so horribly bad that Steven Segal looks like a fantastic movie star. Better watch Dolph Lundgren's movies instead of this.

I am sorry, but this is way too much bad to continue comment on this. :-(


Also misacting and misfilming
Ok, I understand nobody there in such cast can actually act, but till that level? The movie is a festival of bad acting, literally by everyone.

Script or scenario had so many holes to lose the dynamics that I think teenager will write a better one. It is just as boooooorriiiinnnggg.

But I enjoyed the goofs: caneraman in every eyeglasses reflection, continuation nonsense etc. Gunfight: please someone teach director to count, Beretta M9 ist only 17 shooter at it's best. And I don't understand how you can be a special op cop, shooting M4 rifle precisely at straight running man at you in 15 meters, lose 10 rounds and miss the fat body??!! You must be a really dominant loser at shooting.

This movie is plain stupid in every corner. So if you want to watch it, the only you will enjoy is the festival of total nonsense.

He Never Died

You don't need to have horribly huge budget to get things right!
This is absolutely wonderful movie. Naturalistic, no superhero pop-culture (although he is one). I completely loved everyone's acting. Dialogs are just perfect. Funny and brutally sarcastic. Maybe holywHoll should start picking up people right from the street for acting main roles, just like Kusturitsa did in his "Black cat, White cat".

I won't say much more. Go watch it on Netflix. You won't regret.


It was long, but boring
No idea why so much stars for this one. Romantic electronic music in a bloody action - this is what you find in European movies, for some extremely weird reasons.

Plot: there is nothing special, everything is oh-so-much very predictable.

Acting: not entirely bad, actually. Sometimes even a bit better than Van Damme would act as a babysitter.

Fights scenes are good enough and realistic (hence whole two stars for this!!). I liked that the hero also feels enough pain.

Point: probably happiest country in the world wants to make a point that they are not exactly happiest, after all. I was myself in Copenhagen, seems dark enough even daytime, indeed...

Would I ever recommend this movie? If you want to watch worse than Steven Seagal's level timewaste, make sure you won't fall asleep in the middle of it.

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