
IMDb member since December 2005
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Hagane no renkinjutsushi

not exactly what I was hoping for
I haven't seen enough of the new series to have a strong opinion yet, but at first glance it seems not to have carried over the greatest strengths of the previous show.

Doesn't seem to be as dark, soulful or emotional as the original series, focusing far more heavily on the child's anime elements from the original series.

Granted the original series was a very odd mix of very goofy childlike things and extremely graphic, violent disturbing things.

And of course they have a new director and that fantastic music from the original series hasn't carried over at all.

As many know, the original anime was produced faster than the manga was written and they actually just began making up their own story after they passed the manga.

This series will apparently briefly recover the original ground before the split and then follow the original manga more faithfully. I'll certainly watch this until the two have been split for a little while- but the new versions of the material previously covered are nowhere near as powerful as they were the first time around. I doubt I'll stick with this one for the long haul, or love it the way I grudgingly loved the old one (I always felt like the show had the potential to be even better than it was).


Episode 34 hit this week. I've been watching the show pretty religiously up to this point just because it was sandwiched between Bleach and Ghost in the Shell 2nd Gig repeats (amazing show). Both shows were considerably better than blood. Blood would get better, then get worse again, repeatedly. They seem to be unable to maintain the level of quality they occasionally reach.

A few episodes ago a major character died and I couldn't care less- this really cemented the realization that this show is all style and cliché's with no real heart.

Don't get me wrong, I've seen plenty of bad mindless anime, and this isn't a bad show. But when I started watching adult swim we had such shows on as Ghost in the Shell, Samurai Champlo, Full Metal Alchemist, FLCL. All of which were really, really exceptional shows that managed to draw me in despite my not being a huge fan of anime.

Blood + just isn't of that caliber and now that Bleach has apparently been canceled and Ghost in the Shell repeats have wrapped up, the show just isn't strong enough to keep watching just to see what happens.


A for effort, but beyond that...
I wouldn't bother writing a review, but looking on the site it really is painfully obvious that director, his friends and cast are responsible for most of the reviews here.

I have seen things worse than this, but this is towards the bottom. The lead actors are just barely OK and generally have no presence. The lesser actors are pretty much hopeless.

The direction is very much of the this happens, then this happens school of thought. There's very little grasp here of how moments feel or tie together. Basically someone got a camera and had some people read some lines in front of it. There's nothing more than this going on here.

The cinematography is very stiff and slightly over lit.

Looking at the efforts made here to try to promote this film, it is possible they spent more time on marketing it, then on writing their screenplay.

Not much else to say. Congratulations guys, you managed to make a movie with no resources (it is tough). It's just not a very good movie.

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