
IMDb member since January 2018
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Very touching movie
Bhargavi Nilayam: The classic musical score was tantalising. I arrived at this movie by chance. I was looking for a good ghost Tamil movie in Amazon and was redirected to a ghost movie Malayalam! Well there was English subtitles so...

The Sitar/Veena (which one is it really)? Simply was captivating. Beautiful song which were all poetic rather than just songs. We were able to ride with the music.

The villain or was he the hero?? The villain played his role perfectly. I wanted to throttle him that is how much I disliked him thanks to his superb acting.

The hero /the writer was perfect but the girl was not perfect. However we loved the movie. Please make in Tamil. Now heading for my laptop to watch the original on YouTube!

Perfect movie.

Hotel Berlin

A war time thriller!
Quite an amazing film that sets the pace of the time. Nazis, wannabe Nazis, anti Nazis, women throwing themselves at the feet of Germans to get food and to survive. Possibly allied spies and certainly German spies. The hotel is a melting pot of people. Lift boys who work for the French underground.

I would have loved to have been a guest there at that time. The Nazis were indeed portrayed as evil but most Germans also subscribed to the Nazi party and its ideologies. One cannot remove one from the other. The Americans did pardon some of the useful Nazis while hanging others. Justice really did not prevail. In the end IT WAS A VERY GOOD MOVIE.


I would have given it ten stars but decided to minus one star because they unnecessarily killed off Sneha. A slight change would have made no difference to the story. Sneha could have wound Up in a coma for a few days and come back to live with the hero. That would have made a better ending.

Vinay Rai played his role perfectly as the villain. Ayshwarya Lakshmi acted superbly. Amala Paul and Sneha played their parts superbly. Mammooty was Mammooty. His superior acting carried the others with him.

For once the movie did not beat around the bush. Where encountering of the guilty was needed it was done without any fuss.

It is a great movie. Really enjoyed it.

The Great Indian Kitchen

Terrible age old culture
Perhaps the British should have stayed for another 100 years! Awful tradition which some families in India still adhere to. A. Rajesh played it like a pro! She is amazing. I just wanted her to set fire to the house together will all those idiots in black robe pretending they know it all. Women rights is still far behind. We might be sending satellites into space but our beliefs are still archaic.

Time to leave behind all this useless traditions and include our women to be in the frontline. If we don not respect our women then who will.

Good movie, a bit short. Yogi could have been used more to give more humour. Anyway fantastic story.

Run Baby Run

Excellent thriller
Excellent Tamil thriller after a long time. Indian producers now understand about us the silent majority who like to see movies with some substance, not always the masala movie that our kollywood is spurning out in mass.

The movie was well made although the first half took too long to get to the point. Story was good, the suspense was Hitchcock like. So yes let's give us more movies like this.

Very grateful to the writer and the producers. A hint to the producers: Watch Hitchcock's Conflict with Humphrey Bogart and you might get an idea for your next movie. We will be supporting you. Good luck!


Quite interesting
For a change the story looks from the "terrorists " perspective! The emotions felt by the character Aalim and examines the reason why he is who he is. It is a very simple love story between two teenagers who've never met.

It examines the current state of things and the destruction of our culture and our children due to social media. Social media has taken over our lives and we all have become slaves to it. We Indians talk about a 1000 year history, culture etc but in the end we are no different. Our boys are looking for only one thing - SEX but we are overly protective of our sisters, wives, etc. The film examines the decadence that is happening in india. Decadence will lead to destruction. I fear for our youngsters!

Indian Matchmaking

Worst program
One of the worst programs I have seen. This show caters to non-Indians as it is all show, overly exuberant and reflects how the very rich and successful Indians celebrate their matchmaking and weddings. 99.999999% of Indians do not go on parades nor splash huge sums of money on their weddings.

This show only shows about Gujiratis, a rare show of a Sikh doctor but confines to Gujiratis, Hindus, and Marwaris! India has other communities which the program disregards. Also it mostly deals with Rich Indians living in the USA. IT SHOULD perhaps be renamed Guji weddings!

I will not recommend to my friends.

The Rains Came

An Indian story without Indian actors!
Even the Maharanee is a "Russian". While it is a good story and shows India in true light in 1939, however as an Indian I feel the makers of this movie had ignored the sentiments of the Indian viewers. If I was a Caucasian I would be ashamed! Tyrone Power - one of my favorite actors played a decent Indian doctor so I am willing to give a score of 5-6.


Good thriller!
It's a watchable thriller. I am not going to write anything more except SPOILER AHEAD

the ending was unnecessary. The factory should not have been bombed. After all the gas was turned off in time. The drones should have been brought back. The hero should be seen coming out alive and reunited with his girlfriend. Perhaps a caption at this time to say that FIR was recruited from India's elite forces and now he will return to his unit and will go on defending India against all enemies both inside and outside. Film goers don't like to see the hero die!

Kadaisi Vivasayi

2022 best hope
With Corona killing people around us and travel bans people worldwide are losing hope and suddenly comes along a movie like this to remind us not to give up hope. If an eighty year old man and turn around something all by himself and when there is problems good people will come to assist him. That is what this story about. Hope, respect and goodness in humanity. The last hope , the last farmer - I hope this movie wins an appropriate award at the international film fare. I really enjoyed it. Wished Yogi babu had more visibility but still you want to keep the story fixated on the farmer.

Live Telecast

Poor script
What could have been a better story was messed up in n the end. No proper script and no proper ending. It had good potential but just dragged on. You should never kill the hero but that is exactly what happens. The plot was too poor. Acting was substandard. Could have done better.

Gran Hotel

Little bit disappointed with the ending
I loved the episodes. Thanks to Covid I was home most of the time and ended up watching the thrilling episodes back to back.

The main plot and the series of subplots were well thought through. As as Indian I never thought that any other culture besides my own could be so cunning, so manipulative, so hungry for power and money and would go to extreme lengths to destroy others to get what they wanted but the Spanish have out classed us!

Like I said the story was very good and having gone through them meticulously day after day I was quite a bit disappointed with the ending. I expected a more of a twist but the ending was disappointing. They could have done better.

Nevertheless the series deserves an eight star for its overall story and execution.

Julio .... A typical handsome hero ... 7 stars Dora Teresa .... Villainess.... 8 stars Alicia Alarcon .... Charming heroine .. 8 stars Javier Alarcon ... kept the humour ... 7 stars Ayala .... makes Poirot look amateurish.... 7 stars Diego .... Villain but someone I felt sorry for Deserves 10 stars! Belen .... best villainess ... I was scared of her Deserves 10 stars!


Wait for the ending
Ok it wasn't a great movie but definitely worth watching. It is a feel good movie with a story one can relate to from ones own life.

There isn't much of a story but definitely will touch your heart. Wait for the end. I cried, perhaps you might too!

Oh My Kadavule

Best Tamil movie in this decade!
This is how movies should be made.

Best Screenplay Best Story Best Direction Best acting by all 4 characters Best acting by supporting actors

It is an amazing story. Thanks to the person who came up with the story and concept. I don't know why Tamil movie makers think we the audience are still fools and idiots. Every other movie I have seen is boy chasing girl without any reason! Or gang related! Or full of fight scenes. Believe me there is a niche for more intelligent stories to be told because there are many people like Moir who have a slightly higher IQ than the average movie goer in India.

I am not telling the story here, others have done it, watch it you will love it!

I was thinking of my girl who let me go and I am sure if she watches this movie she will regret.

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