
IMDb member since February 2018
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Angie Tribeca

A Show So Funny It Should Have Its Own Cable Package
Funny is the only word that even remotely describes this show, Naked Gun comes to mind, actually it is exactly like Naked Gun but funnier.

Angie Tribeca you are always welcome on my screen, but you are probably going to be cancelled because they always cancel the best shows.


I am going to stop it right here
So after reading numerous reviews about how it gets better and hang in there I made it through episode 1 and 2, but this is where I stop, this is BORING and if people say otherwise I guess they dont watch a lot of TV, I understand that Homecoming is suppoed to be this big revelation and the comeback of Julia Roberts.

It is not, it is a rather painful slow experience and do yourself a favor and watch something else, save your sanity it is going to make you wanna cancel your prime membership.

Holmes & Watson

I dont know what people expect
This movie is getting bad reviews but I dont think people are being realistic, the laughter in the theater talks for itself, this was one of the funniest parodies I have ever seen, it is right up there with good ole Mel Brooks.

Farells humor is not main stream simple as that but if you like Anchorman whic a lot of people do or Talledega Nights or even one of the best comedies ever made Step Brothers, then this movie is for you, I give it a 10 to even out some of the bad reviews, it ireally i a funny movie, but you dont need to see it in a theater.

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

Kind of Pointless
I know some people really like this movie and I love sarcastic humor, but this was just not hitting my spot, I was kind of bored and in the end I failed to identify the point of this movie.

The Good Cop

Love it, BUT
Okay I already knew Josh Groban could act, and he is funny too, I love this kind of show, so yeah love it and I will consume every single episode, BUT!

The background music is driving me crazy, I wish they would stop that in a potential season 2, the entire episode feels like I am sitting in a lounge listening to a piano guy while sipping a cocktail.

Magnum P.I.

Dont Expect Magnum
If you are a Magnum fan you should probably dial down your expectations, this is nothing like the classic tv show, well except for the location, the premise and those dogs maybe.

Now that is not nesesarely a bad thing, when you reboot old tv shows you have to update it to reflect the times we live in, and I think they did great job doing just that.

I was a big fan of Burn Notice and it kind of have the same vibe to it, so what I am saying is, watch it with a open mind and not like it is a rerun of a eighties show.


A Lot of Fun
Before I tell you what I think I need to tell you that in my book Ed Helms can never fail.

Based on a true story TAG is a great comedy, I was not sure because the subject sound kind of stupid, it is not stupid, it is a endearing tale of a group of friends that choose not to grow up only for one month of the year, it is the recipe how to keep your childhood friendships going no matter where in life you may roam as an adult.

If I have one grievance it is with Isla Fisher, it seem like she never really embraces her role as helms Wife, I still love her though, I just think she is a little out of her element or maybe she is just intimidated by the comedy chumps surrounding her.

Rent it dont buy it but it IS so much fun and I wish Jeremy renner would use some of this magic dust in Avengers.

Jack Ryan

Fun & Tense Amazon Original
I have you know that I had a lot of fun watching this, it did bring the edge of the chair feeling at times, I think John K made as much sense as Jack Ryan as Harrison Ford ever did, maybe even more.

If I have one grievance it is with the ending, I think it was a bit anti climactic considering the events that lead to it.

All in all a great experience and I will be there for season 2 in 2019

Take Two

Castle it is not, but it got potential
The pilot of this new show was a bit messy but enough to get me interested and enough to make me get a dvr pass for the show, I am a huge fan of Castle which was also quite messy in the first season.

Give it a chance people, Bilson is quite charming in this role and now that we no longer have Becket on the force, maybe this will take off.

Tomb Raider

Far Better than the Angelina version
From the getgo this version is so much better than the Angelina Jolie version, not to bash Angelina but ths story is just all around better written and Vikander out shines anything Jolie have ever done.

Before you go hate on me, remember this is a video game movie, it is not a master piece, it will never be a master piece and it was never meant to be one, take it for what it is and you will not be disapointed.

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

It's Alright But...
I cant stand it when movies have no resolution, I also thought they should have started with maybe the crime this is all focused on.

There are some real good performances in this movie, perhaps the biggest one is Peter Dinklage (As usual).

McDormand is a woman of convictions in this movie so all in all a good movie but I hate the end.

Darkest Hour

Why did this deserve to be in Theaters?
Dont get me wrong I give this 3 stars only because of Gary Oldman who was great as always, however it baffles me why this is not a BBC mini series or a TV Movie, in what world did this warrant a trip to the big screen.

It is History sure but I found myself nodding off several times, perhaps it means more to the British people than to people in the rest of the world.

That being said I thank Churchill for doing all this otherwise my birthland Denmark would probably have been Germany now.


Great Danish Christmas Movie
I do not understand the low ratings for this movie, it is a typical Danish wild panic movie, it got a plot and it got plenty of laughs.

Sure it is not compareable to the belowed 1976 version but it is still good and it deserves a better rating.

Nashville: New Strings
Episode 1, Season 6

Nothing Gold Can Stay
My wife and I love this show, but this season is not off to a good start in my opinion, the first episode was like a senile ancient writer pulled it out of his arse just because he had to.

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