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"Shrapnel": latest Kaufman Tactical Porn
Kaufman Tactical Porn: latest offering "Shrapnel"

William Kaufman films from the past are "guilty-cordite-smoking, room-clearing pleasures", best viewed by those seeking a simple testosterone rush with a cold fermented beverage in one or maybe both hands, and the higher-thinking part of the brain powered all the way down.

This is not sophisticated complex cinema.

Kaufman films literally and figuratively are gritty grind-house "point & shoot" tactical porn with a simple story supported by the Magpul-like methodology of offensive and defensive shooting.

Unfortunately, there has been a noticeable decline in the originality and "impact" i.e. Effectiveness/ engagement with the latest William Kaufman action offerings "Warhorse" and this movie "Shrapnel". William, goddam it-go back to your roots!

"Shrapnel" suffers from lack of initial character development. Especially a strangely cast Jason Patric who comes off as very wooden and stiff with "PLUG IN LEAD PROTAGONIST HERE" stretched across his botoxed face and dyed old man hair.

This is a dumbed down "Taken" clone with flat characters and paint by the numbers action set pieces.

Cam Gigantec's performance as the veteran combat USMC buddy to Jason Patric's protagonist offers initial promise but never gains altitude because of the lack of backstory and character development remains flat. His character does get a cool "trophy at the altar" closing scene.

The tactical action set pieces drag. The combat scene at the ranch feels overly long, and for highly trained ex-military operatives there are a number of questionable tactical decisions made despite their superior fire power, numbers, and supposed special forces training.

There would be no movie if these cartel ex-SPECOPs operatives stacked up and entered the ranch all at once.

That could have been the REAL plot twist-anticipated hero Jason Patric and rest of family gets gunned down at the ranch by highly trained cartel exSPECOPS operators, then his friend Cam Gingatec gets Johnny Strong and other ex-unit USMC to punch the ticket of the cartel.

The closing gun battle set piece at the cartel Jefe's hacienda is "MEH". Like watching your pet clean its privates. Nothing unique or noteworthy other than clock is running while you watch people ducking behind cover as rounds "spang" off the cover, then people return fire. This is very boring and just eats up time.

Funding a film is hard. Writing a good screen play is hard. "Shrapnel" goes easy and and the result is dull. Even the title "Shrapnel" feels phoned in.

For better William Kaufman films, please watch "Sinners & Saints" 2010. This film has "grind-house heart", better decent tactical set pieces, and Johnny Strong channels some Clint Eastwood which is entertaining. Feels gritty.

Also for a Sci Fi tactical shooter, please check out, "Day Light's End", 2016 interesting "parallel" to "I am Legend" also starring Johnny Strong.

A Day to Die

A Good Day to Die -110 minutes badly spent.
The concept is actually really intriguing. A cop kills one of a powerful drug dealer's "assets" a capo or lieutenant, so the drug lord exerts reparations. Cop now has to pay what the killed asset produced for drug dealer.

This concept and screenplay needed more talented execution and probably more investment funding to be successful. Kevin Dillion was an interesting choice as lead. Frank Grillo would have been better in the lead role, but that would have cost more money.

That is where Day to Die, dies. A lack of proper funding, execution, plot, script and direction.

Wes Miller created a jumbled mess with just a few cool scenes. The opening 9 minutes are unnecessary and borderline on post production editing incompetence, which will deter many viewers to eject before the real story begins at the 10+ minute mark. Probably a good thing as this bad flick protects unsuspecting viewers from itself.

The movie loses ANY & ALL credibility when the rogue SWAT unit decides to rob drug dealers in tactical gear, to help Dillion -but without masks. WTF?

The tactical combat scenes are a joke. While the SWAT team starts in a stack formation, it deteriorates in any fight to a chaotic Wild West shoot out brawl.

Sadly, stay away from this schlock.

The Purge

Not exactly a Purge. More like a dry heave.
The Purge is an interesting and horrifying concept. Initially the movie draws you in on a government holiday where for 24 hours no crime is punishable.

The basic problem and missed opportunity is the film doesn't explore and tell a more in-depth story on the origin of the Purge, including why the US has "new founding fathers" and overtones of Christian religious domination.

This worthy origin is instead implied thru really brief radio and TV clips which never fully explains the "why" and "how".

Instead the film devolves to affluent family trapped as their high security home is being breached by Purge participants outside. The movie is worth a single viewing based on the creative premise and helped with solid performances by Hawke, Hedley and the rest of the cast. Unfortunate missed opportunity in story telling.


"InSideways." Guy Ritchie goes inward.
Revolver is not your usual Guy Ritchie frenetic paced rock-n roll crime story. This is slow, confusing story about an ex-con seeking revenge while trying to find out who is pulling his puppet strings upon his release from prison while he battles some physical & inner mental health issues.

This is an unique film worth watching -if you are in the right frame of mind. Lots of rabbit holes. The cast is an interesting mix. Statham displays his most range as an actor in a film given the material. Strong's character is interesting. If you are looking for an indie feel mind spin with some Ritchie crime seasoning-give it a try.


Solid show, too bad it was cancelled.
SIX is a two season military drama, which was cancelled at the end of the 2nd season. Unfortunate because the last episode of S2 ends as a cliff hanger. This is a shame as the plot regained some momentum, after stumbling as a result of the death of a key character in SS1. SIX is closer to the series "Strike Back" minus the soft porn, instead focusing on the operatives balancing missions, team member dynamics and personal relationships with significant others. A solid military drama focused on Seal Team SIX.


Alpha Female POWER earned & RESPECTED
Nicole Kidman's physical DeNiro-esque transformation of a once optimistic youthful law enforcement officer to the burnt-out Erin Bell, a lost undercover operator is one of the best screen performances EVER. RIVETING.

This film is a magnetic, slow-burn character study of a hardened woman's trip down the lonely road of revenge.

This is an emotional, bleak story of sacrifice, selfishness, loss and a final reckoning.

Nicole Kidman is unrecognizable as the harbinger version of Erin Bell.

Any compelling character male or female is one who has vulnerabilities, is flawed, who you feel sympathy for.

Destroyer epitomizes a strong ALPA female character with vulnerabilities and flaws who isn't all powerful, but overcomes challenges realistically through her own intellect and grit.

The Terminal List

Rock solid action revenge series.
I went in blind as I had not read Jack Carr's Reece book series.

"The Terminal List" is a rock solid revenge story.

Throw "Reacher", "Shooter", a dash of "Frontier", and a pinch of "Extraction", in a blender add some SEAL TEAM history, a shot of Irish Whiskey, and some alpha male testosterone and you have a pretty watchable cocktail.

The conspiracy theory plot is a bit high for average believability, but hey, this is an action shooter. What better bad guy than evil corrupt capitalist greed?

The PTSD and brain tumor element is an interesting play on all the of characters take on reality, and on whether our protagonist is an anti-hero, or a domestic terrorist.

Actor performances were strong. Good to see Pratt in a role and performance akin to Cooper's in American Sniper. Kitsch is also solid as an ex Teams operator now CIA agent.

If you like military tactical shooters, with elements of corrupt government and capitalist agendas, then this is a series for you.

This is not some relationship drama, but the dish best served cold. With a lot of testosterone on the side. Not served with cupcakes.

The Strain

del Toro does "Salem's Lot"
And it works. Imagine giving a gifted creator three bullet points:

1. Ancient vampire-strigoi infiltrates a town.

2. Town has interesting residents and style.

3. Food fights back.

Stephen King's "Salem's Lot" was a masterpiece on the above formula.

30 Days of Night used the same recipe.

Guillermo del Toro weaves his own unique take on this formula, exploring vampirism as a virus/infection and it works...

The party of reluctant vampire hunters led by a determined, former WW2 concentration camp survivor is colorful mix.

The series was good on FX when it originally premiered, but is even better on a binge stream marathon.

Queen of the Damned

"Dumbstat" & Dumber...
Interesting idea which quickly bleeds out when Dumbstat meets Dumber, the human love interest who moronically shows up at the 56 minute mark.

The beginning had a "half-pulse" potential with the origin story of Marius & Lestat.

The industrial-metal-goth music also is an interesting lift with familiar stylings of Disturbed, etc.

Then stupidity flows.... the life blood of all the idiots in this de-fanged sequel to "Interview".

Do not stake 2 hours of your life on this bat-swatted-with-a-tennis-racket" mess.


Val. Raw. Transparent. Vulnerable.
Val. This video autobiography is raw. Part home video, and commercial film clips, Val Kilmer, survivor of throat cancer, recalls his acting legacy thru a massive home video collection with the help of his son who does voice-overs on behalf of his father.

This is a unique insight to Val Kilmer's contributions to the art of acting, and his vulnerability along his journey.

Boss Level

GrindHouse Sci Fi
Boss level is an entertaining mix of Groundhog Day & Tarantino-esc GrindHouse. Pros= Plot, Cast & Action including an epic 14 minutes" segment to a Boston classic. Cons= Pacing at times stalls. Script doesn't leverage the high powered talent of the cast. Lock your PhD in the gunsafe and settle in for Saturday morning Sci-fi popcorn & Capt, Crunchilicious cinema. Frank Grillo shines.

The Head Hunter

Viking. Monster. Alchemy. Revenge. PRIMAL.
This is NOT "High Adventure" or "Action". The Viking hunts the unknown abomination which took his daughter. Cold. Night. Fire. Elemental. Primal. The Head Hunter is SPARSE. BARE. RAW. There is an earthen black magic for those willing to follow the suspenseful trajectory of this very dark tale.

Monsters of Man

Robot Soldiers, Plot, Script, Direction = AMOK!
SOLID = Concept, CGI & Special Effects.

? = Plot, Script, Execution, Length. ERGGH!

Ingredients in a recipe as stated in the menu looked appealing - then tasted , "MEH"

All the right device components, just not assembled well.


Bureaucracy & Weaponized Heavy Equipment
"Hierarchical institutions are like giant BULLDOZERS-obedient to the whim of any fool who takes the controls." ~ Edward Abbey "TREAD" is a real life tragedy. A disturbing documentary effectively using audio tapes, filmed interviews, and archived law enforcement & press video. The format is Dateline mixed with Forensics Files with some re-enacted segments. The pace is methodical and builds. Like a cold burbling of a Diesel engine at first start, the moment builds to a tragic, devastating end. The compelling wreckage you can not look away from.


Sins. Sweat. Tension. Grimaces. BOOM!!!
Sorcerer is an iconic film designed to imprint on the primordial brain stem. Sorcerer is a case study in criminal survival under EXTREME environments. The characters, all outlaws, have unique origin stories which explain why they are exiled in a third world, jungle backwater HELL. Desperate men grasping at a very slim chance to return to a more normal life. The cast = SUPERB. Plot, Script, Locations, Cinematography, and musical score by Tangerine Dream = HYPNOTIC. Banished sweat stained outcasts. Old trucks retrofitted for an Odyssey. Unforgiving jungle. Hazards. Nitroglycerin. And one of the best ironical endings -EVER.

Northmen: A Viking Saga

Watching this Viking Highlander mash up, I think of the iconic quote from Apocalypto; "almost". Pretty much sums up the description of Northmen: A Viking Saga". Almost. The locations, cinematography, and actors = "SKOAL". The execution of the predictable plot and script = "LUTEFISK". A lot of the content seems to be homages to better films. Even the tag line comes from "Predator". If you want more creative Viking films, check out "Valhalla Rising" or "HeadHunter".

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