
IMDb member since December 2005
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Suchwiin bulmyeong

Amazing Movie!!!!
One of the reasons I enjoyed this film as much as I did is because it is one of those rare films that sticks with you! After I finished watching it, I felt compelled to stay up way later then I should have because I just could not stop talking about it! There was just so much going on! It was so powerful...dark, emotional, complex, intense. However, unlike most reviews that I have read, I noticed a few comedic elements as well. It was kind of a sad funny, but they were scenes that literally gave you a moment to catch your breath and laugh before being thrown back into the darkness... which I felt really made the film that much more powerful! The director is just so talented it's sick! No pun intended!


A love story.
Wow. This was an unbelievable film. I do so love this genre! Anyway, to me, Vital is a completely different way of telling a love story!

Hiroshi has awoken from a coma suffered after a near fatal car accident that has left him without a memory. He tries desperately to piece his life back together. We learn that he was accepted to medical school before the accident, but had decided not to go. After the coma, he ends up going to med school and does exceptionally well...until cadaver class. It is here that he learns that he is dissecting his True Love! He is consumed by her and his ever bettering memory, which gives up glimpses of his happiness with his lover. We see how perfect they were for each other and the audience can feel real lose with her death.

I loved the acting in this film. At the end, when Hiroshi escorts his love's coffin to be buried, I truly felt his pain and yes...almost shed a tear. It is a strange and twisted love story, but one that I enjoyed.

Naechureol siti

Blade Runner 2
This movie really reminded me of Blade Runner. Natural City is set in the future where cyborgs have become commonplace. People have even fallen in love with these robots. R (the main character) has really fallen in love with his cyborg, Ria. Unfortunately, she is decaying and needs to be destroyed. Not about to let this happen, R, a military commando, has been searching for a way to save his beloved cyborg from death...he has been harvesting intelligence chips from other cyborgs to replace hers.

This movie had some great action scenes in it. The fight scenes with the military commandos battling the combat cyborgs were awesome, almost like ballet. And the chemistry between R and Noma was perfect. You could feel the hatred and respect radiating off each. This was a very, very entertaining movie.


I just finished watching this movie and could not wait to let everyone know how much I really enjoyed this film. First, just a confession about the genre... I love Asian films. I do not think they can be compared to American movies. They have their own place in theaters and must be appreciated in a different light. I love the darkness and the very different prospective the filmmakers choose to tell their tale. It seems that R Point has all the makings of a great film...a great plot, solid acting and artful direction.

Set in Vietnam in 1972, a platoon of Korean soldiers are sent to find the whereabouts of missing soldiers only to find themselves haunted and hunted by dead soldiers' ghosts. I DID get grainy/edgy feelings of Apocolpse Now and scary/eerie feelings of The Ring. The acting and directing were strong. This movie is a must see!!!!

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