
IMDb member since February 2018
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Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Master of the Universe
The title is Master of the Universe not He-Man Master of the Universe! With that said if you are going into this thinking you are gonna be living out your childhood from the 80s, 90s whenever you watched the cartoon..you are not. This is Kevin Smiths version of Master of the Universe so if you can once again go into it knowing its not He-Man or all about He-Man (yes He-Man is in it) and try to see it as a whole different verison then its truly not bad or awful like half this people are saying or complaining about. I hope it continues and they bring in different characters, I hope they find a good replacement for Mark Hamill/skeltor voice tho.



Good show...needs less Reba
I enjoyed this show cause it proves with a good supporting cast you can put on a good show. Reba annoyed me the whole series, she played a know it all that just got in everyones ways and decisions. Van made the show.

Saved by the Bell

What did I try to watch
1 minute in, and I was over it, terrible acting, terrible plot, very stereotype, felt like they just threw something at the wall and hope it would stick.


Great movie
Absolutely a must watch movie! It ties in every emotion during the story its telling. I laughed and so many parts, felt for the boys in parts and it brought me back to my childhood watching them all hanging out. And love the love John Starks got in this movie, one of my favorite basketball players

It Chapter Two

Not worthy of a star
First scene is a terrible hate crime...thought Hollywood was better than that, totally disgusting and not needed

Kong: Skull Island

Great from start to end
Ended up being one of the top movies I saw the year it came out. Really good through and through. Told a good story and explained the Kong character very well.

Into the Dark

It's all the same
So far all the movies have been the same....slow... boring....picks up the last 10 mins then it ends and you ask yourself what did I just watch!?

Robin Hood

Stay away
Stay far away from this movie, they tried to tell you the story of how he becomes Robin Hood but it's just a horrible script, just a lot of bow and arrow action scenes they threw in there to keep your attention....it doesn't.


Classic that gets no better
Such an amazing show, it has it all, you will laugh time after time and probably quote ton of norms lines


Great feel good sitcom
Truly enjoy this show, good humor mixed with a little real life drama. Great 90s sitcom


Best one out there
By far my favorite Batman...great acting, great story telling, just great all around

The Perfection

Nothing against the acting...both main characters were great but the whole twist at the end made me sick to my stomach like who in their right mind thinks that's ok to write...the directors should be ashamed.

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