
IMDb member since February 2018
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Video City: Be Kind, Please Rewind

Solid little time travel story
Drawn in by the time-travel element this was my first philippines film. Not quite knowing what to expect and also aware of the terrible reviews. Well I found it delightful. No great special effects yet none were required to tell the story. I was charmed by the quirky Ningning (Yassi Pressman). And could easily see why our hero Han (Ruru Maddrid) fell for her. His character struggled with motivation and self-esteem. He played the part well and for this reason Han came across as a bit dull and un-confident. It reminded me of my own youth, what it was like to be young, in love, and then to lose. I found the love story emotional and both leads played their parts well.. Highly recommend for those that are looking for a bit of a different time-travel story. So I'll give it good 7.

Accident Man: Hitman's Holiday

Brainless stuff but strangely entertaining. I Thought this was a better film than the first one. As the film drew to a close I was starting to get a little weary of the Kung-fu/maritial arts style fighting. There were a few gory scenes where our hero(?) dispatches his assailants and assorted bad guys. One in particular where he speared one through the head, pushing their eye out, and followed by a very realistic spray of blood. I thought by far the most interesting character in the film was 'Finicky Fred' played by Perry Benson. It would be possible to construct an entire film around his character.

Catch the Fair One

A good indie film
A good indie film. Once again showing a very ugly side of the USA - sex trafficking. If I had a daughter I'd be frightened to let her out on her own .. up until about 30 years old .. jesus! The film is a story about a native american older sister who goes searching for her younger sibling, who's been kidnapped and sex-trafficked. Ultimately she's unsuccessful. It includes some seriously nasty people and a grim conclusion. :: major spoiler :: she dies (I think) at the end. Her death is not quite confirmed so I suppose she could be saved for a sequel to continue her search. That's unlikely with this type of indie film. It entertained anyway.

Timecrafters: The Treasure of Pirate's Cove

Time travel mystery.
What is the mystery?. The mystery is how an actor of McDowell's standing can end up in this c-movie tosh. Most of the acting is amateurish and the special effects are derisively laughable. He who starred in 'Clockwork Orange, If, Aces High and Caligula, to name but a few and surely was considered among the elite of Britain's great character actors has sunk to sad..

The Short History of the Long Road

A young girl's journey
Nice enough film. It's a bit slow and while Nola's trials were quite interesting they were hardly riveting. I had the feeling while watching, that a story of a teenage girl (age unspecified) travelling alone might take a dark turn. But fortunately for her, no one tried to take advantage of her vulnerability. I was never quite sure which way the film was going to go. Was there a bigger story lying underneath? - The father and daughter - was that legit? Why were they always moving and what had happend with her mother. Did she really abandon her or was she taken from her. But there was no sinister underlying story. The film is as much about the characters she meets on her journey. The kindly and zealous christian mother, the abused indian daughter, the weary garage owner and her own cold non-maternal mother. Some touching scenes but as I said hardly riveting.

A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish

A poor attempt
I'd reasonably high hopes for this as an uplifting contemporary take on the Cinderella tale. We had the cartoonish bad stepmother and spoilt vain daughters played beautifully to extremes by the three actresses. Our cinderella (Kat) is downtrodden and lacks confidence with a heart of gold.. etc. The prince (Nick) has male model looks - and a bit characterless. And as expected it all plays out in a similar way to the generic story. I found the, "who are you?" moments cringy and stupid. He wore a hat and a beard so she didn't recognise him, she wore a wig so he didn't recognise her - eh? It's always better to credit the audience with a smidgen of intelligence. The whole thing was well enough acted with good production values. The lead actress Lauro Marano has great charm and the potential to be a big star, but IMO this film won't appeal to many over the age of 12.


We've seen it all before but entertaining
Our hero, Nero, possesses very special skills. His son is kidnapped and in order to save him he is forced to go on a killing spree. Yes, it's 'Taken' once again, with some variations. It plays out (probably intentionally) like a computer game. The dialogue can sometimes be cartoonishly clunky. Exciting at times, it did succeed in holding onto this viewer until the end. Ok but quickly forgotten.

Then Came You

A romance by the bonnie banks.
A well above average romance story. With some witty banter between Ferguson, Gifford and the ever dry comedian Ford Keirnan. He plays Ferguson's handyman and friend. Presuming the film was made in 2019 then my goodness Kathie Lee Gifford is a smoking hot 66 year old. No surprises in the tale but nicely played by all the cast including a hauty Elizabeth Hurley who makes an appearance later in the film.

In Other Words

A cross border romance
Boy meets non english speaking Mexican girl, it's only a brief encounter but she gives him her address so.. impulsively he decides to pay her a visit - Is she the one?. His two buddies come along for the ride. Our tech geek is quite neurotic. He has anxiety problems especially when meeting and talking to women and he's also claustrophobic. In one scene, set in a wine cellar, he feels trapped and begins to panic - amusing? Or maybe not. It's quite a predictable romantic-comedy. Most of us will soon guess the direction it's going. So if your looking for a non-demanding and entertaining ninety minutes this will do.

In Other Words

A cross border romance
Boy meets non english speaking Mexican girl, it's only a brief encounter but she gives him her address so.. impulsively he decides to pay her a visit - Is she the one?. His two buddies come along for the ride. Our tech geek is quite neurotic. He has anxiety problems especially when meeting and talking to women and he's also claustrophobic. In one scene, set in a wine cellar, he feels trapped and begins to panic - amusing? Or maybe not. It's quite a predictable romantic-comedy. Most of us will soon guess the direction it's going. So if your looking for a non-demanding and entertaining ninety minutes this will do.


A body-swap story that started of pretty good. This type of film can be fun if done well. Here we have two girls who are psychologically opposite. Katie Price is a prima-donna with an inflated ego. Confident and beautiful yet cruel and unfeeling to those around her. While the other, Cassandra, is timid, lacks self confidence. Has a musical talent and a compassion for others. She admires Kate and wishes she could be more like her. After Kate plays a cruel prank on her at school Cassandra wishes Kate could learn what it's like to walk in her shoes. Voila! With a touch of movie magic her wish becomes a reality. Predictable confusion ensues. I could have done without the over-preachy religious subplot. There's a good idea underlying the film which definitely had more potential. Nevertheles it was entertaining enough.


A high stakes game
One is never quite sure what the outcome of this afterlife court will be. Will it be Heaven or Hell? There are comedic moments mostly provided by Phil the choreographer. But be under no illusion this is a high-stakes game. The prosecutor is sure of winning the case (for Hell) and it would seem the rookie council for the defence has a weak case to save her client. One of the questions was 'why' was the hearing taking place at all. Was there something about the client that merited his redemption. In the end there was a twist to the tale which I found a little underwhelming (I knocked off a star for that) but it was a captivating journey. Played with a top-notch cast. Among them is Character actor Richard Reihle who plays Phil and A-list star James Purefoy (well known in the UK at least) who turns up in the later part of the film.

The Midnight Man

I was drawn to this film by the actress Brinna Kelly after watching her in 'The Fare'. I'm not quite sure that she's much of an actress yet I find her intriguing. She has an oriental attractiveness with an alluring presence. Grady, the assassin, seemed quite inept at times. Bungling his hits and getting out of scrapes by the mistakes of his captors. The film was entertaining and fun in a sort of B-movie way.


Very poor
The storyline seemed interesting. I gave it about 15 minutes which was probably 10 minutes too long. This type of film may appeal to some kind of nerd who's into trash movies but otherwise it ain't worth wasting your life on.


I read the, mostly bad, reviews after watching the film. Yes it is a cliched story and I think the family problems sub-plot slowed it down a bit, but otherwise it was a well made film and IMO it was/is an entertaining one and a half hours.

A Good Woman Is Hard to Find

A woman in danger
Here we go. I thought, social realism with the usual brutality and probably some sexual violence. Especially with the very attractive Sarah Bolger as the recently widowed mother of two. Sure enough there was brutality, but it didn't quite play out as I was expecting. Throughout the film we get the sense that Sarah and her small family are in great peril from the amoral gangster-thugs who suddenly come into their lives. The typical scenario of the ordinary citizen totally unprepared when psychopathic violent people come calling. Set in a drug-dealing Belfast underworld, Sarah get's caught up in an amateur drug theft and has to protect herself and her children. Don't underestimate a mother protecting her cubs. Grim at times but well worth the journey.

Lady Bird

Enjoyable film... but
Angus1 - A good film but oh I do despise these bloody arty-farty endings. On her arrival in NY she goes a bit mad and drinks herself into a stupor ending up in hospital (silly things we do when we're young eh!). Next day, probably with a thumping hangover, she goes into a church, has some kind of epiphany (about who she realy is?), walks out and the film ends. Go figure it out yourself.. Oh f... off! And what next, did she go to college? how did she get on? does it matter? There has been talk of a sequel... maybe!

A Christmas Carol

Worthy and different
Dicken's classic tale has been told many times. Here we have a very different darker adaptation. Scrooge is portrayed as a damaged character stemming mostly from a cruel father who more or less sold him to a paedophile schoolmaster. After a while he was rescued from this torment by his sister Lotte. But the scars ran deep. He grows up to be a cold unfeeling man who treats those around him with cruelty and contempt. A lot of the story centers around his employee Bob Cratchet and the relationship Scrooge has with the Cratchet family. The Scrooge in this adaptation is a very hard nut to crack. But as in the original story the four ghosts eventually manage to get through and maybe partly redeem his soul. Weak points I thought were firstly the Marley character who came across as a fairly ordinary bloke and not the sinister and frightening ghost of Dicken's novel. Tiny Tim is a central character in the original tale. Scrooge's heart is touched by him and it's that connection that helps to break Scrooge's resistance to change. It's important that Tiny Tim is likeable and endearing.In this modern adaptation he came across as bland and uninteresting. I just didn't see any relationship there. And the Cratchet's were a mixed race couple - really BBC? Possible I suppose, but unlikely in 1840's britain.


Mediocre and juvenile
The show held my interest for a few episodes of the first series but it soon started to become annoyingly tiresome. The characters just kept doing stupid things. The brain-dead soldier-marine thought it was ok to go around killing people. Something that could have a massive effect on the timeline as the dead person's descendents could number many thousands. The coloured character is supposed to have invented the time machine yet he comes across as a troubled emotionally driven person always in a state of angst - realy - an egghead genius inventor? The history itself is soap opera stuff without much analytical thought. It's often a cliched trope in time travel movies that if you eliminate a historical figure everything will change. Kill Hitler - WW2 wont happen, kill Lenin the Russian revolution wont happen and so on. Well perhaps somethings might be a little different but the main tide of history would probably be the same with different individuals guiding events.

I see loads and loads of 10/10 and 09/10 reviews. I don't believe them..


Just dreadful
Time travel films always pique my interest and the premis of this new film looked intriguing. As you'll soon become aware modernity does not guarantee quality. I began to lose interest about 10 to 15 minutes into the film. It is dreadful B-movie rubbish. The plot is hard to follow - if you can be bothered - the dialogue is cheesy and action sequences are cliched. A lot of the acting is wooden and unengaging. I suppose the blame must lie as much with the film maker/director as with than the actors. It should be noted that well known actress and Terminator star, Linda Hamilton has a very small part in the film.. Oh dear I hope the paycheck was worth it and in the future she finds better vehicles than this.

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