
IMDb member since February 2018
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For Honor

Good Game, still has its problems
I have been playing For honor since the open beta. after that point it has consistently been one of my favorite games of the year. The main reason why it is so fun to play is the fact that is so rewarding to do well in online matches. There is a great amount of customization with many colors, Paint types, and ornaments. tough the game requires a learning curb it is really amusing to play and with friends the game is amazing. I firmly believe that this is a great game for people who like fighting games due to the combos and chains. there are three main factions to choose from The Knights of Ashfeld, The Vikings of Valkenheim, and the Samurai of The Myre. one major problem with the game is balance. many characters aren't as strong as others, however it is my belief that ever character can kill any other character.

The Blimp Trap

mediocre at best
The plot is simple and the characters reactions and interactions with each other are abysmal. however the movie's biggest problems is that it just is not interesting. I caught myself falling asleep twice during the film and i have yet to find anyone who could stay awake. here is a list of things you can do other than watch this movie 1. watch paint dry 2. run barefoot on top of hot coals 3. talk to Scott Wiens 4. take an AP computer Apps course 5. Sit in a car with no A.C 6. Read Zamayatin's "We" 7. and last but not least work at All State.

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