
IMDb member since March 2018
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This movie was riddled with cliches, the suspense was unbelievable. The pace was slow. The two detectives took way too long to get to the serial killer & solve the mystery, half a dozen victims were killed before they could finally put an end to a mad man. The ending had me outraged! After everything we as an audience have been through, the movie makers thought it was befitting to subject us to more frustration followed by utter boredom!

Not worth your time or your money, as a mystery killer this movie fails miserably. The plot is boring, I felt like (the hangman) was used for special effect, but the story wasn't fully developed so it made the whole thing look rather silly and stupid.


Lady Bird

I've heard only good reviews about this film and I have to admit, I was excited to see what was it all about. After watching it though I have to say it was a bit disappointing.

The plot is supposed to be this coming of age story, about a young high school student who's coming into terms with who she is and what she wants to do. Yet, I didn't find it interesting for the main fact that it is hoarded to death! How many times have we seen this concept in movies? The sidetracked high school teen wanting to get with the "in" crowd, going through phases of "rebellions", trying to be oh so "edgy" and "cool" just to realize that she was doing more harm to those who actually cared about her towards the end. We have seen this more than once already, so Lady bird offers nothing original or creative.

The financial issues are meant to be centre stage in this movie, and I have to say they do play a bigger role than just people talking about them but even that is quite minor and does nothing but serve as a dramatic/plot device that is just easily discarded as the movie rolls. I mean her family is supposed to be struggling financially since the setting is that of the early 2000s, yet LadyBird still manages to afford and go to a "private" catholic school that is filled with rich students, she can still get a new dress to go to prom, her family lives in Sacramento, CA not exactly the cheapest state out there and they seem to be pulling off just nicely. Yes, they might not be as well off as the rest of the crowd living around them but they're doing just fine! To me the financial issues just seemed surreal and unrealistic. They're more Middle class than poor.

The ending is just anti-climatic. She finally gets what she wants, LadyBird never struggles to get what she wants. She never have to study hard or pull off hardships to make her dreams come true, aside from being suspended for being a jerk at school, dating a few jocks and throwing fits at her mom. She has it pretty easy. Her character is bratty and it's very hard for anyone to sympathize or relate to her as a person. I know I didn't.

Would I recommend this film to anybody? Not really. There are many other movies with a similar theme so it is very likely that you have come across one of these films before. LadyBird just draws the same elements from most high school/teen dramas and repackage them into a different setting with different characters and that is it. The plot is rehashed and recycled, it makes the film quite forgettable.


The only redeeming grace for this series is that a) the real Manhunt story wasn't overly tampered with. They actually did a great job of depicting an accurate "general" version of the real life accounts from the UNA-bomber case "mostly" and b) The performances were OK, I didn't have any issue with most of the acting. I thought the actors did pretty well in delivering their lines and portraying their roles.

Because, of these two crucial points I have bumped up my rating from what could have been a four star rating to a 6 instead. It would have been pretty harsh to give this anything under a 6 at this point. However, I couldn't bring myself to raise it above that either.

Aside from the acting and the portrayal there really isn't much going on in this TV show. If anything it is quite BORING for a show that's supposed to depict the craziest Man HUNT in the history of the USA. This show had a LOT to offer, it was meant to be a thriller but that was severely lacking. The plot takes part during a 2 year interval 95-97. The year 95 is where the majority of the events take place, I found the back and forth jump shots confusing and frankly uncalled for. I wish they had stuck to one timeline and allowed things to take fold naturally instead. Most of the earlier episodes were a snooze fest, I have to say that the show does pick up at the 5th episode or so but by then you only have 2 more episodes left and the series ends.

Game Night

Frustrating, Sleazy & Unfunny
This movie was meant to be a comedy however I don't know when and how did boring & ridiculously stupid characters make up for a solid humor.

Every single character here was either stupid, unrealistic or just plain boring. None of them can be relatable, for something to be funny it has to be relatable and I cannot for the life of me believe that anyone over the age of 14 is going to find any of these "adults" relatable. In fact the punch lines are so bad, the creepy neighbor was legitimately creepy. Every other scene was cringe worthy.

This movie made me "cringe" more and laugh less. It also made my blood boil at times, thanks to how stupid and sleazy the characters and the plot were.

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