
IMDb member since March 2018
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    6 years



Creepy real.
In the age of social tech, this is a creepy look at how kids can be so cruel with no recorse. And a look at how adults are so clueless about what goes on. Well written and acted. Everyone has secrets but nothing is private. Great show.


Super Good!
Always wanted to know what happened after Clarice killed buffalo Bill. Great show with awesome protentional. Hope it lasts!

Warrior Nun

Crazy Good!
This is just off the hook good! If this genre is your bag then you will dig it!

A Simple Favor

This is the best funny, not funny, weird out there mystery, comedy suspense thing in a while! I read these reviews from these people waxing intellectual, like they just know everything and we," the sheep" are too stupid for our own good and need there wisdom. Maybe when they leave your mommy's basement we will take them seriously. It is just a movie! A really good movie! Good story, very well acted and a very cool performances by Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively. I am not a critic, just a person who loves movies, and I promise if you don' t like I will still love you!

Hollow in the Land

Dianna Agron shines!
This film had me captivated beginning to end! A young woman, Agron struggling to hold it together and keep her brother out of trouble after there father is sent away for murder. The story begins a year after and things get worse. Another murder, this time her brother is the primary suspect and goes missing. Despite the worst odds Agron, sets out to find the truth, evade the police and those out to kill her and find and clear her brothers name! All set in a small suburb of Vancouver B.C in the cold of winter. Who can she trust? What really happened? You feel like you are with her in this dark landscape following the clues with her. Dianna Agron's performance is stellar!

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

Right from the start Chilling Adventures of Sabrina sucks you in. Kiernan is awesome as Sabrina and the supporting cast is fantastic. The writing is sharp and fresh and the sfx are solid. I am excited to watch this unfold part by part. If part one is any indication this show will do real well.


This could be another hit in the TVD series.
I like this very much so far. I hoped they would extend the story of Alaric and the twins and this could be the start to a really great series. I really hope it gets legs and takes off. As for the reviews on "THE ACTING" well I 'm not an actor and I am pretty sure these negative reviewers are't either. You would have to come out of you moms basement.


If you go into watching this Charmed expecting it to be as good as the original or you are just gonna hate it because OMG, they remade it then don't watch! Most of these reviews are haters who like me are very passionate about the original Charmed & loved it. I watched ep 1 of the new Charmed and even as a die hard fan of the original, I was pleasantly surprised with the new. I am glad I kept an open mind and no, that does not make me disloyal to the original. Point of fact it allows me to maybe be as passionate about something new.

Life Sentence

Fun, and serious at the same time, with lots of laughs.
Ok, no cancer isn't funny and should be taken seriously. This is just a fun new series about a girl who gets cured of it and has to figure out how to live! Lucy Hale is fabulous, as is the rest of the cast, as they all have to figure out there lives moving forward. Truths and lies come out along the way. Unlike cancer folks this should be enjoyed and not taken seriously. It is just a T,V show so relax.

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