
IMDb member since March 2018
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Doomsday Stories

Buyer beware
I assume all of the reviews are from friends and family.

To say that this is low budget is very kind.

It is almost a parody of low budget horror movies, with obnoxious metal soundtrack, amateur everything and nonsense filming.

If you for accident is wandering if you should watch it, the answer is probably not, but if you are curious, try to see the first 30 seconds and that would probably be enough.

One of the reviews say "good cinematography and good music", so it is always possible they were reviewing a different movie.

But if you are in the mood for bad food and a movie shot on a cell phone, who am I to tell you otherwise.

Horror in the High Desert

Unfortunaly the saying is truth... no money no ideas no scares let´s make it found footage.

Fake mockumentary about the life of a lost person... it goes waaaaay toooo looooong without anything happening. Yes, a documentary about a missing person can be long, but it would talk about a special person with a special life or special death. None of this is truth. Average hiker dissappears and somebody would have made a 3 hour long interview with their dull friends and family saying that he dissappeared.

It is then you insert some mystery, intrigue, a strange car, a fake out, a glimpse of something... no, nothing. At least god invented fast forward but it REALLY shouldn´t be a 5. As many other have said, I think it is obvious that the reviews giving glorious ratings are fake. The ones about how they thought it was a real documentary can be real people with cognitive disabilities.

Death of a Vlogger

It is general ok
Better than most found footages of this genre, at least show some talent.

A little below 5 because of some really non realistic choices (absurd) for a movie that thinks it is very realistic. For instance, making a live suicide in youtube or the actors seeing a live ghost and acting very non challant about it. A little more expression of disbliev etc would all help a lot.

Like with most found footage a little more money, action, a few passages of the script, that coud help.

But mostly is not boring, but there are few scares, not very realistic and the focus is more on the problematic of truth.

Will & Grace: It's Time
Episode 18, Season 11

It is one of those endings were the producers still hold a hope that maybe they will get a new season so they leave some expectation, but they also have to close most threads.

But considering the bad reviews am I (moderately) happy? Yes.

At LEAST they didn´t repeat some of the mistakes of the final season (that were so awful). I was expecting all the time "oh, now they will repeat the fight were..." But no.

McCoy comes back and I was expecting a happy reunion, but no, it is just a cameo to show that Will didn´t end it up alone.

Grace didn´t have a happy reunion, apparently because of conflicting schedules. Either they were planning to reunite her with leo or with Noah no one knows. Either way it would be hammered, as none of them were seen for a whole season, and "Ross" was cut out of the series very abruptly - grace literally was dating him and decided over a mini problem to chase other guy (always the risk with invited actors when they play love interest and we saw this several times).

I was expecting the whole "oh, so you have Mckoy so you are backing out on me" but surprisingly this didin´t happen, maybe for lack of time.

At least the 11th. Season ended it up on a hopeful note - better than the original final, that didn´t even make sense, although it had more heart because everybody knew it was the ending.

These last three seasons was the karen show. She shined it bright. Who would said 20 years ago that the star of the show would be the mean drunk who appared for a 5th of each episode?

The whole Jack "am I still a nurse" was kinda of meta, but I think it just reflects that the writers didn´t have a plan, and always keep inventing bad stories and just dropping the threadlines.

I am glad they did the reunion, even if to mourn Rosario. Some episodes had a lot of heart. But lots of good oportunities to discuss new themes like mid life crisis, being an older gay man, jack growing up, were never tackled and neglected in the name of chasing old tired topics. They didn´t need to live together. They could have relationships. They didn´t need to repeat the whole pregnancy thing for the third F*ing time. And some of the humour just was old or didn´t have teeth anymore - in 2017 they simply couldn´t do the old mean lesbian jokes for instance.

The Mist

one of the worst stephen king adaptations
And a poor serie, with psycopathic character, stupid plot twists. Everybody is stupid, sociopath, psycopath, or the 3 at the same time. Tbey removed the monsters god knows why. The last episode our MC kills hundreds of people without remorse. Dumb attempt at the last minute to fish a second season was fortunately ignored.


Better than your average end of the world low budget film...
Strange ash starts to fall from the sky and all the women in the world start to die. The acting and the production values are better than the normal low budget (I was expecting a no special effects-fimed in one house film, but they actually had a hospital and things) BUT anybody should recognize that is the same plot of "Y the last man", where all the men died except one - there was a lot more of social destruction because of the social differences between women and men in society - how many scientists, doctors, engineers are male vs female, how many women are in the military, in politics, etc, in the post distater world...

Being the women that died took a lot of the crazyness and politics of "Y". So the main actress become a damsel in distress. It worsen because, for some reason, the main actor becomes just non communicative and decides things without telling her, and the nail in the coffin to me, she starts to act like a brat teenager in the apocalipse and he acts likes Matt Damon in "contationg" trying to stop his stupid daughter to kill herself.

Safety Not Guaranteed

mostly overhyped
People talk so much about this movie that I was hoping that it would be like, interesting, or, funny, or something. After 20 minutes is clear that nothing is going to happen and that it will spend the whole movie with mostly unlikable "comedy" characters

Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire

If number 2 was underwhelming and lazy...
This cross the frontier to shameless and almost self parody. Either the creators are hacks that got lucky in the first one, or they got greedy and simply didn´t care.


this get an 8 just because it shows...
How a very good slap is a wonderful pedagogical tool to deal with an stupid teenager. A gun would be more fulfilling, but the slap in the face was more grounded in reality.

The Borderlands

Saw so many recommendations for this movie...
What is good - good or medium actors in general, no annoying teenagers with a camera. the average - found footage camera ashamed of being found footage - there are multiple cameras so the director can edit as he wish, which is a sign of lazyness more than anything. As always, the most important scenes are shaky cam. the bad - it goes too slow. A better story would put some more mystery and events. the awful - after all the talk about pagan spirits, the priest end up literally in satan´s rectum. The scene was made to be disturbing, but it barely makes sense, it is shock for its own sake.

It is also awful that the only character that we don´t see die is the obnoxious one.

PS: the "pray" that the priest said "that is not even christian" is just a cabalistic cross, a ritual from the golden dawn (random google search I assume)

The Mitchell Tapes

This is NOT a 4 stars movie
Just start seeing it, another one of the nobudgets movies filmed on a cell phone. it always surprises me how many of those movies the eua seems to vomit everyday. Here is some kids and I imagine their parents.


A very tense and atmospheric first act devolves into a very disappointing movie. As the characters start to lose their minds, the writer started to get lazy with motivations as everything goes.

The group of characters are very likable because they are compentent and resourceful. We have two specialists in maps (so it won´t be a blair witch situation) as they are constantly measuring the distance, latitude, etc (and more disturbing when those things start to go wrong, including gps). The doctor is doing daily measures of mental health (I liked it but don´t know if there was any explanation in universe - why would he expect a decay?), etc, etc

But after the creepy music starts to make people crazy, all bets are off, and the writer used it as an excuse to make it an idiot plot - a plot that only moves forward because everybody starts doing stupid things (after all they are craaaaaaaazy, it not the writer that is lazy...)\

many people seem to have liked the tone, creepyness, and dreamlike quality. Ok. But if you like likable characters with arcs and motivations, a plot that goes from A to B, a theme that is completed, then buyer´s beware

Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel

a much inferior sequel
The worst part was the first half hour. Some bad acting from the minor cast. The Studio disussion was kinda of painful with the "journalist" looking like a celebrity cameo would be. The segments presented were not very beliavable, too long and too scary to really be broadcast in a network tv. The hitchhicker part was trading any piece of believability for a scary scene. The producer of the "documentary" have 100% proof of the supernatural.

When they enter the abaddon it gets better, but blond chief makes me really want to slap her. Guide "if I say we have to go, we take everything and run, ok? no discussions, no waiting, no complaining, we run as fast as we can"" Ok. Later: "take everything, we have to get out of here" "whyyyyyyy..........."

if you didn´t see the first movie, go see it, is one of few scary found footage available.

Clown Motel: Spirits Arise

are we grading on a curve?
Ok, some people like clowns and I assume many reviews are from kickstart backers, but I wonder how a movie filmed like this can get a 7

A Dark Song

6 is a ridiculous low score
Seriously, who would give a score of 6? It must be the same crowd that thinks the bye bye man is "horror". slow burn, great editing, creepy and atmospheric, try to see it without knowing a lot about it

Nightmare Cinema

some strange choices, but worth a chance
It has some strange choices, for instance the first movie looks cheap but funny, but only later we see some good actors.

Await Further Instructions

it is not really a spoiler
I saw the premise - family is traped by a misterious black thingy.

ok, it reminds me of old horror tv. I think Felicity also had a twilight zone themed episode with the same premise. But they are not 80 minutes.

So I watched until they discovered the black thingy. After that you can just guess what will happen.

Will we find an answer? Will they get out of the house? will they work together?

it is not really a spoiler to say no. Just see other movies like Cube, Circle, etc, to see the trend of inventive plot device, but we don´t know how to end this story or what it means

Main actor is hugely handsome though

Grindhouse Nightmares

Fast Forward
This is the kinda of movie that has to be viewed on the web, drunk, and in fast forward. The voices were so funny that I was wondering if was a comedy when two guys tried to ripp off Saw, including cutting the hand... It is the kinda of movie to watch in awe, either with friends to laugh at such catastrophe, or in my case, I kinda of feel I should receive a letter of apologies


delusional director
Movie takes almost 30 min to begin - most of it in slooooow scenes of people dancing and or walking lost.

But the time is not spent in character dvelopment - we know she is kinda slutty, he is obnoxious, the other 3 charac are unknown. No one is very likable. When the 5 unite they begin to bitch around.

After going to a party 5 people awake in a hospital, then it becomes a slasher

The movie thinks that it svery important that you know it is 92. It thinks that it has an important message about the world new order, including flashes of hitler!

Director is delusional and clearly untalented. They had an abandoned hospital to film and created an awful disconected story with almost no plot, and a main character that you will cheer when die.

The Devil's Well

Two different films
The first half of the movie is a fake documentary and is pretty solid

the second half is found footage. It begins well, but the team carries two obvious liabilities for no reason 1 - the husband, that the team don´t trust 2 - a medium that clearly doesn´t help with the claims of "finding uncontroversial proof" and is obviously going to be possessed

In the last half hour the team that was working well suddenly starts acting stupid. There is no more protocol. Before they were exploring in groups, but now everybody walk into the darkness alone. when obnoxious sceptic guy see a man in the camera, he asks by radio that an unarmed little woman "go check to see if we are alone"

the first 70 minutes were interesting and it would deserve a better evaluation, but in the ending it seems everybody took the Cabin in the woodspheromone that reduces intelligence


What would Logan Paul do....
If he traveled back in time?

that is the one thing interesting in the movie - it is not about ghosts, but about time travel

what do two douche youtubers do when travel back in time? they scare themselves they kill themselves (yes, really) they run as more and more stupid versions of themelves try to kill one another

I know that found footage is full of stupid characters but these two break the mold

A Quiet Place

It is not a horror movie, but there is plenty of suspense
With a quiet place in the 90%s of RT, we can expect the contrarian olympics to start soon. Everybody wants to be the first to say that they always hated the movie.

It is not a horror and scary movie, but is a film full of suspense and tension.

Yes, there are plot holes but if in doubt, see MST3k song.

very different film, kinda of B movie with A actors and direction

Ready Player One

Very average movie from a poor story
No, it is not the worst thing. but clearly is not a great movie. Kinda of bleh.

It looks like a very expensive nicholodeon movie where the kids are going to fight the evil businessman who is gong to destroy the forest - the problem is that this particular businessman is a slaver and killed hundreds of people.

The tonal issues are all over the place, specially in the music.

Kinda of funny, don´t expect anything original, the scene from the shining is funny. The sound was so loud it gave me a headache.

Hell House LLC

scary FF
Gave 8 stars because I found it scary, which is a rare thing in Found Footage films (and it should be the norm). The 3 act is weak but the tension goes down, but even then I think the movie is worth a watch. Nothing like clowns doing things in the middle of the night to make scared.

Found Footage 3D

Too meta
The movie is too meta for its own good - it would need a much better writer and vision, like a josh weadon. To say that it is the scream or cabin in the woods of found footage is almost a joke.

the problem with the excess meta is that it is not scary, you can´t immerse yourself in the story. It is also not funny, so it is kinda of hard to know what is wants to be.

Gave 3 stars becuse we are grading in a curve here, FF is not exactly known for the masterpieces.

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