
IMDb member since January 2006
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La vie d'Adèle

Long, boring drama
If you're going to watch this movie because it's been billed as having explicit lesbian sex scenes, forget it. I mean they're pretty explicit compared to what you'd see in a Hollywood movie, but they comprise so little of the movie, which at three hours long is excessive considering nothing much actually happens in this movie.

It started with some promise with a young high school girl discovering her sexuality, but then fast-forwards some years into the future, to boring and dreary domesticity and the sort of tired romantic-drama ideas that you could see in any Hollywood movie or TV series. Kind of the closest comparison I could make is The L Word. In fact the plot could have been ripped off from any number of L Word episodes, but filled out with "sophisticated" and name-dropping banter about art and philosophy.

Don Jon

Weak romance
Honestly, this is the worst movie I've seen in ages. It follows a fairly standard romance pattern of: a boy meets girl, boy has argument with girl and loses her, boy realizes he was wrong for her and hooks up with some other chick.

All of the characters are one-dimensional stereo-types, with the exception of the star, because this movie is all about him. Look at me, my character is having major life revelations! I'm going to realize that sleeping around with heaps of chicks and watching heaps of porn is not very fulfilling. The fact he's going to hook up with that other chick is basically apparent the moment she first comes on screen.

I'm sure a lot of people can argue that this movie is all intellectual and has "refreshing honesty" and "interesting perspectives" on porn, but a) those opinions have been out there for years if people just did some reading and b) if you strip that away all you're left with is a really weak romance movie.

Oh, and it's not a comedy. I didn't laugh once.

American Mary

Watchable but uneven
I gave this a 6/10, which in my book is "a movie that was more interesting than most mainstream Hollywood dross, but not good enough that I would bother watching it ever again".

I didn't have a problem with the acting, and the pacing was pretty good. What really let the movie down was the plot.

In particular the thing that bugged me most was it's a movie about a doctor performing operations. Could they not have avoided the giant plot hole of just how unrealistically they portrayed that?

For example, Mary turns up and performs plastic surgery on someone. With no preparation. I'm pretty sure most doctors would want to read up on an operation they hadn't done before. She is also somehow an anaesthesiologist as well as a doctor, so knows the correct dose of animal anaesthetic to give a human.

Not unrealistic enough for you? How about when Mary and one other guy cut off two people's arms and swap them? In her living room. No nurses, no blood transfusions, hell, not even a bucket of ice. Just cut them off and sew them back on again. Yeah, maybe it is that simple and awesome doctors can do stuff like that with no complications whatsoever and no nurses or anything to help, but I felt like I shouldn't have to suspend my disbelief like that for this movie.

Other points that annoyed me: * Top surgeons who hold parties where they drug-rape people. OK, maybe that's realistic, but then inviting one of their students was surely a pretty stupid idea? * Mary has the rapist all tied up, and is about to start torturing him. But instead they just cut away and we don't see him again until much later in the movie, after all the torture is finished. Why even go to all that effort of setting up that scene and then not going through with it? Did they run out of special effects budget? And she'd branded (or whatever) some word on his forehead; I presume it said "rapist" but I wouldn't know because it was illegible. * It seemed quite stupid for her to then take photos of the guy and say she was going to put them on her website. I mean, she knew the police were looking for him. Was it supposed to show she was losing her mind? * After showing no romantic interest in the strip-club owner whatsoever, she is suddenly about to kill some other chick just for giving him a blow-job. It was very hard to understand her motives. Was it supposed to show she was losing her mind? * The whole plot-line with the angry husband of the body-modified woman seemed like a random sub-plot until suddenly they used it to wrap up the whole film.

A lot of the reviews here seem to either love or hate this movie. I wouldn't say it worthy of either. It's a run-of-the-mill thriller movie (not a horror film at all IMO) and probably worth checking out if you can't find something better to watch.

Manda Bala (Send a Bullet)

Average shockumentary
I know some people will view this as an awesome exposé on Brazil and its corruption and violence, but if you want to know about that, you'd probably learn just as much from fictional movies such as 2 Coelhos or Tropa de Elite, both of which I found much more enjoyable. Or probably you could just listen to Sepultura or something.

Instead what you have here is a documentary that is slapped together in such a way that comes across as a shockumentary. I'm not sure if that is deliberate. Around a flimsy story of a corrupt politician, there are shock elements of tales of violence and kidnapping, graphic scenes of plastic surgery (with gratuitous breasts, even though it's not that type of plastic surgery), some scenes where a police officer is showing all his different guns off and some guy is showing off his bullet-proof Porsche (wow, look at these cool toys), some scenes of frogs being skinned and butchered at a frog farm; most of which are not directly related to the corrupt politician.

Sure it's all interesting enough, and I think there was supposed to be a theme of "look how wild it is, with corrupt rulers stealing all the money while poor people are forced to do crime to survive" but anyone with a realistic world-view knows that's the same worldwide anyway.

If you know nothing about Brazil this will probably interest you, and as a slice of reality, it sure beats what they have on TV. It's good to watch, but as a documentary it's average in its execution. For example it's padded out a whole lot by the use of translators, so all interviews take twice as long as they should have if they had just edited the footage later and added subtitles.

The ABCs of Death

An excellent collection of short films
Short-film is a difficult medium. Getting only 5 minutes to tell a story means needing an economic set-up, as you have to get straight to the point. In some ways that makes the horror genre perfect for short-films, as there isn't often deep character development anyway.

This film shouldn't really be compared with the standard 90-minute slasher film or whatever, it should really be evaluated as a collection of short-films. And as a collection of short-films it works. There are a lot of hits, very few misses, and I would say every one of these short- films is interesting to watch at least once for the fact you want to find out just how the protagonists are going to die on this particular letter of the alphabet.

As for the content of the short-films, well, as noted in some other reviews, some are a little sick, and to watch the whole thing is a little mind-bending. This is a good thing. If your idea of a good horror movie is something like Saw or Hostel, I can see maybe you'd be left scratching your head, but if you are any true student of exploitation films, Japanese horror, and so on, then there's nothing here that you won't have seen worse before.

Get Thrashed

interesting but flawed
This was a pretty good documentary. I did however watch it very soon on the back of watching the thrash metal episode of the 'Metal Evolution' series. Comparing the two of them, they both cover similar ground about the beginnings of Metallica and Bay Area thrash, and the rise of the "Big Four".

This documentary differed in that it showed commentary from other lesser-known bands like Overkill and Hirax, that it had some small coverage about the European scene, including interviews with Kreator and Sodom, and that it had some coverage of the "crossover" scene. This and the fact it had some interesting historical footage and photos would be the good points about this documentary.

The problem with this documentary was the preponderance of interviews with people from 90s metal bands like Slipknot, and various journalists and DJs who I would wager were still in kindergarten when thrash was happening. This seemed unnecessary. I did not care for these people's opinions.

I Know Who Killed Me

hard to tell if this will become cult or not
This movie started off really promising. Like after about 30 minutes into the movie, they'd set up the plot quite well, but with some really kind of weird and uneven aspects to it like you would expect in any decent B movie. What with LiLo being a stripper and all, I was really thinking "Hey, this could definitely be a cult classic in like 10 or 20 years; maybe depending on how LiLo's career pans out".

Then as the movie started to progress it kind of became a little too bad. The FBI agents were really bad, yelling at LiLo and stuff when by all logic they should have been treating her as a victim. And then they just disappear from the story. By the time LiLo actually works out who the killer is, the FBI are nowhere to be seen.

The movie actually had some interesting plot twists, but then plays them totally low-key, like they don't even matter. Like when LiLo randomly stumbles across "stigmatic twins" when she's surfing the internet (must have been because she used some random search engine no one's ever heard of). Then immediately closes the laptop because someone comes in the room. And she never mentions it to anyone.

I'm still not sure about this movie. I almost want to watch it again to see if it grows on me.

Wild Hogs

plot holes like a children's movie
I have to say first that I only watched this movie because it was referenced in Hot Tub Time Machine. I had previously sworn never to watch it, as it looked awful, but now I was curious.

I tried to give it a chance... saying to myself "wow. a movie about some old white dudes who find motorcycle riding an enjoyable hobby. it will be like watching a movie about some foreign culture that is very different to my own" ... but I just couldn't... the storyline, complete with some massive plot holes, particularly around the criminal behaviour of the biker gang and the sheriff's reaction to it - it just reminded me of a children's movie. a bad children's movie. the sort of movie that you hope your kid doesn't want to watch again like 20 times.

And as for the scene that Hot Tub Time Machine referenced, where they're naked in some hot spring somewhere, and then that family turns up... it's almost WTF enough to make it worth seeing this once. but not close enough. If you never see this movie, you won't have missed anything.

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