Reviews (6)

  • I really enjoyed this as a American and being of Christian faith it is always so nice to take a glance into other people's beliefs. This movie was not only extremely well acted and had a wonderful storyline but it really hits on a fear every parent has that someone is going to try to hurt your child that universal feeling that really unites everybody. I highly recommend this it's not slasher gore or cheap by any means but insightful and very gripping. The elements of reincarnation were very cool and the commentary on Americanized children from other cultures was very well done. I recommend it.
  • I thought this movie was very refreshing. It goes back to a time when movies didn't have to carry a message or be really intricate and deep some were just plain fun to watch. The story is simple but engaging and the effects look awesome with a very beautiful scenic background. The cast is loaded with talented big name stars and there's plenty of twists turns and nobody is safe. I am now officially a fan of what they call the monsterverse so I will definitely be watching all the newer Kong/Godzilla movies in order. If your in the mood for just a plain old good time this movie is definitely for you.
  • Hello another victim of whoever the psychotic was that made the movie trailer. I wish I was better prepared for this because I cried more than once during this movie. The story was very sad but moving and it was engaging to watch. There are also many good actors in this one that did not disappoint. This movie is more of a reflection of family friends death and the inevitable. There were some good laughs but not enough to mark this a dark comedy in the least. I really recommend this film but not being prepared for what it actually is was a little daunting. I was very pleasantly surprised by Lily Rose Depps acting as a little side note.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Ok so this is a horror flick but I wasn't scared so I should rate it lower right? Nope this was a very new emotional response from me towards a film. I didn't not get scared because it wasn't done right I didn't because I felt a kinship with the " monster" of the movie. She would pop up and I would be like You go Suzzanna!! I also think it's awesome that so much folk lore and traditions from Indonesia a culture I didn't know much about was brought forward and also very accurately focused in the 80s. All in all this movie was very entertaining which is the point right? Beautifully shot and well acted. You know as an American from across the globe if a movie hits you in the feels a million cultural understanding miles away 😊
  • This movie is a good ol scary flick with some amazing actors to boot. Ignore the bad reviews this movie is entertaining (which is the point of a movie btw)and has some good scares. I won't include any spoilers. There is also a well rounded family dynamic with more human interest than a lot of horror movies. I also found it very intriguing and mysterious as the story unfolded. These bottom reviews are just ridiculous. These people are the reason why rotten tomatoes is now a joke and we only have reboots and super hero flicks coming to theaters because folks like to criticize every movie to death as a form of some kind of self inflation and studios are too scared to put money into new story ideas because of it. Just know this that it is an entertaining scare with good actors set on the open sea ; )
  • This is not the type of movie that you can rate like a top notch horror flick with millions of dollars in budget. The story was engaging enough to distract and was good for what it is a low budget horror flick. Unlike most of the ones I see though the acting was not bad at all that was my basis for an extra star. I have a movie rating system of my own and that is if I turn off my Scrabble Go while I'm watching it definitely wasn't terrible 😂 I saw a review on this site a few days ago that really resonated with me and that is that people are so strict and persnickety when they review that people wonder why we don't have any original content anymore and only have rehash trash marvel movies and cash grab sympathy drivel and the answer is that it's because of us. The first person who questioned the "realism" in a fantasy or Sci Fi movie giving it 1 star started a downward spiral and caused people not to watch on the basis of that one star. Frankly studios won't risk anything anymore because they cannot afford to. If this movie had access to a bigger budget it probably could have been great.