
IMDb member since March 2018
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    6 years



Surprisingly good movie
I watched the film not expecting much, but it was surprisingly good. The two actresses who carried the movie were great. Midori Francis and Jolene Purdy, who I hope to see more of in the future are very talented.

It was the theme from Cell taken to the next level with a creative twist of one woman (Sam) having to be the eyes for another woman (Emily) escaping from her homicidal ex-boyfriend. In the process the women become empowered, both refusing to be victims and help each other reclaim their lives. Missi Pyle, who is always great, tops it off with some comic relief as the stereotypical rich white lady from hell. You should check it out.

Sound of Freedom

Powerful. Highly Recommend
I didn't know that slavery was a modern day reality and that the sex slave trade was so widespread. I also didn't realize how many children are victims and how easily they can be snatched. It was an eye opening story thoughtfully told by a brilliant cast/director/writer. It tells a nightmarish story. But gives hope that humanity can end it by the actions of extraordinary heros among us and by the voices of ordinary citizens refusing to accept it.

Jim Caviezel is remarkable. He is an amazing actor that can simultaneously show strength, vulnerability, courage, fear, compassion and deadly force. I highly recommend this film.

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