
IMDb member since April 2018
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Hiyama Kentarô no ninshin

No wonder netflix is losing subscribers
Stuff like this is the reason netflix lost 200k subscribers and expects to lose 2m more in the next few months. Hopefully with the loses they keep taking they will stop putting crap like this out.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The Texas Woke Massacre
Well it's pretty obvious why this did so terrible in the test screening that it didn't even get a theatrical release. This is another franchise ruined by the wokeness at Netflix. The only halfway decent scene was the bus scene and even then they couldn't help themselves but to say your canceled bro. I didn't think it was possible to make a worse film then 2017 leather face but Netflix proved me wrong once again. Only thing missing was the Botox queen Sandra bullock.


Season 1 was good but season 2 was terrible
I thought season 1 was really good. The story was good and fast paced and interesting, but once season 2 came out that all changed. There is so much wrong with season 2. I wanna say I think all the actors and actresses did great in both seasons my issues are not with them at all but the writers. In the last episode osito gets out on a million dollar bond, that's fine but the issue is when your bond is that high you can't just pay $100k to get out you have to have a source hearing to prove where that money came from. The whole thing with Renee and Frankie so he is suppose to be some kind of "kingpin" and somehow he can't tell that Renee is acting weird all of a sudden? The whole thing with ray taking Renee back was dumb. Season 2 is just a disaster if you are looking for something realistic this show is not it.

The Unforgivable

Typical woke trash
Here is yet another example of Netflix's woke trash. I guess if your one of those people who enjoys this garbage then you will be happy otherwise it's a movie to play to help you go to sleep.

Chopping Mall

Awesome 80s horror film
This is one of my all time favorite movies. Killer robots teens stuck in a mall makes for great 80s fun. This movie has some great lines in it to. I would highly recommend this to anyone who hasn't seen it. Where shopping costs you an arm and a leg.

Halloween Kills

Great film can't wait for Halloween ends
This was a great film I just got done seeing it in theaters. Michael Myers really went on a rampage in this film and the kills are brutal. The ending was great to now I just need Halloween ends to hurry up and come out.

There Was a Little Girl

Classic 80s gem
Madhouse is a great movie with a well thought out story line and good acting. With its recent Blu-ray release a lot more people are finally finding out about it which is a good thing. It's one of my all time favorite horror/psychological thrillers.

13 Reasons Why

Ridiculous and not realistic at all
I have watched all 4 seasons and this show is just stupid. First off it's absurd to think a girl kills herself but then is able to blackmail people into listening to these tapes about there self because if they don't someone will turn them over to the police. Second they give the students way to much power which would never happen in real life. Like the "student body president" and all the crap she does. I guess teenagers would like this maybe but man was this a waste of my time. Also in the later seasons there is a new character named ani and she is very annoying they did not need to add her at all.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

The movie that started it all
This is one of the best horror films ever made. Every time I watch this I appreciate it more and more. The acting the camera work and colors everything about this movie is spectacular and creepy. I own a special edition of this movie where they go in depth of the making of this movie and what the actors went through on set was brutal but it definitely pays off in the end. This is one of the most iconic movies ever made. If you haven't seen this watch it you won't be disappointed.

Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III

The best sequel of TCM
This is overall a great movie but it's also the best sequel of any they made after the original. While I do like part 2 this movie I feel sticks a lot more to the original in terms of the story and the characters are not as goofy. I'm a huge TCM fan and outside the original and the 2004 remake this is my favorite. I would recommend this to any horror movie fan and definitely any fan of the TCM.

Death Ship

One of the best at sea horror movies
This movie is finally starting to get the recognition it deserves with the most recent special edition Blu-ray release a lot of people that have not seen this are finally getting the chance to now. I saw this movie as a kid and loved it ever since. The acting is really good and it keeps you on edge for what will happen next. This is one of those movies that no matter how many times you watch it never gets old.


Great classic movie
This is one of my all time favorite movies. I know some people say it's cheesy but I think it's a lot of fun. For it to be an older movie it's got some great kill scenes in it. It's also cool that a real grizzly was used for some parts in the movie. If you haven't seen this it's definitely worth a watch.

Don't Go in the House

Forgotten 80s classic
I have seen this movie many time and it never gets old. If you are looking for a often forgotten 80s classic horror movie then this is it.

The Handmaid's Tale: The Wilderness
Episode 10, Season 4

Bad writing for a bad season
This show in my opinion has been pretty sloppy since S2. These last 2 seasons have really dragged out. Like many others have pointed out already this finale episode just doesn't make any sense at all. You have June that apparently can go in Fred's cell whenever she pleases and then order the guard out of the room and he closes the door to leave them by themself, given the history between those 2 this seems really stupid and not believable at all. Also somehow a commander/Lawrence who basically commited treason in gilead eyes and they do know what he has done gets put back in power because he got some "dirt" on other commanders and is able to get 22 women out of gilead no issues whatsoever in exchange for Fred this also seems very unrealistic. You also have June who apparently is able to call all these people back in gilead including Lawrence and somehow nobody is listening to there conversation although when June was still in gilead and forced to call Luke everyone was listening to what she said I mean come on now regardless of the dirt Lawrence has they still would listen to his conversations. This entire season is just a mess now that they killed off Fred I guess the focus will only be on bringing gilead down. This show would of been better ending with this season they just keep doing all this wild stuff that is not believable at all.

Tell Me Your Secrets

Watch the entire series
I normally do not write reviews but I really felt I needed to for this series. When I first started this last week I hated the first 2-3 episodes I felt it was really sloppy a lot of it did not add up like the fact Karen is in witness protection but the newspaper prints she is getting out & has a new identity like wtf??? That is the whole reason for witness protection nobody knows. Anyways I quit watching it for a few days then decided to give it another try I am so glad I did I binged watched episode 4 through 10 this series is awesome so many twists so much suspense I can not wait for season 2. I normally do not get surprised with shows but the ending was mind blowing if you are feeling like you wanna quit the series just hold out it's worth it.

Behind Her Eyes

Same ending as the book
The show was ok I read the book a while back and the characters in the show are a bit more interesting then they are in the book. With that said I did not like the ending in the book at all I was hoping the show would be different but it's not. To me the whole body switch thing is stupid and ruined what would of been a really interesting story. I wouldn't say this is not worth a watch but I would say a lot of people won't like how it ends.

Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel

Garbage youtuber conspiracy theories that ruined a mans life
This is complete trash if you like listening to a bunch of jerk youtubers who think they are "investigators" & make up all kinds of bogus ridiculous theories then by all means watch this. This entire documentary is a waste so these people got answers from the police & coroners office but because it did not fit there "narrative" of what they wanted to happen so they could keep making ridiculous fake news YouTube videos they decided to not accept the results. The worst part of all this besides Elisa death is the fact another man who was at the hotel before she died had his life ruined because of these youtuber web sleuths. These people should be ashamed & sued then delete there YouTube accounts.

My Bloody Valentine

Go get the new scream factory Blu-ray release
This is a great 80s slasher movie. As some have said before some of this movie was edited out but luckily scream factory Blu-ray release has the unrated/uncut version. This movie is every thing you want in a slasher good special effects and great kills.

The 50 Best Horror Movies You've Never Seen

This has nothing new anyone who watches horror movies hasn't seen or heard of
So I started to watch this and about after the 4th movie they named I stopped it and tried looking up the rest of the list. Luckily a person on here has written a review with all 50 titles so I suggest going to look for his review instead of wasting your time watching this. If you are a fan or horror movies there is a very small chance you will hear anything new on this that you haven't either already seen or heard of. The fact that black Christmas is #1 is ridiculous that movie is very well known in the horror community even more so now that 2 remakes have been made recently one as new as 2018. They have movies like Halloween 3 on here and pumpkinhead at #2. This must of been made for some tv show or something for vh1 don't waste your time it's over 2 hours long just find the list on here.


Really dark hard to see
The actors did a good job with the script they had but the writing & script I think was terrible. Also the movie was really dark so a lot of it was really hard to see definitely do not recommend this & I would not watch it again.

The Burning

Classic Slasher movie
This is one of those hidden gems a lot of people don't know about. But since scream factory released a special collectors edition on Blu-ray more and more people are finding this movie. Anyways this is one of my favorite horror/slasher movies of all time. I'd also say this has the most infamous killing scene of all time for a slasher movie. This is one of the few times in a slasher summer camp movie that actually has characters that are likable and you can root for. The whole movie is really good from beginning to end the special effects by tom savini are top notch and Jason Alexander has his film debut in this film. If you haven't seen this check it out it's worth it.

Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan

Very fun to watch
I don't get why this movie gets so much hate? The fact they tried something new with a different setting I think was awesome. What's better then Jason in Times Square? I really liked the fact the majority of the movie took place on a boat I think it was a nice change of scenery I also really liked the kills in this movie they did a good job of making them unique. I have read a lot of reviews not just here but just in general of people saying the story wasn't good this and that but the thing is it's a jason movie it's going to be mostly about him killing people. If you like slasher movies this is a good one.

Friday the 13th: A New Beginning

Most underrated of the franchise
This movie is awesome I really do not understand all the hate it was getting for so long I am glad to finally see it's starting to turn around. So part 5 does not actually have Jason as the killer it's a guy named Roy who's son Joey was murdered at the halfway house by another guy named Vic who hit Joey in the back with an axe which was the start of the awesome kills in this movie. A lot of people take issue with the fact that it was Roy pretending to be Jason instead of it act being Jason but if you follow the series from the first movie until now it's actually pretty cool they did this. This movie is the first in the franchise to have a bunch of really dark humor in my opinion which was great & made the movie that much better. This film also has 19 awesome kills which is the 2nd highest behind jason goes to hell. I am a huge horror/slasher movie fan I grew up watching Friday The 13th, A Nightmare On Elm St, Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ect... but this film has some of the best special effects of any slasher ever the kills in this film are so creative & fun to watch. I also think the whole halfway house setting was a really cool change. Again I am glad to finally see this movie start getting the credit it deserves the new generation of fans have helped a lot with that. Also check out a documentary called Crystal lake memories you can stream it or buy it on Blu-ray it is really long like 6+ hours long but it goes into so much detail about each film that it's worth it.

The Vanished

If you need help sleeping at night watch this
Normally I do not write reviews I also usually don't give movies a 1 star rating but this movie just completely sucked from beginning to end. So first off the acting by the 2 main characters the mother & father are horrendous idk how they are even actors. The writing is god awful & there are so many lines that are just out of place. Do yourself a favor do not watch this unless you have trouble sleeping at night then this will definitely put you to sleep.

The Bay

Not a fan
So I wanna say first off I do like some found footage movies Blair witch, clover field, ect... but this movie just really was not that good I felt. First off the parasite they are talking about is a tongue eating louse which is real but to my knowledge only effects fish. Anyways my issue with this is I'm not really a huge fan of movies then turn real life creatures into something they are not. The movie was also really slow & the girl that was the "narrator" I could not stand I think I would of liked this better had it just shown the footage & not had her narrating it her voice & the way she talked were very annoying.

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