
IMDb member since January 2006
    2015 Oscars
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Cerrar los ojos

Victor Erice's Long-Awaited Return to Filmmaking: 'Close Your Eyes'
Victor Erice, a legend in Spanish cinema who hasn't made a new film since 1992 and could achieve a legendary status with only three films, presents his latest work. Reminiscent of his symbolic narrative in 'The Spirit of the Beehive' (1973), where he criticized the Spanish Civil War era, Erice's new film explores the traces of an unfinished project due to the mysterious disappearance of its lead actor years ago. 'Close Your Eyes' draws parallels between the director character in the film and Erice himself, suggesting autobiographical elements, especially considering that Erice wrote the screenplay. After 30 years, Erice returns to filmmaking to convey his message, offering a critique of the Spanish society manipulated during the Franco dictatorship.

While the film starts with a deliberately slow pace, it proves worthwhile towards the end. I realized that nothing in the film is unnecessary; everything has a meaning, sometimes subtle, sometimes profound, but meaningful nonetheless.

El secreto de sus ojos

Smells like a masterpiece!
Wow what a great movie really! It began like a simple crime story but the wonderful use of subjects, symbols and strong references turned it in to a masterpiece. Details about Eva Peron's Argentina and questioning of the terms of law and justice. My interest is increasing for Latin American Cinema when I watch such beautiful works. By the way I watched this movie in It's original language. Subtitles were translated into English. I think by using "Google Translate" which sucks. But I had to use it cause there was not any subtitle in my native language yet. Despite all these problems, it was so impressive. You shall see it at once!

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