Reviews (45)

  • Don't understand the high rating, as it is, don't get me wrong, beautifully animated, but there were just so many plotholes to the story that it was difficult to engage yourself into it. Questions like how were they able to switch bodies, and why they forget their names were all not explained. It just seems like lazy writing to me as some things were set up too coincidently, like how they meet up at the end of the film. Also the comet struck the place twice is also very unlikely and have to suspend your believe too much. The town eventually got wiped out, but is it not like groundhog day that they could try to save the town over and over again, until it works? Just with a romantic plot line just doesn't cut it, and the romantic plot is very thin aswell and wasn't enough to get me invested. Very forgettable storyline.
  • While this movie obviously didn't aged well to todays standards. This is one of the lesser movies of John Hughes.

    First it was highly politically incorrect, border lining sexual harassments, promoting adultery, stereotypical racism and downright misogynism. If kids were watching this back in the days, no wonder decades later we get outpours of sexual harassment cases and a peak of #metoo movements, producing the harvey weinsteins and epsteins of our society. This was a recall and glimpse of the dark side of the 80s we didnt like, and rewatching it again, plants us in the face of the ugly reality. Especially the derogative scene where they depict racial jokes against a supposedly chinese, but play japanese music in the background and letting him speak japanese is not only discriminatory, but also shows us how ignorant people were with other culture back in the days and how racially biased Hollywood was to let asian act as stereoptypical dorks.

    Other than that, the script was mostly irregular and cringe, and some scenes totally didn't make any sense at all. The jokes weren't funny and was downright lazy writing. The actors were casted wrong with apparent age gaps that in normal circumstance would never encounter each other in their respective school settings. The characters were not likeable, not relatable and sometimes downright rude.

    Don't get me wrong, Molly Ringwald was incredible as ever, but the storytelling and script was embarrassingly cringe and forgettable.
  • This was a nice take on the Predator franchise. The only flaw of this movie that it was too short and not shown in the theater! It would have worked so well on the big screen. We need more Native Indian representation! The movie needed more culture how the Native Indian lived, scenery of big plains, their hunting culture their social interaction. Loved that there are actually actors and actresses in this movie that are of Native Indian heritage. This shows that representation matters and works. It gave the movie a whole lot more depth and realism, and the charismatic Amber Midthunder was casted perfectly for her role. The concept of placing this in the 1700s was genius. The difference between this setting of Predator and the Predator of Arnold Schwarzenegger is that Native Indians hunted for food throughout their lives, so it makes perfect sense they make great adversaries of the Predator. Also the folklore story and legend that there is a beast inside the woods now and then who were hunting for men, and the Native Indian warriors who manage to kill the Predator can prove themselves is a wonderful concept. While Arnold and his crew were soldiers not hunters. All in all a wonderful addition and could have added an hour of footage to it, maybe in the directors cut version.
  • This was a fantastic tribute to the Ghostbusters series, so well done that it could basically be a standalone movie for younger generations to get a taste of and explore the wonderful saga of the Ghostbusters world. The kid actors done a great job and had superb chemistry together, giving me vibes of the Breakfast club, Goonies and E. T. all in one movie. A cameo of the previous cast was a welcome surprise, but the new cast done so well, that it would have suffice if only them were on screen. Learning about the passing of Harold Ramis as Egon Spengler, I was amazed they put him back to life with CGI, and I didn't even notice it was computer generated imagery. The lighthearted humor of the movie made it a pleasant watch and I would not mind seeing the entire cast for a next installment.
  • Matrix literally resurrected in every possible way with this installment and what a superb resurrection it is. Every actor performed well in this movie even the extras. It was like seeing good old friends as soon as Keanu and Carrie-Anne were on screen. A good balance of suspense, humor, sarcasm and bunch of new concepts and ideas, which can be used for further continuation of the franchise. The CGI and special effects were well done, they look upgraded but also felt familiair with previous movies. The dialogues were well written and flowed surprisingly well. All in all it was a good fun ride and a welcome treat!
  • Very few films brings a smile to my face and tears aswell. This did it for me. Eventhough I have not lived in that era, nor in China at that time, but it captured the nostalgic feeling very well. The story line appears to be very random, but it has a sense of flow to it, and the eventual plot twist hit me like a brick. Wonderful family movie!
  • Donnie Yen probably made this movie as an excuse to smash things up lol What a fun movie this was. This is your typical signature Donnie Yen movie, with unapologetic hardcore brawls, together with an all star cast and a barrage of renowned Hong Kong actors, new and of the past, having cameo appreances. This movie is like a revisit of old school Hong Kong movies what we all came to love, and ofcourse there are even some Hollywood influences, with fast paced action and dialogues and a story line that goes all over the place lol. Also the theme that there is no absolute good nor absolute evil in the police force is a reoccurring theme, that even applies in real life. I give it a 10 because it didn't took itself all too serious and some scenes were even comedic, paired up with some awesome action sequences, so you can't really go wrong with this.
  • It was a classic Bond movie the first quarter into it, but then it dragged on for too long with no purpose. The only action sequence that were up to par and memorable were in Italy, but the rest were quite random to down right unwatchable. The Villiain was forgettable aswell, and his motives just didn't made sense. I know this was supposed to be Daniel Craigs last movie as James Bond, but it was not necessary to make it melodramatic. Previous Bond actors didn't do that aswell. An end of an era, and hopefully some fresh installments for the next.
  • There is a whole lot going on in this movie and I know its a build up to the second installment, but however with all the grandeur that is happening, it doesn't avoid the undeniable fact that it is unfortunately lacking a bit of soul. While it tries hard to do so, but the characters arent fleshed out enough for you to even care about them and certain editing decisions are a bit odd which hurts the flow and logic of the movie. Scenes that appears totally random or rushed and adding nothing to the story. Again the personalities aren't fleshed out which makes the viewer have no empathy for whats going on. The whole watch was like a hallucinated bad trip, maybe it was intended to be that way, in that regard it is a succes lol.
  • Amazing animation! To sum it up, its basically an ancient chinese mythical westside story take on Romeo and Juliette kind of story, but more epic :)
  • Everything is epic about this animation, or Donghua as the chinese say it, which roughly translates as "moving painting" and is the equivalent to the japanese Anime. Its grandeur comes from storyline, music, characterization, the message, and ofcourse the animation. It's a rollercoaster ride experience, with a message of piety and moral righteousness in grand proportions. Truly one epic scene after another from beginning to the very last end!
  • This is Eddy Murphy and Arsenio Hall at its best as we know them. Surprised they took so long to make a follow up of the original, because they didn't lose their touch and were back in the zone. It was non stop fun. Didn't take themselves too seriously and that adds to the fun. The entire cast was great, even the extras. It was filmed in the same lighthearted tone as the original. The look and feel had a familiar 80s vibe to it together with the barber shop cameos. Wonderful remake! Took me straight back in time to the good old days!
  • It started out as your typical coming of age highschool boy story, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The first quarter of the movie, despite being very much cliched, was still entertaining. I got breakfast club vibes. But as the story progresses it just became weirder by the minute and not logically sound put together. Now I do not shy away from irregular storytelling which can be very engaging, if done well. But the placement of certain events in the story that is supposed to get you emotional, just didn't do it for me. The choices the characters made were not logical and felt like just put there randomly to try if the audience would fall for it amidst the confusion that was displayed and be done with it. Lack of inspiration is the best thing to describe this movie, which is a shame with such a talented cast, but I didn't felt invested. Big disappointment for me
  • Oh my what was this a wonderful movie. I came to know about this movie by coincidence because I heard someone mentioned it by reference, didn't think much of it and wrote it down to search it up afterwards. How I was blown away by the story and how magical it was told. It's basically a metaphor of life and how one stays true to themselves even with all the ups and downs and doubts. The tone and the message of the movie hits home, down deep, and I loved it!
  • 26 December 2020
    If you ever have watched the 2003 indie movie "The Room" then you know that that movie was labeled as one of the worst films ever made. However it was said by the actor and director of the movie himself, Tom Wiseau, that the movie was intended to be black humor, hinting that the awkward dialogues and bad acting were put there deliberately to create confusion and was not meant to be taken seriously.

    TENET felt like such a movie. But what worries me the most is that TENET was probably in fact a serious attempt at being a pretentious movie. The plot and dialogue were absolute nonsensical that it slowly became comedic, were it not that Nolan intentions probably was to make an intelligent movie, however done it so that it was deceiving and played games with the audience perception, but underestimated the intellect of the audience, meaning you cannot cover up nonsensical plotlines with confusing dialogues. Now I am all for absurd dialogues in the style of maybe like Quentin Tarantino's movies, but it needs to be executed smartly, not randomly.

    Therefore as a deliberate black comedy, I would have given this movie a 9, if it was intended that way, but I think not. So I give it 3 stars and this movie might end up in the list as one of the worst films ever made next to "The Room"....
  • Got myself watching this movie, while I postponed it for so long due to the low review ratings.

    But it was a surprisingly entertaining movie. The world building was greatly done. You actually felt you were launched back into the medieval times, with the silk road like venture leading to China with the diversity of merchants and soldiers crossing each others paths. The costumes and locations were nice and detailed and has a high budget blockbuster feel to it.

    The lead actress Yifei was stunning in every scene. Hayden Christensen and Nicolage Cage were believable as downtrodden outcast crusaders who were seeking redemption.

    It has all the ingredients for a nice and simple pass time thats worth the watch.
  • I was expecting some crossover between Madmax and Big Trouble in little China or even had hopes with glimpse of glory to the likes of Running Man. Had my popcorn and beer ready for some hell of a crazy 80s retro action flick ride.

    However the story and execution of this movie were poorly lacking. Most of the time you don't know what is really going on. The humor was a bit off. And the oneliners didn't really matter much. The characters were flat and the different factions and gangs in the forsaken barren depiction of New York Manhattan City weren't explained and weren't fleshed out. You just didn't care much about them all. There weren't even that many of New York landmarks to make this movie a worthwhile watch, this movie could have been filmed anywhere else, it didn't made it feel like explicitly New York, which is a shame.

    The actions were bland and lacked inspiration. And overall it was trying too hard to be something, but failed at it. Even for a B-movie this was badly executed and an abomination of a film. I would not even recommend this for nostalgia sake, it leaves a bitter after taste that can only be forgotten by washing down with some couple cans of more beer......
  • The movie was aesthetically pleasing, but that was all there is to it. Overall the movie was vague and confusing, but probably because it was following the novel that it was based on, but if this is Fitzgerald best literature work, then it is highly overrated both movie and book....
  • This was a decent mountaineering movie with thorough scientific and meteorological research to make it believable. And most of the events are based on actual people and events.

    The movie has a beautiful blend of CGI and actual mountain scenery.

    I love how they used actual Tibetan actors to add in the diversity and realism of the movie.

    Wu Jing is believable as an experienced mountaineer. And as a action star himself, I am glad there were added Hollywood-esque type of action sequences that didn't felt off and was exciting to watch.

    I like how they not call it Mount Everest, but the original Tibetan name, Qomolangma. As a sign of not whitewashing the history of the mountain.

    As for criticism that the movie has a propaganda tone to it. You have to understand the movie is a period piece, and at that time many projects were ordered and endorsed by the central chinese government. So the nationalistic feel to the operation is somewhat realistic for the time and should be protrayed as such. Fun Fact: Xia Boyu who got both of its legs amputated as shown in the movie, actually did got to climbed the mount everest again for at lest 5 times with artifical limbs

    Chinese mountaineering has been left under the radar and have not gotten enough exposure as it deserves over the years. With this movie they bring honor to those who have fallen conquering the mountain.

    The protagonist Wang Fuzhou died in 2015 but left an impression as a chinese mountaineering pioneer.
  • At first I didn't knew why the viewer ratings were so low, so I was curious to see this movie for myself. Then I discovered that most user ratings were politically motivated, and nothing but anti-china bots, with nonsensical reasons to make this movie look bad. In that regard they failed their purpose, because its free publicity and it made me actually wanting to see the movie even more.

    After watching the movie myself, I can truly say it was beautifully made! The movie had good build up, majestically filmed. Yifei as Mulan was charismatic and her charms added depth to the character Mulan. She sometimes speaks volumes without saying anything, and when she does say something its meaningful, those are rare qualities of an actor.

    At times it gave me goosebumps to finally see a live action version of Mulan, I have to admit I had to wipe some occasional tears away throughout the movie.

    Mulans companions were funny and their camaraderie was heartfelt.

    Fun fact: Honghui was historically the love interest of Mulan, not Shang Li from the animated movie ;-)

    Even though without the musical songs that made the animated version popular, but there were enough references to the animation throughout the movie that made it satisfying watch and did honor to the animated version.

    All the actors were great and solid, especially the father played by Tzi Ma was convincing as a caring and inspirational father to Mulan in such a short timespan of character development.

    Sad fact: Historically Mulan fought a war campaign of 12 years. She never did get to see her father again, because when she got home her father already died of old age. Traumatized by warfare, Mulan never became her old self, she got depressed and committed suicide, hoping she could reunite with her father in the afterlife being that carefree loving daughter again....

    The encounter with the Witch (Xianniang) played by Gong Li was superbly done. I think the witch might even have been a metaphor for Mulans inner fears. It was so poetically well executed.

    I am glad Jetli got to do some of his last few action sequences, as Jetli is suffering from returning illnesses, the reason why he doesn't do much action nowadays.

    Bori Khans character is the equivalent of Shan Yu in the animated version, and is in the live action more fleshed out as to what his motivations were for attacking the kingdom, that was a nice touch.

    Also nice references to chinese Wuxia genre, where lifeforce and chi are prominent for martial art masters.

    For the people that missed Mushu, there is a reference of a phoenix though that helped Mulan, and in chinese folklore phoenix represents a woman.

    I recommend this movie highly for the fans of the original animation and for people who are new to the story of Mulan.

    For me it was a well worthy tribute to both the legendary chinese folklore story Mulan aswell as the original disney animated version!
  • This was a fun movie to watch and while I admit I went into the movie to see Liu Yifei performance (and she was stunning!) but I stayed and was impressed by the acting of the entire cast.

    The movies starts out as goofy and had a satirical tone, which brought quite a few good laughs. It was a good mix of romance and comedy.

    The second part of the movie you can see the costumes and production went up a notch and they had a good sense of world building. As If the backdrop of Shanghai city wasn't impressive enough, they created a whole parallel twilight world alongside with it. While the later half of the movie was more of a darker tone, but they still kept a great sense of humor even during some dramatic scenes.

    The CGI that was used blended in quite well, and worked to create the fairy tale like world. At times I thought I was watching a Live action remake of some anime serie. I was pleasantly entertained, came to watch Liu Yifei, but stayed for the movie!
  • Last Disney animated movie I have watched was already a long time ago. But always had good memories of Disney magical and musical worlds that they created.

    There was so much hype around Frozen and with the fact that they won 2 oscars with this, I finally put myself to watch it.

    Oh how I regretted my decision. The precious memory I had of Disney's magic was totally gone in an instant. Has Disney quality story telling really come down to this? Disappointed. Really don't know what the hype was about. It was a mess of a story with too many potholes. The Kingdom is portrayed as static as your typical Disney theme park. It had no soul, no atmosphere.

    The narrative of the story was rushed, you don't get any background explanation why Elsa was born with her powers and why others did not. The trolls saved Ana once, why couldn't they do it again, yes they said it was her heart this time not her head, which is a lame excuse, but okay. Besides, they misled her that she needed a true love kiss, which spun the story into confusion. If an adult finds it confusing, imagine how kids feel watching this?

    Talking about kids, the message of the story is not a good one for the kids. Ana was getting head over heels with the first man she meets (Hans), and then loving another man she meets even shorter of a time span than the first one. Crazy thing is she didn't knew she loved Christoph until her life needed to be saved. But turn out she doesn't need a mans true love to save her life in the first place. That was some crazy stuff happening right there, and it will send a wrong message to kids that fooling around with love is apparently okay according in this Disney if Disney says doesnt matter who you fool around with, as long as you find true love...

    Apart from the catchy song "Let it go" the queen Elsa really was not a memorable character. She was not coherent in her ways, indecisive and at times borderline evil and mental. Not a likable character. She was able to control her powers for all these years, and suddenly losing control over it doesn't make sense. Why doesn't Elsa push forward Ana to be queen, if Elsa was so afraid of letting people know her secret powers?

    And then the not so convincing silly plot twist where Prince Hans turn out to be this scheming evil person. Where it yet again send kids into confusing why this Prince charming seemingly turn into a bad person overnight. That is some lazy screenplay writing right there. Mess of a story, enough said. One star given for the effort, that's it.
  • I have watched the Anime, and the animated version created a superb setting for this story with lots of tender moments for a topic that is slightly controversial about a coming of age young girl falling in love with a much older middle aged man. If you have to compare, then it has much of a similar theme of the movie "Lost in Translation" with a teenage Scarlett Johansson admiring the much older Bill Murray who eagerly shares his life experience with her while maintaining a pure and platonic relationship.

    While the first half of the movie was at times almost an exact copy of the Animated version, and that made it lacked some soul and authenticity. As it was like trying rapidly going through memorable scenes from the Anime script by script. But I liked how the director changed the second half of the movie to differ a bit from the Anime, with its own take on some scenes and making the movie stand out more on its own. But it never lost the essence of the story, especially the ending captured the emotions very well that we all so much liked about the Anime for in the first place!
  • I enjoyed this new installment from Adam Sandler very much. Hence, I don't know why this movie got a so low rating. This is your classic typical Adam Sandler comedy. If you like Adam Sandler type of movies, then you will certainly like this one. It has all the Adam Sandler quirks that you are accustomed to, but with more subtlety and sophistication and ofcourse some are borderline absurdity, but thats what we like about Adam Sandler style of humor. The pair up with Jennifer Aniston turned out to be perfect, as Jennifer is a queen of sitcom comedy herself, you can see that she immersed herself perfectly in the comedy world of Adam Sandler. The rest of the cast were quite engaging and by the end of the movie, you wish this could be a franchise and longing for a part 2 !
  • Avengers Infinity wars and Endgame might very well have been one movie and therefore could have saved me a ticket to the movie theater for the second time round. It wasn't necessary for it to be divided into two parts, hell it wasn't necessary for Endgame to be almost 3 hours long considering the flimsy plot!

    After I saw infinity wars, I already had a suspicion I was cheated, and Endgame proved that I was right. This entire movie was trying to drag for so long and even the quasi emotional scenes just didnt do it for me. I felt nothing when Black Widow jumped to her death, which was one of the few parts of this movie that actually made sense, sacrificing someone dear to get the soulstone.

    But what it came down to is the cliched classic jump back in time travel plot, however it wasn't supposed to be like Back in the Future, so they say. But Captain America came back in the same time-line as an old man, so how is that not like Back in the Future?!?

    Also Captain Marvel was totally hyped, but didn't played much of a role in the entire movie, talk about overhyping it!

    You see I have been cheated.....and all of you aswell.
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