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Jungle Shuffle

Simple changes would have made this movie less confusing...
Jungle shuffle is a movie about a young coati boy named Manu being exhiled from his home due to destroying a statue. Not only must he leave his home, but also his lover. The movie then moves forward as young Manu and his girlfriend grow-up and she is captured by hunters. Of course Manu then attempts to save her, but fails. Believe it or not, this is the point the movie gets silly.

I can tolerate animals falling in love and being overly cartoony with crappy lines, but when it turns out that the hunters are actually gathering animals to steal there DNA to create a superchicken, it's gone too far. I feel like the animals being stolen to be sold to the exotic pet trade instead would not only make more sense, but would also reinforce the message this movie attempted to convey about humans being destructive.

So of course like any movie about cutesy animals and the forest, this movie attempts to show how humans destroy the rainforest. As a conservationist, I usually have more tolerance over this plot than most people because no matter how bad the execution, the overall message is one I agree with. However, it's not good to show humans destroying the rainforest if they are doing it for no reason (which this movie does). Why are they cutting down trees in this film if all they need are a few critters? I just genuinely don't understand. We see a guy with a van full of timber and goods driving to the lab where the animals are heading, but why does a scientist need timber? I think the real answer is that they just need another vehicle in the movie to transport the protagonists towards the captured animals, which is pretty lazy writing if I'm honest.

Another thing that annoyed me about this movie is the character designs. I don't particularly mind the bright colours and bad animation, since foreign studios don't have access to the funding and equipment of the bigger studios in the US. However, I at least want the animals to look like what they are based off. The Coati Mundis looked nothing like real ones because despite having a somewhat correct pattern, they have really squished snouts.

The movie ends with Manu and his animals friends he met along his travels freeing the captive animals. There are some weird occurrences such as some El-chupacabra-like monster and a monkey addicted to sugar, but I can't really be bothered to explain that. Despite only surpassing the classification of a feature-length film, it feels the same length as a lord of the rings movie because it's so bloody boring.

Don't watch this film, even if like me you like to seek rubbish animated movies out for a laugh because this one is too crap to be genuinely entertaining and just slightly too passable to be hilariously bad.

Roadside Romeo

Bollywood dogs
Roadside romeo is a movie with a simple overdone plot and cliche characters? Then why have I rated it so highly?

Because it's bloody entertaining. The songs are brilliant, the atmosphere is cool and the characters are all really funny. Admittedly the character designs, bar the love interest Laila and Romeo himself are awful, but whatever!

All I want for a movie is for it to be entertaining and this was. It was also India's first animated cgi movie so I'm gonna cut them some slack. It's also produced and distributed by Disney! And tbh, it's better than most of the crap they have pumped out in recent years.

It's not amazing or award winning, but it's cute and fun. As long as a movie is entertaining, does it really matter? Plus, I love the Bollywood theme.

Just give it a shot! What are you gonna lose?

The Office

Micheal Scott is the new David Brent!
It's hard to sum up a whole show in one review, but I guess I'll give it a shot!

The office is based off the original U.K. tv series based in Slough. Both shows are based off a paper company and both take the form of a mockumentary.

The show spends a lot of its time following Micheal Scott, branch manager of Dunder Mifflin Paper company, who is just as awkward and socially inept as David Brent was. Initially, the first series episodes are very similar to the U.K. series, but then it takes its own form and goes into more detail about the lives of the employees.

All employees are interesting and unique, but I am particularly fond of the shenanigans that go on between Dwight Shrewt and Jim Halpert. Their relationship is both funny and touching towards the end of the series.

Micheal Scott is hilarious and his interactions with staff are always funny. Much like David Brent, he starts off as a lonely man who doesn't mean any harm, but always ends up saying the wrong thing. He soon develops into a strong leader who cares very much about all his employees, even though he still winds them up often!

As the show goes on, more characters are introduced and they are all great additions to the cast, though I didn't enjoy the episodes where Micheal was no longer boss as much as the others.

Overall I strongly recommend! Jim and Pams relationship development was very touching, all the employee interactions are funny and the comedic timing is spot on!

Isle of Dogs

Always something new to see!
As you'd expect from Wes Anderson, the visuals are the most impressive aspect of this movies with there always being something to look at on screen. The dogs even have fleas moving around their body!

The characters themselves consist of a ragtag pack of dogs and their leader "Chief" trying to get by on trash island, which is where the Japanese government dumped them due to a dog flu outbreak.

The main human antagonist, Atari visits the island in search of his lost dog "Spots". Atari also happens to be the nephew of the current Japanese leader Megahashi, with spots being Ataris old support dog.

As Atari sets off in search of his dog, his plane crash lands and is found by Chiefs pack. From thereforth, he befriends the group of dogs and they help him search for his pet.

Chief is at first reluctant to help the boy due to being the only stray whom does not believe in human ownership, but the development of his and Ataris relationship is one of the most important and heartwarming moments of the story.

Half of the film also focuses on mainland Japan as a group of protesters uncover a government conspiracy directly relating to dog flu, including the discovery of an antidote which has been hidden from public eye due to the leaders diastase for dogs.

Overall, cannot fault this movie much and have watched it twice already. I reccomend watching it at least once over for the visuals alone. I expecially enjoy the Japanese text and dialogue as I studied the language at university.

One thing I do question is why they didn't choose Japanese breeds for the dog characters, although I suppose they would be limited and some audiences would not recognise them. There are also some parts which are not translated, but I think this is more artistic choice and to express how personal some conversations between Spots and Atari are supposed to be.


Doesn't deserve such negative reviews...
When I heard they were making a female ghostbusters reboot, I had high expectations. This movie isn't anything amazing, but it's certainly progression.

I feel like for it to have succeeded, it'd had to be perfect in every way. Whether this is because it's an all female cast or because of its predecessors I do not know, although I feel it may be both.

Although not breathtaking, this movie did its job by providing the humour and good cast that I expected. The jokes are funny, albeit sometimes cheesy and the male receptionsit really delivers the best lines. I also love how self aware this movie is, the franchise itself is known for being over the top and they have really embraced it here.

Plot wise, it's sweet and simple. A Physics professor named Erin attempts to remove her previous works on the supernatural from the public eye to avoid embarrassment. On the other hand, her old collegue Abby and her assistant Jillian are still using these works as the basis for their study at a seperate university.

Erin attempts to persuade Abby to stop promoting their work, but instead gets roped back into the research project. They begin to investigate new areas and befriend their fourth member, Patty along the way.

From here onwards, the plot revolves around two things... the capture and proof of the supernatural and attempting to discover whom is responsible for the sudden spike in paranormal activity, whilst the government attempt to cover up all evidence to prevent public outcry.

Of course, the person responsible for the increase in ghosts is intent on using them for destruction and must be taken down, even if it means wiping out all the collected evidence of the ghosts existence.

I highly reccomend a watch if your looking for a bit of fun that all ages can enjoy, just don't expect an Oscar worthy plot and you won't be disappointed.


One of the funniest and sweetest non Disney animation out there...
This movie is amazing... not because of the storyline or animation, but because of the characters and script!

Although known for delivering babies, the current boss of the stalk delivery centre diversified the business into a package delivery since there are "so many other ways to make babies".

Junior, a fellow delivery stalk who is destined to take over the branch is forced to fire a young orphan human named Violet who was supposed to be delivered years before, but ended up getting left behind and working for the company instead. As you would imagine, she is a bit of an outcast around the stalks and is often ignored.

Junior does not have the heart to fire violet, so instead he sends her to "work" in the abandoned postal unit. Meanwhile, a young boy who is unaware of the companies changes orders a baby to play with...

Eager to please her colleagues, Violet processes the letter and makes a baby to be delivered... much to Juniors horror. Now the two must work together to rid of their mistake before the current boss and employees of the company finds out!

Not only is this movie incredibly emotional, it's one of the funniest animated films I have ever seen. I adore Andy Sanberg and his performance as Junior is stellar! Violet is also an incredibly likeable character and I'm sure the audience will be rooting for her like I was!

I beg you, please watch this movie! Ignore the reviews, many are negative due to the mediocre animation and simple story, but this doesn't mean the entire product is bad! This is leagues above boss baby and deserves much more praise!

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Creepier than the first!
Jurassic world (2015) introduced a new generation to the legendary franchise. As a teen, Jurassic world is my favourite as I have fond memories of seeing it in the cinema twice, with it being equally exhilarating the second time!

This instalment focuses on the aftermath of the first, with the park being abandoned and a once dormant volcano threatening the dinosaurs existence.

Claire (now a dinosaur activist) attempts to convince the court to rescue the dinosaurs, with most people (including an old favourite) in disagreement. In desperation, Claire meets with the leader of the Lockwood estate who agrees to rescue the dinosaurs, but with different intentions to Claire.

Claire must then convince Owen to tag along to assist with the capture of blue the velociraptor as she is of great scientific interest. Alongside the duo, two new faces also join the team, a paleovetinarian and an IT wiz.

As the dinosaurs are moved to lockwoods estate, the team soon discover the truth from lockwoods granddaughter and must rescue the dinosaurs before they are sold to be used as military weaponry.

Alongside new human cast members, there is also a new hybrid creation which is equally terrifying as the indominus Rex! Soon it's running rampant in the estate which leads to some really great scenes!

I highly recommend a view if you are a fan of the others. Just remember, this is a new director, but he doesn't disappoint! I'm sure I will rewatch this many times in the future!

Water for Elephants

Jacob is a veterinarian who drops out of Cornell university during his final exam due to his parents unfortunate death. With nothing left for him in his home town, he plans to board a train to the city to pick up any available job.

Aboard the train, he is caught by some fellows who are part of the circus. They welcome him in, giving him a chance as a circus hand. They ultimately decide to keep him when they discover he is good with the animals, and he becomes the new bull man for the newest attraction... a female elephant named Rosie!

Although he is adored by the crew, he finds himself in deep water when the circus leader discovers his affections towards his wife. The ringleader is also incredibly hostile towards the circus animals, beating them when they don't listen.

Eventually Jacob realises he must leave with his new girlfriend in tow, but surely he can't leave the elephant behind?

Well, the story is beautiful and the ending is lovely. The film is narrated by an elderly Jacob who is attempting to runaway with the circus once again, away from the carehome which he now lives in. I highly reccomend a watch!

Cars 3

Better than it's predecessors...
This film is a nice ending to the franchise and also introduces a few new characters!

Lightning McQueen now takes the role of Doc Hundson by deciding to mentor a new racer Cruz, however he does not realise he has taken this role until his final race!

The film begins with a montage showing Lightning racing, eventually leading to him losing to "New gen" racers. This in turn leads to him seeking further training which is where he meets his "so called" mentor Cruz. Cruz is later revealed to want to be a racer herself which is when McQueen decides to let her take his place.

Although I don't like this franchise as much as some other Pixar movies, I do thoroughly enjoy it and do not understand the hate towards the movies!

I expecially love how this film ends with McQueen taking the role of his idol by guiding a new racer into the future. I highly reccomend this movie, and you will understand it without seeing the others since it explains things pretty well!

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

Stay classy San Diego...
Although it's cringy and based on sexism, this movie is still pretty funny. The story follows a news anchor who does not agree with the recent introduction of a female anchor.

All the other employees also disagree with this, but at the same time are so hungry for female attention that they all attempt to flirt with her. Ron manages to win this woman over, but it all turns south when he realises she is his competitor after she covers his shift when he doesn't turn up on time.

This leads to petty arguments and escalates quite quickly into some truly ridiculous situations. I think the main thing this movie has going for it is actually how random it manages to be, rather than the plot itself. I'd definitely recommend it!

Alpha and Omega

A cute little flick...
If you understand at the get go that this movie was not made to amaze and simply for family enjoyment then you won't be let down...

Animation has certainly diversified over the years, leading to films which are described as breathtaking (Pixar for example), appealing to a much wider audience. This movie will probably please younger kids more, but the story is cute and so are the characters.

Overall, it has a Romeo and Juliet vibe, with an Omega wolf named Humphrey falling in love with an Alpha named Kate, which is of course forbidden! They end up being relocated to "repopulate" and must find their way back to prevent a fallout between two rival packs.

One thing I don't understand is the need for two alphas from each side to marry in order to prevent conflict, as surely this could be achieved by other means? Either way, I try not to overanalyse a children's movie and enjoy it for what it is.

The animation is quite simple and sometimes clunky, but I guess you could argue that it's stylised. I like the design of the wolves, but am not a big fan of the bears and some other minor characters as I feel they don't fit in. Overall, I say if you want some family entertainment this one will certainly do no harm, although it's not on the same level as some other films released in 2010, such as "How To Train Your Dragon" or "Toy Story 3".


If Peter Griffin was in Toy Story...
Although I like Seth Macfarlanes animated shows such as Family Guy and American Dad, I was concerned that this film would be a let down as I did not enjoy A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014).

I am happy to say my original judgment was proven wrong and I thought this film was pretty funny. Ted reminded me of Peter Griffin and of course sounds like him too, as you would expect! He even makes an in joke about this in the movie.

I really do enjoy films which are self aware, such as when Ted acknowledges that some of his jokes went to far! However, I must admit Seth's outrageous and sometimes racist humour did not always make me laugh.

You will think that some of the jokes are pretty immature, but you must remember that some of them, such as the thunder buddies song were made by the protagonists when they were children, so it sorta makes sense.

The story itself is interesting as it deals with the questions such as "what would happen to Ted once John grows up?". The overall answers to such questions are not only adressed, but are humourous as you would imagine! I'd say if you like Family Guy, give it a shot as the humour in this movie is very similar!

Because of Winn-Dixie

One of my childhood favourites...
What do I need to say? I absolutely adore this movie. I remember seeing it on TV as a little girl and forgetting what it was called, not finding it again until a few years later. One day I saw it on a discount rack at the store and begged my nan to buy it for me.

It's actually been a few years since I'd seen it, but I found the DVD in my bookshelf and popped it in for another watch. The story is very sweet and the dog is beautiful. The overall message of the story is wonderful.

They really don't sugarcoat Opal's (the protagonist) situation and instead explain how life has both happy and sad moments, and that everyone should be given a chance.

It's certainly worth a watch with the family! It does have some sad moments, but it gives the story depth and really makes you understand more about the characters. It will always have a special place in my heart as the dog resembles our old family dog from when I was young.


Pixar's revival begins!
Well done Pixar, after a few years of mediocre animation such as Cars 3 (2017) and The Good Dinosaur (2015) it's nice to see something so refreshing!

Young Miguel belongs to a family of shoemakers with an age old ban on anything musical. Unfortunately for Miguel, it's his life long dream to play guitar and he has to hide his secret from everyone except his faithful street dog Dante!

When his only guitar is broken by his grandmother due to the discovery of his secret, he attempts to borrow one from the tomb of his idol on Dia de Muertos for a competition, being transported to the land of the dead in the process!

During his time in the underworld, he discovers more about his family lineage, including answers to why music is so frowned apon. This leads to discoveries that some people are not who they seem as he meets his idol and many others during his stay!

Overall a visually stunning film, that's incredibly vibrant and cultural! It's rare to see such cultures shined under the light they deserve and this film certainly does them justice. The story is very sweet, and predictable in a good way!

All the characters are likeable, with Dante being one of my all time favourite Disney sidekicks! I'd say this is probably in tie with my other favourite Pixar film (Ratatouille). The ending is very sweet and a little bit sad, and the music is beautiful. Please give it a watch, you won't be disappointed!

Konferenz der Tiere

Even Disney's The Wild is better than this...
As a big fan of animation, I often subject myself to stuff like this to see if perhaps the critics are too harsh. After all, this is a kids movie right?

Don't be like me, you will regret it....

This movie is tiresome and confusing at the best of times, even though the storyline is simple as hell. I know that doesn't seem to make sense, but just trust me!

The main protagonists, which surpass the whole African population in number (seriously, there are so many!) are all bland and cliche. Around half of them live in Africa and are trying to survive through a drought with little water, eventually deciding to set off and find some, before discovering it is being stored in a dam to supply a nearby holiday resort.

I believe the main character is the creepy James corden meerkat with the stringy voice. As if they couldn't make that actors voice worse than it already is anyway? He is the first to set off to find the water, eventually meeting up with some animals who arrived in Africa in a bath from other countries (no, you didn't read that wrong).

Not only are there so many characters, but most of them have no purpose to the overall storyline! The tortoises give a speech about human destruction before deciding to immediately dying, which is sad as they were the most interesting characters.

Most animals are stereotypes, such as an Aussie kangaroo and Tasmanian devil. I don't mind stereotypes if they are tasteful, but these aren't great portrayals.

The ending is as you would imagine, boring and predictable... until the last few mins when they decide to go to New York in a whale? Overall the film is attempting to give an environmental message, but just goes about it the wrong way!

If your looking for a quality animated movie then I suggest avoiding this one, even The Wild (2006) is a better choice which really says something! I would have given it a 1 is it wasn't for the decent enough animation!

The Greatest Showman

Wonderful music, mediocre story!
Although I don't usually enjoy musicals myself, I decided to give this one a shot due to the hype and great cast. I thought the choice of actors was spot on and they gave believable performances, but the story was just not interesting to me.

Unfortunately, I found myself zoning out between songs due to lots of dialogue and a very predictable storyline. I know it's a musical and the main focus is the music and dance scenes, but I was still disappointed as many of my friends had given this movie high praise.

The music was far superior to the storyline, expecially "This is me" which was both touching and beautifully sung. I expecially loved the misfit circus characters who were each unique and had a certain charm to them.

Overall, I was entertained some of the scenes and music, but I felt it was somewhat lacking in other areas. But due to my known dislike for musicals anyway, I'd take my opinion with a pinch of salt and at least give it a shot if this is your thing. I would say it's still worth a chance for the songs and cast alone!

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