
IMDb member since January 2006
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    IMDb Member
    18 years


Song of the Dead

Wow! A must see!
I went to the Cinema Wasteland in Cleveland in 2005 and I saw a film there called Song of the Dead. The room was packed, it was hot, and the projector broke half way through so they had to change it out. However, the film just blew me away! This was one of the most original zombie films that I have ever seen. I loved the fact that Chip Gubera, the writer-director, used a biological terrorist attack as the reason why the dead were rising from the grave. This is truly an original idea that I'm sure everyone will be ripping off soon.

Did I mention that it's a rock music musical? I usually don't like musicals, but the music in this film is really good and works well as part of the storytelling. I still have "Flesh and Blood" running through my head and I haven't seen the film in months. And all of the actors could sing very well too. Who would have known that the great Reggie Bannister can sing so well. I was truly impressed.

This past summer I was really looking forward to seeing the Undead and I hate to say that I was disappointed with it. However, my summer zombie movie hopes were saved when I saw Song of the Dead. I can't wait until I can buy it on DVD.

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