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Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077: Masterful storytelling hold down by its flaws
TLDR: 83/100 (probably going up after patches similarly to The Witcher 3)


Cyberpunk 2077 was among the most highly anticipated games in history. Its brought to us by the same developers of the Witcher games which, in addition to the casting of Keanu "Breathtaking" Reeves, is probably what made this game as hyped as it was. With all this hype this game was destined to be a failure for some, for me however it was probably the best gaming experience I have had all year. Despite the amazing writing it is just average in some of its "RPG" parts, this did not hinder my enjoyment much, but it might lower yours significantly.

Story and Characters:

Main Story:

Cyberpunk's Main story (around 25 hours) is relatively short, especially when looking at the Witcher 3 with its around 50 hours. The biggest weak point of the story is the first act. It mostly just serves as setup for the main story and introduction to the world, this is also where your chosen live path only ever plays a major role, which is somewhat disappointing. After this pretty generic 3-4 hour long introduction the story jumps to its high point and stays there for its entire run, it's an incredible story where you as V get to decide how it plays out. Once starting the second act you will stay at the edge of your seat throughout the entire journey. The ending is an emotional banger, and it does not really matter what ending you get, V's fate is always a punch in the gut, always fitting with the classic themes of the Cyberpunk Genre and the World of Night City. Another detail i find fascinating is that the name of every quest is the name of a song and said song matches the tone of the quest pretty well. Chopin for the final was such a fitting choice.

Side Stories:

The side quests are where Cyberpunk truly manages to outdo most games I have played prior. If you read this right now and have yet to play/finish this game, go play through the side missions even if they seem meaningless at first most develop into mind-boggling stories that show what kind of bleak future for the human race is prophesied here. The side quests always end with though moral choices, they also further the understanding of Night City and how AI "lives" in it (Delemain quest line or "Coin Operated Boy") to a disturbing look at Night City's politics in "Dream on". Not to even mention the more personal quest that are equally as amazing, especially the four main ones with one romance option in each (depending on the gender of your charatcer).

Those often surprising developments lead me to always do every side quest. You never know if the basic "kill x" side quest you just started develops into the best quest of the game. There is also some foreshadowing in some side quests, adding greatly to the replayability of the game.

The Side quests also majorly influence the endings you can achieve, doing some side quests will open up 5 more possible endings. You are free to rush, only playing the main story, but also can experience the game in its entirety and get something totally different as a ending.


The Characters are the heart of the game. The story is great and raises interesting points regarding AI, our possible future and body modification, but the characters in this grim world are what makes the ending so emotional especially with what happens while the credits roll.

However, V, is the in my opinion worst written one. The 3 live paths did introduce you to him but never really gave huge insights to any bits of his past. Every other character is believable, and you get to know them greatly, from goals, past to personal struggles you get to know everything about the people living in and around Night City.

The Characters of Cyberpunk 2077 are more than you might expect at first glance, the most prominent example here is clearly the man, the myth, the legend Johnny Silverhand. He is also the character most prominent throughout the story and the one that undergoes the most surprising but amazing development. The others are not much different though, they all are so well fleshed out and developed that once that ending hits, it really it's hard.

Gameplay and Sound

Combat with balancing issues Its all up to you how to approach a mission, you can just run and gun, hack the enemy into killing himself or bring out your blades from inside your arms. Across the board everything here is pretty average and not groundbreaking in any way, the game is clearly not about the combat and more about the story, the amount of variety however does make up for it. A huge problem for the combat is that the different aspects are not that well-balanced in my opinion. Melee and Hacking/Stealth feels way too strong. Another problem is that missions turn from hard to very easy in no time at all and even turning the difficulty to the highest level does not make them more challenging.

Leveling up:

They handled the role-playing features very well in my opinion. There are attributes and perks. Attributes are here more major while perks are more specific. The Attribute points are sparse, and you can't get all maxed out. That further increases the replay value since you can't get your Attribute points back. Always trying different builds will be one of the main reasons to replay this game.


The pretty average gunplay gets compensated here. The Gun sounds are what makes the combat fun pair that with the banger that is this games soundtrack, and you will have fun just shooting up some cyberpsychos. The Voice acting is also top-notch.

The AI Its just bad. Nothing more to say, it surely is a downgrade from games that came out a couple of years ago.

The World: Night City

Open World: Atmospheric but not the next GTA CDPR's worlds were always about stories and not about you interacting a lot with it. What you experience in this game you experience in the quests, not in any side activities. There is not much interaction with the world. Its mostly a stage for the characters to play on. You have an apartment, but it does not feel like "home" because you just can't do anything with it. Just don't go in it expecting it to be a Rockstar game, because it is not. However, the atmosphere in Night City is amazing, driving through the rain as never been better in any game i have ever played. Its also very detailed, you know by looking around in which district you are, what people live here and how they live.

Visuals Its stunningly beautiful. My old GPU really surprised me with how good games can still look with it. The Photo mode also is a great addition to really capture the beauty of Night City. Its not well optimized though, it does run relatively smooth but dips below 40 fps at times. Even on moderate settings.

Technical Problems

It seems the ones i had were relatively mild but still decreasing the enjoyment to some little extend.Especially when i had to reload just because i got stuck with a quest which happened at least 3-4 times. Technically speaking its clearly a mess but the same was Witcher 3 and look how that turned out!

Wrapping it up Despite all the flaws that this game indeed has. The miserable AI, the lack of interaction with the world (even The Witcher 3 had Gwent) and the balancing issues, just to name the biggest ones. It has Groundbreaking characters, themes and stories to carry the game. Pair that with the beautiful world that is Night City you get a Breathtaking game that is worth every penny i paid for it.

The games foundation is superb, it just needs some more work and neat extra features and its a contender for my personal top games of all time.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

If you dont have any expectations its a fun movie.
Dont go in this movies with unrealistic expectations, its just Star Wars. And for me Star Wars always was a guilty pleasure.

The story is nothing spectacular, it has some neat twits in the end but nothing of great depth etc. Wich is fine for me since Star Wars always was a guilty pleasure of mine.

The Visuals were stunning, wich is one of my main reasons for seeing this movie, big spacey battles and Lighsaber duels nothing got me really excited but that is due to my little care for the characters, Finn and every other side character was rushed (the whole movie was i guess) and completely generic, Kylo and Rey were decent but their relationship was pretty neat even tho it was rushed.

There also were some scenes that only existed for the Fanservice and nothing else, make you own goddamn movie and not just a "here is some nostalgia" stuff.

In the end if you go in with realistic expectations you probably will have fun watching this, the people that hate Star Wars the most are the fans. It is a ending to a era and i have to admit while it ended in a rather bitter way it was a satisfying one.

Is it a movie that will please haters or anyone with high hopes for the movie? Probably not

Is it a fitting end? maybe

Is it a good movie? debatable

Is it a for what it is fun movie? ? For sure.

Sincerely a movie lover but not a Star Wars Fan.

Enter the Anime

Just dont. A waste of time.
A superficial look at anime, there is no reason whatsoever this exits.

Marriage Story

A truly outstanding Family Drama
Marriage Story is a Drama and by that a god damn great one, it never bored me for its length and the score is great and used in a fitting way.

The Characters and how they interact is the heart of any Drama and this is probably the movies strongest point, how the members of this family interact,suppress or express emotions, in such a realistic way, is completely mindblowing to me. There are countless scenes in the movie where the characters emotions are portrayed in such a subtle way and as a viewer you get how they feel, you can see it in their eyes voices etc. and not just cause they cry a whole lot.

This amount of character work is portrayed by the 2 amazing main actors Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson, its probably one of, if not the best career performance for both of them.

This movie makes almost every other Family or most Dramas in general look shallow and unbelievable dull.

Frozen II

Mixed feelings about this one.
Its not as good as the first one but still fairly decent at times.

I liked the animation which was godly as expected by Disney. The developing relationship between Elsa and Anna was also very neat. Kristoff felt like a typical 3rd wheel character i already didnt like him in the first one but in the sequel he is even worse.

At last the Olaf scenes were annoying for the most part, they felt very forced and just there to get more Olaf in the movie, but if they fitted the scenes they were quite nice.

I wont spoil anything story wise but as much as a wanted to like it the ending was pretty weak.

His Dark Materials: Lyra's Jordan
Episode 1, Season 1

A high bar for the Fantasy adaptations to come.
As a fan of the books this looks promising, Dafne Keen and James McAvoy are great same goes for every other actor.

It may be a little confusing for any not book reader but this will clear up sooner or later.

Looking forward to this every week from now on. Also the opening is extraordinary with great attention to detail.

The Politician

Chuckled a bit but thats it.
I only watched a couple of episodes so far, i will update the review if it gets better wich i highly doubt.

This could've been so good a over the top political satire set in a high school, the problem here is that it does nothing with the over the topness, the jokes are for dummys and pretty bland most of the time, its failing at the only thing it tried. BEING FUNNY.

Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne
Episode 6, Season 8

I don't care anymore
The leaks are true...100%

GRRM never thought the series will surpass him but now they even completed the books inside the TV series before GRRM did in real live. 1/10 episode but at least Ghost got his Pat so it's a 2/10, a bit Fanservice in all this bad writing is kinda nice.

Chernobyl: 1:23:45
Episode 1, Season 1

Great start,
I watched the trailer to this Mini-series and my expectations just went up there, first because the trailer was amazing and second because HBO is just very good at doing Mini TV series.

The opening scene to this episode was a man talking about the catastrophe, after its completely silient....we see the man suiciding.

After that we see the catastrophe threw the eyes of diffrent people from firefighters to politicians, they all react in a way almost every human being would react, some say that the decisions of these Characters are dumb and yes the decisions are dumb but thats the point they are dumb because they are real.A side note would be that many Characters are actually based on real people.

The episode showed a today not much talked about catastrophe in a horrific way thats scarier than most Horror movies without the need of cheap jump scares or unnecessary gore.

Game of Thrones: The Long Night
Episode 3, Season 8

Do you remember the times GoT was good...i do
At the moment i write this review the rating of this episode is at 9.5....9.5 why?

This Episode takes the cake for being one of the most disappointing episodes in History and probably ruined the entire show for me.

But before the rant some positive things,the episode did a very good Job at building supense, for example the silence before the big fight was great or the Soundtrack in the end pared with the fear of all Main Characters dying was just stunning.

First of all why was it so dark i just dont see a reason, i understand that it was night but why would you make it sooooo dark....

Then there was the big disappointment, all the build up was for nothing and many of the build up plot points dont even make sense now, even the direction was only "ok".

  • a few thousand Dothraki just died for nothing
  • Jon and Dany shoudlve done more with the Dragons
  • Martins philosophy of war and main Characters got to waste with every Main Character being way to close to death to survive
  • Way to many camera cuts in the fast pace action sequences
  • Jon was right near Davos with the signal but didnt see it to burn the trench...
  • The library scene was bad...way to silent for a big fight and why where the walkers so slow...this isnt a cliche horror movie
  • Arya killing the Night King shouldn't be possible with over 100 dead bois in her she flash or something
  • Bran was useless...
  • Melisandres death was pointless
  • Jons resurrection made no sense now
  • The howl Azor Ahai build up went to waste

Maybe some of the things i mentioned will make sense over the course of the next few episodes, but i actually doubt it. One last thing i wanna point my opinion the show should end with the fight against the Night King and not with the battle for the throne because it started with the white walkers why put the battle for a throne above a battle of the living vs the dead that has a way greater meaning.

Lets just pray to the God of light that Martin finishes the Books and it will get remembered for the ending of the books and not this mess.....

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