
IMDb member since January 2006
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Blood+ - 13 episodes review
Wat can I say about blood+ well I'll go straight to it "It rocks", the story line is intriguing,every episode will make you watch the next one since questions are always bought forward but never answered i.e. Saiku was she made, why does her blood destroy the monsters, what is diva and if you have watched up to episode 13 "Is diva a creature cause thats what they hint. The anime series start slow with Saiku practising at school but in a rapid way her world gets twisted and she finds out more the she can handle, i love how her friend awakes her by giving her blood on the beginning episodes (I forgot his name cant be bothered to watch d episode to find the name). The best thing about blood its not just mad killing it has a plot and it gives hints about Siuku & what she is, however it doesn't answer the questions. This anime is more for a mature audience who enjoy action, great story line & cool graphics. The sad thing bout blood+ its d time its Tooo short, every time the best parts come i.e. when she looses control, it ends and i must wait for the next episode. Then we get the baddies (excuse the wording) they play an important row as they seem to know more about Saiku then we do ,however its hard to tel if they actually fear her or not. The anime has a lot of twists, i admit it may start slow but it is worth watching. "If anyone knows where i can find episodes 14 above please post it here so i can review it"

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