
IMDb member since June 2018
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Getting On

I Was Not Expecting To Laugh
I never heard of the show and decided to give it a try. Hideously hilarious . I was not expecting to literally laugh out loud -Given such a pasty and drab setting. Alex, Niecy, and Laurie have a great chemistry. Omg and the patients lmao. The connections amongst these characters transition from ep to ep.

Looking forward to season 4

The Prince

This Whole Movie Is A Spoiler ...For the Film Industry
1 Star for 50 Cent cameo. I lost it when he popped up on the scene. Hilarious. However, extremely lazy writing given the tired storyline.

This father with a mysterious past is looking for his kidnapped daughter. We learn of his past through a series of flashback stories that are a series of narrated fade-aways. Some don't even have images and are just told by some guy.

So we just watch this guy over here tell a story and that guy over there share a chilling experience with the father. Sometimes the father would tell a story about his own past.

He finds his daughter. End of movie.

This has to be a favor as none of these great actors had many lines lol.

To sum it up: This should be in the "Mother Goose/Storytime" category.

As Good as It Gets

The worst thing about this movie is that it has to end.
I have to admit that -To some degree-I can relate to Melvin Udall's character in the sense that he is a very compassionate and caring man armored with the harsh bitterness from the world. The fact these dynamics are exaggerated make it comical.

The cast was phenomenally on point for the characters. Each and every character added flavor and depth to the storyline-Even the expressive dog.

So many small roles played by actors that are huge now.

This is one that will go in my time capsule.

Look at Us Now, Mother!

Touching... As a strong-willed, middle child, I can totally relate
I have an older sister and younger brother that are both 7+/- years away from me. My mother wasn't critical of my looks like that, but the whole strong willed thing going for me earned me the "Black Sheep" label. I wasn't bad or mischievous, but I was super busy and didn't simply do what I was told until I saw it was fit-a quality I was born with. I couldn't help it. I seriously thought I might be adopted in my teens. It wasn't until my early 20's when she and I became the best of friends. I'm so thankful for that opportunity.

Seriously digressing here, but this documentary hit home fo me personally.

I would recommend this for anyone that was that "Family Freak" that people loved but just couldn't digest.


Had To See It Again To Give It A 9
I admit-I gave it a "6" initially fresh after seeing it for the 1st time. 1st time I saw it, I felt uncomfortable for dude. The relationship between him and "Her" got totally weird for me.! At one point I was Like wtf-he's having a serious convo with his phone???? At the beach???

2nd time seeing it I got it. I thoroughly appreciate the decision to NOT attach "HER" to a physical body and kept it strictly to an app.

....The main character was still a big p***y to me the 2nd time around though. -1 star

F Is for Family

I Look Forward To The Next Season. That's a 10 For Me
Totally reminds me of my youth in Rochester,NY. Playing Kill The Carrier football, the tracks... the bullies... seeing bigger bullies bully the bully lol. Snowsuits, Arnold the bus driver... VICK haha Oh man....Definitely had the cool neighbor Vick whose house always "smelled funny" lol. My Dad wasn't intense like that though haha.

Seriously digressing here: I really like the show. Dope dialogue. Not over dramatized. Takes me back. Simple and to the point-as it used to be in my day. ONG I sound like my parents. CHANGE NOTHING.


I Dunno What To Think
So I randomly chose to watch this and was too disgusted/disturbed to continue. Horrific. So I paused it and decided to revisit it at another time.

...So I revisited it...with 3 other friends...while drinking wine. Sh&t was hilarious.

Dunno whether I hate my friends or the movie more haha


A 10 From Someone Who Didn't Even Know There Was A Book
My review is a bit biased because I've been overcoming my fear of that "wild open water" by taking up rowing. I could relate so much to the dynamics of both of those kids. I never read the book, but I thought the acting was dope-all of the characters. The camera work was dope. The water footage captured the ambiguity and emptiness/fullness of the water that gives me the willies-and the completeness and exhilaration I feel when I fall into it and just don't care. I felt the weather while watching.

Overall, it was refreshing to watch a movie that wasn't "cornified" with Hollywood exaggerations of the point. The soundtrack was simple. The movie was put together in a thoughtful way.

The Devil's Candy

It was "Aight".
I found it predictable. I would've given it a 3, but there were some super corny aspects of it that cracked me and my bf up to no end. So the extra star was for the humor factor.


I'm not a horror film enthusiast, but I'm definitely not anti. I'll check out some horror films sometimes.

If I were an enthusiast, this movie probably wouldn't even deserve a review. But I'm not, so it does.

There was a lot of illogical content from the beginning. While that's typical of most horror films, the storyline didn't make up for it.

The story had mad potential basing it on something real that we all use. But it went in an unexpected direction for the worse. This film had so much potential to instill real fear in my heart while spending less money than what seemed wasted to me.

I would've given the film 4 stars, but I think it deserves an extra star cause the music scared the s**t out of me. I'm not gonna say this film sucked cause it didn't suck in its entirety. There were still scary parts that didn't suck. Also the basis of the storyline was very believable. It just went in a sucky direction.

All in all, this film deserves 7/10 stars...if it were 1986. But it's not, so it doesn't.

Dancing Queen

Keep The Diva Count to 1 Please
I would've given the show a 9/10, but I deducted 2 stars for the "Mama Drama". Not horrible, but it cheapened the program to me. The talented kids is what kept me watching. They were more mature...WAY more graceful and the thoughts they expressed had more substance to me. I felt-FEEL-sorry for the kids...kind of.

To sum it up: Absolutely fabulous show in terms of dance and sharing Justin/ Alyssa's lives. But just make room for one diva and bleach those batch spots out like Clorox -Mmmmmkay?

I'm not knockin what these "Tiger Moms" are doing by ANY means. I just don't want to see that sh$t.


The Diabolical

Arjun Gupta Is So Hawt
That's what earned the 1 star. I kinda knew this movie was gonna blow when I clicked on it, so I'm not really disappointed. It definitely lived up to my expectations. The movie was all over the place. Arjun Gupta is so sexy looking though. So I decided to watch it all the way through.

Yeah...But No.


Eventful, but Unoriginal
I don't know why, but John Cusak annoys me in movies. So when I first saw his face in the movie I said out loud, "Ugh-I'm giving this movie 20 more minutes.".

Sure enough I saw action in that time frame so I kept watching. It didn't take long for me to realize that it largely resembled "The Matrix". However, Cusak impressed me in his villain role.

The young boy annoyed me with his constant freezing like an idiot when he should be running. Too much drama in unreal contexts. They also "bit" some things from "The Hunger Games".

While there was definitely action and moments of intensity, it came off as a reductive version of "The Matrix" to me as so many other movies.

If they make a sequel, I probably won't watch it.

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