
IMDb member since June 2018
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Top Gun: Maverick

Mixed bag, putting my prejudice aside.
I will start by declaring my prejudice - I am not a fan of Tom Cruise as a person nor a fan of the American war machine. I put that aside to watch and enjoy this for what it is, a fictional story and I can say "WOW". When I started watching it was a bit slow, pulling on the old "top gun" movie which I remember because Im old. The movie improves and continues to improve, the characters develop, the mood and chemistry between the pilots blossoms and the ending was spectacular. And all this to my surprise. I rated it as a 9. I have some carrier experience too, and still 9/10. Worth watching. The highs and the lows are amazing, and the ending brought happy tears to my eyes despite my prejudices. It is a story not something real. Take it as a fiction and nothing more. Well done Tom Cruise and co. Well directed, great special effects extremely realistic enough to make any aviation experienced person enjoy along with the novice. Thoroughly enjoyable. I hope we see more of Cruise in the future because he is still an amazing actor as are all the others that appeared alongside him. I am trying not to drop any spoilers so this is as far as I go. Watch it for yourself, get past any prejudice you may have coming into it, and you will walk away from this satisfied !


Great series. Captured me in 5 minutes flat
I was sceptical about another Brit crime show with the same drab feel. But this is the second really good show that has come around in a matter of months.

So lets get to it.

Babou Ceesay, the main character is absolutely charismatic funny crafty and a wonderful actor. In fact I have so far only watched the first episode and I know right now that this is one of those series I will be waiting for to come out.. impatiently.

Whilst it is a crime show with a bit of a CSI twist, the interactions between the main characters, the guest appearances of each show and the interesting crime and investigative techniques completely roped me in.

I particularly like they have left the politics out of it and just produced a really cool addictive investigative drama.

If you are like me, like many in the world.. we have spent a ton of time watching every TV series we can get our hands on. Some never see the light of day and sit in our list gathering dust. This is NOT one of those. I guarantee you, that if you watch this as its broadcast.. you will plan your life around this show so you do not miss it.

Dark humour, challenging personalities, and Wolfe with his peculiar personality that is both very mature and at the same time.. a little immature. Yes.. he is a bit of a paradox and an oxymoron all in one. But it works.. Add this show to your TV watch list. I promise you will not be disappointed.

One bit of advice.. there is a lot of dark scenes so make sure you watch it on a TV or screen with good contrast.. like an OLED display etc. Im sure it will be fine on others but on my 4K OLED.. it has the perfect balance of colour and contrast and the atmosphere they create is immersive. Trust me.. addictive !!!


What a surprise ! wow !!
I will try to paint a picture without spoiling - darling.

The movie starts off sort or rustic, with a sad mellow tone and honestly makes you wonder how the movie is going to reach what you think. Im not saying it's bad.. quite the opposite. The main character plays a subdued underdog for most of the movie and then adopts a new persona, an act - but quickly realises she has it wrong.. she has been living the act and the persona is the real her. The movie has so many twists and terns with the main character adopting a very much "Penny Dreadful" personality. In fact she pulls that off so well I really had to think back to who the original actor in Penny dreadful really was.

Due to some rubbish reviews in the msm, I was expecting this movie to flop and was waiting for that shoe to drop.. you know where the ending fizzles out like bad.. well you know what I mean. But it never came.. The movie was Fabulously fantastic and left me reeling gleeful tears at the ending - a perfect poetic justice.

So I did not spoil it for you rather.. teased you a little. So here is a little advice.. Watch this in 4K because the visuals demand it. If you are tempted to get a lower res version.. don't do it. You will regret it forever and need to watch it AGAIN in 4K and well.. it wont be the same. And yes.. I demand you watch this fabulous movie.

Cosmic Sin

no sense
I am a fan of B grade sci fi but this caught me by surprise like farting and realising it's not a fart. The biggest sin here is the directing. I cannot believe someone actually funded this project let alone let it be published. This is one of those movies that can end a career it is that bad. Bruce Willis is in it yes.. but I was sure he could act ? Right ? And then there are a few B grade actors as well as some who look like other actors. The scripting was perhaps the worst I have ever seen. They clearly had a budget so why not make a half decent movie ? This is fighting for top ten of worst movies ever watched and I only let it get to the end to see what happened and even then I regret it. Watch at your own peril.


It is and it's not.
If you were a fan of Longmire, this will remind you of that show, but with a couple of characters out of Supernatural. So the main character Walker played by Jared Padalecki, is kinda funny in a weird way. Firstly Padalecki is the worst actor in the entire show, and secondly, if you were a fan of Supernatural, you will keep expecting Dean Winchester to turn up at any minute, or some sort of monster. Not only is he typecast.. he is quite inflexible with his range of acting. Back to acting school Jared. But as 2021 goes.. it really is on par with a few of the shows coming out. So keep your expectations a little lower than normal, and you will be fine.

Me You Madness

Not what you expect
Before I watched this I checked the IMDB rating and it was LOW.. but the synopsis sounded fun, so on a Sunday afternoon, I sat down to watch it and I could not tear myself away. The story is told in a third person style for a lot of it, which really adds a twist. The real twist is the mesh between romance, love, and Dexter like serial killer all whilst hilariously funny and to a really good match of 80s music. The fact this is supposed to be in California, and ties "elite rich arrogant" into the antagonist of this film is just an a crack !. Personally I rated this a TEN out of ten because it was just damned funny in so many ways. If you decide to watch it, take it as a comedy not a psycho slasher action type film which is certainly is not.

Alien Highway

I expected to find Josh Gates behind it.. it has that kind of feel.
So.. three people seemingly in a copycat investigation team, a hybrid between the ghost explorers and Josh Gates latest antics. The Woman is very attractive but someone needs to tell her the only time women wear blue eye liner is when they are attempting to look younger in a porno. I think she got it because epp 3 she looks normal again. To all seriousness, the show has legs. They use less toys than say Gates and co, but they do a good investigation and have kept my attention so far to the point I feel like it would be fun to join them. They have found some remarkable stuff if its real. It could be another BS storyline of course... but either way, if you like this style of investigative doco, then you will love this. I imagine in time they will get better and look like every other ghost, alien, strange thing investigator. Just to give you context.. that crazy show by the BFRO... well this is so so so much better than that hahaha. I did not give you any spoilers because if you want those, you can look them up.

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