
IMDb member since July 2018
    2006 Oscars
    2005 Oscars
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    5 years



A fine show(horrible English dubbing)
I'm not a big fan of the generic soaps. But I have to admit that I actually enjoyed Violetta. I was spared the horrors of the English dubbing. It appears that they didn't even tried to find voice actors who matched the original actors in the slightest.

The Danish dubbing is brilliant. It brings out the best of the show. My Spanish suck big time but watched a few episodes and liked it. If you want some brand new and never-before-seen plots Violetta is not for you. But if you master Spanish, are okay with subtitles or the dubbing available for you is at least decent and want the familiar plots and some laughs, it's alright. If you only want highbrow mind blowing shows and despise telenovelas, stay clear. To me it's now a guilty pleasure. In part because of the (Danish) dubbing.

The X Files

I have seen things.....
When the X-Files first aired I was a little kid. In my opinion it's aged well and hasn't lost its quality.

Dawson's Creek

Can't help it. I love this show. I'm not a fan of soaps, but Dawson and friends baffled me.
Dawson and friends might sound like a bunch of highbrow psychologists, but all groups of friends are different from each other. If you look at the group, the reason for their highbrow talk is quite obvious. What baffled me was that I've atleast one thing in common with most of the main characters. I never experienced that with a TV show before and it forced me to deal with the past. It wasn't until 2011 that I gave the show a chance and was blown away.

Kundskabens træ

A bittersweet coming-of-age story.
A story about the little things that make puberty both a pain and an awesome journey. The age where parties are sodas, dancing cheek-to-cheek and it's all innocent. The first innocent love and broken hearts.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Man I loved this show as a kid. It's still high quality.
It'd it all. A great story, great characters and humour. I just loved the heroes in a half-shell. I hope kids today see the magic of this gem.

The X Files: All Things
Episode 17, Season 7

We knew she'd brains and now we get to see what's in her heart.
The episode isn't brilliant but it isn't trash either. We get to see that Scully is far from flawless. If you're confronted with your past, you're forced to make peace with it and deal with your present life and choices. If all you want is the brainless entertainment you will hate this episode. I don't blame Gillian Anderson for wanting to give Scully's character more depth. We know Scully; the scientist, her morales, her loyalties and her religion. Now we get a peek at Scully; the woman.

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