
IMDb member since August 2018
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Shot in the Dark

Zac- World class POS DB
Great show. I love Scott's drive and passion. No doubt it's all about looking out for #1 and Family. You're badass! Much respect. Would love to shoot a round and have a few Tecate's with him! A lot to be said about someone who is honest and hustles. It's not reckless, that's passion! Rock that camera, bro!

Red- God bless him and his family. Respect for you and your brothers. Hearts of gold. Struggling as much as the next small business. It's like mom and pop shops vs. Wal*Mart. Damn Wal*Mart to hell! I wish your brother could have pulled through after his blessed act of heroism. A lot of respect for the BS you push through. Drive and passion makes it tough when it's upcurrent and nothing but hills to climb. Wish yall the best.

Zac? Eff you.... kiss ass... everything you do is how Scott defines you. Watch the little things... moving the fireman's line for him when he didn't ask or need it. Pulling up to the meeting and looping the parking lot with your lights off just as a cop would. All your cop lingo in your calls to base. "Oh did I give you my card?" "Yeah, we met, I have it (I don't want another f'ing card)"...Reeks of wannabe poser wanting to suck off authority. I respect respect. You take it so far it works against you. The people you do that to actually respect you less for it. I seriously cringe and wanna puke. You always apologize to cops and fire for the actions of the other stringers.. "we're the good guys" you say. You double talk. You talk garbage about Scott and when he confronts you, it's denial and lies. That's no integrity. You should admit to what you say and even defend why, weather right or wrong, and you would be more respected for it..... your analogies negate one another depending on the call. You're a faux candy ass. I'm suddenly feeling sorry for you. I'm somewhat feeling bad for writing this; realization hitting me you probably were picked on or some traumatic family incident when you were young. Damn, dude.... sorry about whatever happened to you. I know you really do mean well. Yeah- I'm almost sorry I wrote this. It's all true, but now I feel bad.

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