Reviews (4)

  • I just hope Gilbert Shelton was not involved in this unmitigated garbage in any way. If he was, shame on him. Wretched, awful, pathetic, inferior and shabby are just a few terms that come to mind. If you hold dear the original comics, DON'T look at this. No amount of weed, drugs and alcohol could make this crap not stink. Best to remember it as it was (sigh). Fat Freddy, go out and score us a GOOD animated series and don't get BURNED this time!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all, let me express that this film contains some of my all-time favorites... Pacino, DeNiro, Pesci, Keitel, Cannavale, Van Zandt and others. What could go wrong?

    First of all, the film is too long for what's going on. The story line itself is great, the execution is questionable. I felt as if all of them were just going through the motions with Pacino showing a soupçon of life but that's about it. Ray Romano did a fine supporting role, though.

    One aspect I found particularly ridiculous was that a good part of the film dealt with their younger lives and virtually no effort was made to conceal their age. I think using younger actors, a la Godfather "sequel-esque", might have made more sense than trying to use pancake makeup to make actors in their 70's appear to be in their 20's, unless there was some cinematic mystique involved here that I missed. It's easier to AGE 'em than the opposite.

    Let's take Goodfellas, add a little Mean Streets, a touch of Godfather, shake it all up and pour. It's not a BAD film but a 94 Metascore? Hardly. Just IMO. Still worth a watch.

    Martin, Al, Bob. Harv , Steve.... I LOVE you guys but it's time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I revisited this film after many years and maybe in 1997, ideals were more.... well... idealistic. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Clint fan going back to the days of Rawhide, but seriously, a Secret Service Agent that commits suicide over his shame in not reporting his POTUS for his involvement in a crime? AN FBI agent who a) falls for the anti-hero's daughter and b) let's him off the hook scot-free? Oh yeah, let's not forget not ONE but TWO assassins that both miss the same target. The best thing Luther (Clint) should have done with luck like that would have been to take the rest of the day and go to Pimlico.

    Even the best of 'em miss one here and there.
  • I WANTED to like this film. I really did. I love horse racing and the story has a lot of merit to it. The production of this film failed miserably. Made for TV. Hallmark Channel goes to the races. It seemed that the director just wanted to get through the film as fast as possible. Seabiscuit it ain't! This film is best suited for children who like horseys. NUff' said. Back to the barn.