
IMDb member since August 2018
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Perry Mason

Perry Who?
If you are expecting Raymond Burr, don't wast your time. Or just don't wast your time. On the other hand, you could watch John Lithgow waste his time.

Jan Nylander

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Strike Up the Band
Episode 1, Season 3

A Short Observation about Season 3, Episode 1
Mrs. Maisel has an act at an Army base. The section on the Army base was entertaining. Line were witty and fast. However, the stuff about the family is a continuing distraction. The mother is just okay, but the father character is not funny. In fact, he's angry all the time. The ex husband tends to get into trouble. In the end, Mrs. Maisel is the only part worth watching. Jan Nylander

The Report

A short observation about "The Report"
Others have reviewed the movie adequately. It was well done and gripping. But I'm confused. The move claims to show that enhanced interrogation methods used by the C.I.A. don't work. But, if these methods were used on me, I'd let the interrogators know everything! The movie ( and the original report) doesn't show why the methods didn't work on the captives.

The Crown: Margaretology
Episode 2, Season 3

A short observation about "The Crown: Season 3, episode 2"
Well done as usual. Yet, Margaret was miscast. In an earlier episode, JFK was miscast. Helena Bonham Carter is nothing like Margaret was, and it shows. Jan Nylander

Terminator: Dark Fate

A short observation about Terminator: Dark Fate
A terminator show up and tries to terminate Dani, who appears to be a slow learner. Then Sarah show up, and they run around for most of the movie poping the terminator with stuff that doesn't stop it. Later Arnold shows up, but that doesn't help much. The script is full of dumb dialogue. The ony thing wroth watching is the Linda Hamilton character. Otherwise, no.

Jan Nylander

Kara Para Ask

A short observation about "Black Money Love".
A cop's fiancee is murdered and he wants to find out why. I cannot recommend this series. It has 161 episodes!

Jan Nylander

Downton Abbey

A short observation about Downton Abbey.
This was a nearly perfect adaptation of the television series, and fortunately, Elizabeth McGovern didn't have a lot to say. All the characters were there and in the some roles as the series. Briefly, the Royals were coming, and the King's staff descends about Downton, upsetting the both staff and family. The Moseley character was too broadly played, and the gay connection was a distraction. Jan Nylander

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

A short observation about John Wick: Chaper 3-Parabellum
There may have been a story here, but it was fairly well obscured. Angelica Huston was wasted, and Keanu Reeves didn't have to act. Nearly all of the thing consisted of a series of "Wham, Bam, Smack" fights. Jan Nylander


A short observation about "A Fortunate Man"
A well done period piece that could have been a lot shorter.

Jan Nylander

Black Summer: Diner
Episode 5, Season 1

A short observation about Episode 5
The survivors spend most of the time arguing about their situation. Finally, one guy wants to throw Sun out, but gets thrown out himself. Meanwhile, Rose and her crew wander aimlessly until the stumble upon the diner. Army guy shoots one zombie dead, but misses the other. The diner crew rushed out and beats the remaining zombie down. That's it! If there's any way to waste more airtime, the writers will think of it. And the actress who plays Rose isn't going to win any drama awards.

Jan Nylander

Black Summer

A short observation about Black Summer
Well, the producers of this series got one thing right: In an apocalypse of some kind, you can't trust the government. Episode 1 starts with Rose, who can't seem to get anything right. You can't fix stupid. Rose cuddles her infected husband until he turns and tries to eat her. Instead of trying to escape, she wallows on the bathroom floor. Given a chance to get away, she leaves her backpack behind. Chased by her raving zombie husband, she runs into a a fenced alley.

Mar de plástico

A short observation about Mar de Plasrico
Good God! How much time can be wasted in each episode? I kept wanting them to get on with the investigation, but there were several subplots that added nothing.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: All Alone
Episode 10, Season 2

A short observation about "All Alone".
Midge has a few funny lines while Abe is just plain tiresome. Season 2 continues with the same problem: Midge is funny when on stage. Otherwise there is little of interest when she's off stage.

Wanted: Outlaws
Episode 6, Season 3

Review of final episode
The series comes to an end with this episode. Like others, this one has a cliffhanger ending, but with a twist. The main characters remain as they were at the beginning, and always seem to get out of trouble at the end. I wish there were a sequel, or perhaps a movie. I have mentioned the series to a lot of people.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Simone
Episode 1, Season 2

A flop
Season 1 was so funny and interesting that I expected more of the same. Unfortunately, there was nothing funny, clever, or different about this episode. Perhaps there is nowhere to go but down after such a marvelous season 1. Any more clinkers and I'll stop watching.

Murphy Brown: Beat the Press
Episode 10, Season 11

Sometimes funny, but...
Normally there are humorous elements to this series. But not this episode. It was little more than pandering to the left (and Trump haters, or course, of which there are many). Yet, they did a good job of covering up Candace's weight problem. The series does take a point of view, and that must be respected. However, there will never be the series opposite. Hollywood is incapable of producing a series (or even an episode) that has a conservative point of view.

NCIS: Los Angeles

All-purpose review
The story lines have become increasingly and dialogue dumber and dumber. I don't know how the actors stand such stupidity. Get rid of the guy with the dirty hair.

Kis Günesi

Review of Winter Sun
It is difficult to post an accurate review because of language differences, and I suppose something has been lost in translation. It has an interesting plot, there are sub-plots, and and unexpected twists that add to interest. Nevertheless, there is a problem with the main characters. There is way too much standing around, looking off into space. And the Efe character is sometimes nearly uncommunicative. Moreover, the main characters sometimes seem to be talking past each other.


A great series!!!
I want a second series, and maybe even a third. Everyone who has seen Marta loves her in this part. The action is fast paced with interesting, kooky characters. And then, there's the sexual tension between the two main characters.

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