
IMDb member since September 2018
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Our Father

Story incredible; the telling of it slow at times
This story is bonkers. It didn't need an awful lot of help to be one heck of a compelling documentary. However, they manage to make it very slow and drag on quite a bit at times. I would like to watch another version tbh as the story definitely warrants multiple docos and there are some excellent writers out there. The idea that more siblings are out there too; it's definitely worth continuing the story. I think anyone giving a negative review is probably not old enough to understand the repercussions of dating someone you are related to. Or passing down major health issues to your children without knowing what they are. Consent is the big word for this documentary. It's absolutely incredible that anyone could have done this and got away with it; and fact he remains uncharged blows my mind. In summary.... Fascinating story. Could have been told better but this story deserves all the air time it can get. Watch it.


Sweet and quirky
I enjoyed this movie. In part because I recognised a lot of the filming areas as the Paeroa/Ngatea district, which was nice. But also as I found it quite a nice low key story exploring gender, "gender... It's complex". Ultimately though, the main theme is really about fractured families, and forgiveness... of self and each other.

I recommend this as a nice watch; despite the heavy subject matter, it's still a very enjoyable watch, and characters were sweet. Solid effort from a kiwi flick.

Phoenix Rising

Horribly open and sad recount of a past relationship
Review: we watched Phoenix Rising last night, a documentary following Evan Rachel Wood as she discusses her abusive relationship with Marilyn Manson. What a traumatic watch 😳😳 not for the faint hearted. There is a lot of criticism about her story; a lot of people believe she is exaggerating/lying/not accepting accountability for herself. I found myself able to relate a little to her; who hasn't had a relationship in the past they look back on and think, that was unhealthy? Things that happened when you were young that you look back on and think, that was actually really not OK? And man, my past stories are nothing as extreme as hers. Do I think she willingly was involved with him at the time? Yes. Do I think he manipulated her and abused her? Also yes. Do I think it's possible he doesn't view their relationship as at all abusive..? Also yes. People who manipulate are often completely unaware they are doing it. This was a truly disturbing and important watch. It is one sided, it's true... you'll only get her side here, and she has learnt all the proper terms to help her process the relationship for what it was (abuse). Im not saying he's a horrible person from watching this either, it's entirely possible he may not be a bad guy at all to his friends, but still make a really unhealthy partner due to personal emotional baggage. I hope anyone else in an abusive or just plain unhealthy relationship that watches it may gain strength from her to stand up for themselves and leave. I applaud her ability to stand up and speak of this even though it must be a) painful and b) doesn't paint her in a great light at times. It's true, we all make some terrible choices to please those we love. That doesn't make us bad people; but it's hard to face up to those parts of yourself in retrospect so well done, Evan 👏👏 a painfully honest and heartbreaking review of a youthful relationship. I'm sorry nobody protected you 💗 and hope we can teach our young women more about some common red flags like dependancy and control.

What Happened, Brittany Murphy?

Interesting watch
I've wanted to know more about what happened to Brittany Murphy for years. How did she go from top actress to dead so quickly..? So when I saw this documentary was coming I was well interested. The story, however, is not as complex or outlandish as you may think. I think that's the thing the film makers were trying to get across. This is an everyday story of girl meets boy, boy turns out to be a lying manipulative scum bag, the end. Or it is in normal life. In Hollywood you add prescription drugs and it's a recipe for disaster. It was shocking to learn some more about her husband. What a complete tool. But there are loads of them out there... I'm come across a few in my life so far so I feel like this doco works well as a cautionary tale. Also... her mother was totally taken advantage of too; so I don't feel like any blame can fall there. Terrible story and a perfect storm.

The Frozen Ground

Thought would be cheesy AF; but a solid thriller
Can't believe I didn't know about this story (based on true story). Thought I would be watching a reliably cheesy Nic Cage but turned out to be a solid true story that kept me on the edge the whole watch. Was done in memory of the victims and definitely a movie that needs to be told... and it was well done I believe. Give it a go 👌

Spinning Out

Loved this show- even more in retrospect
I'm back here about 6 months after watching this to say I MISS IT AND I WANT ANOTHER SEASON 😢😢😢 I've seen a few shows since that try to address mental health and fall short of this show. The competition aspect shows beautifully the struggle between wanting to stay "normal" and wanting to also feel completely alive. Give me mooooooore like this.

This Town

Great Kiwi slow burner
If you love Kiwi slow, quiet, quirky movies this is for you. I love the beautifully framed shots, bright colours, and gorgeous scenery. Enchanting characters, nice storyline where I cared to see what happened; but mostly I cared to see the love story unfold. Props to the team that made this - more please 💗💗

Ready Player One

Wow, chill everyone; it's just a bit of fun
Ok so I haven't read to book... and I know I can be terrible for hating movies that aren't true to the book. But honestly I'm not sure why there are so many bad reviews here. I thought this was a whole lot of entertaining fun. Enough so that I've written my first IMDB review. I would totally watch this again.

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