
IMDb member since September 2018
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You Are Here: A Come from Away Story

A must see...
I was expecting to watch a few minutes and be hit over the head with sentimentality.

I couldn't turn it off. Watched it again a month later.

Not sure I could sit through the play with that music... but the stories are wonderful.

A big middle finger to the terrorists, those who hate all Western society, and racism everywhere - including the orange buffoon.

9/11 - we will never forget - Canada and the US - friends forever...

Thank you Gander for showing us a great example in how to treat your neighbour. Thank you first responders for your courage.

The King of Queens: Lost Vegas
Episode 1, Season 7

Not very original episode
First of all, the plot isn't very original - doing favours to get Carrie to agree to something.

But taking the cake was Doug ripping off the Simpson's from "A Milhouse Divided" and Homer's soothing ocean sounds.

Not very impressed.

Apocalypse Now

The boredom - The boredom - Redux
I should have known better. Heart of Darkness was one of the most boring novels ever. Two page descriptive paragraphs.

Cliches, no action and no plot for Redux.

Loved Platoon and Saving Private Ryan. I don't get how this snooze fest was considered superior to those films.

Could have done without the sexist Playboy bunnies. Nudity is fine but why make them out to all be such vacuous bimbos?

Platoon is better at showing us all kinds of people and not just cliches.

Audience reviews play like junior critics-in-training. Very disappointing movie.

South Park: Not Funny
Episode 9, Season 20

Appropriately named
How many more completely unfunny episodes can I watch before I give up on my previously favourite show?

The show is even worse than recent Simpsons. Vulgar, political crap.

Didn't laugh once.

South Park: Super Hard PCness
Episode 9, Season 21

Terrible. Just terrible.
What is with these positive reviews?

I didn't laugh once. It was like a cheap knock-off the South Park movie.

Hate the Heidi character. Fist fighting your boyfriend? Why?

Strong woman was just a "B" - no funny lines...

How could Terrance & Philip age but not anyone else?

I just watched this and can barely remember the plot - it was so boring.

Time to put this show out to pasture. These crappy episodes just taint the first ten years of hilarity...

South Park: The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs
Episode 2, Season 14

Who writes these reviews?
22 minutes of people vomiting and a few Sarah Jessica Parker jokes.

These guys used to write freakin musicals and now they just have people throwing up in buckets. It's like an Andy Kaufman skit. Everything is a message. Yes people read things into art where there wasn't really a message. Okay, but where is the comedy?

South Park

It's the best comedy show of all time but...
Is it misunderstood? To me it's like they want to limit their audience? They create a hilarious concept such as when you get older every new song on the radio sounds like crap. So they actually play flatulence with this crazy drumbeat and it makes ten year olds to sixty year olds laugh their butts off. But then what? Instead of filling out that episode with some other ideas, they put in more gross-out comedy with feces coming out of people's mouths. I love the show despite the toilet humour not because of it. But a little less would have won more fans for the show, methinks.

The Simpsons: The Nightmare After Krustmas
Episode 10, Season 28

An Evil Elf on the Shelf?
More interesting ideas have come from Pinterest. The show is just terrible.

My favourite all-time show hasn't been funny in a decade.

Why would Krusty convert? A Frozen parody for a few unfunny minutes?

Just terrible...

South Park: Scott Tenorman Must Die
Episode 4, Season 5

Super Overrated
We always knew Eric was evil, maybe not this evil...

But this is like the typical revenge movie format, which I don't care for. Main protagonist takes abuse after abuse until they finally get their revenge right at the end of the show.

Joke after joke about pubes is just too lowbrow, IMO. I prefer their silly ideas like Scuzzlebutt, Tree Fiddy and the over-the-top portrayals of movies like "You Got Served".

Also, Cartman takes his revenge in front of the whole town. Doesn't he go to jail, now?

The Simpsons: White Christmas Blues
Episode 8, Season 25

Interesting idea that goes nowhere...
No laughs to be had anywhere...

Where did all the decent writers go? A B&B had so many different potential guests - so much opportunity lost.

The Amazing Spider-Man

When did Spider-Man become such an &$&-hole?
He's a such a punk to criminals and the police!

Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield are far too good looking to generate any underdog feelings. They are the King and Queen of the Ball. Their romantic lines were also cringeworthy.

No Jonah. Disappointing.

Special effects were meh...

Parents plot went nowhere.

Boring and a mess. People who gave this a ten? Maybe they've never seen a movie before?

M*A*S*H: Officer of the Day
Episode 3, Season 3

Are there different versions?
The other reviewer says that the prisoner patient attacked someone? A US soldier?

How? They were unconscious after surgery?

I'm so confused.

M*A*S*H: The Abduction of Margaret Houlihan
Episode 6, Season 5

Flagged for silliness
I don't get the love for Colonel Flagg's character? Just over-the-top bizarre ramblings that noboby in real life would ever make. Colonel Potter had some snappy lines.

Deep Blue Sea 2

A bloody waste of time
Terrible, terrible. More like an inferior remake.

I even wanted the stripper scientist to get eaten.

Watch Jaws, Deep Blue Sea, the Shallows, Shark Night or Jabberjaw instead.

The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror XXVII
Episode 4, Season 28

Very ironic
Ending the show making fun of other shows when the Simpson's has been terrible for years.

How can people give this TOH a 10.0 unless the first ten TOH's somehow get 20.0?

Not one laugh in three segments but some more useless gore.

Please end this series. Please put the shark out of its misery.

The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror XXVI
Episode 5, Season 27

Horror-able episode
When did Treehouse of Horror switch from clever humour to just gore?

How do you move from the brilliant "Kill my boss? Do I dare to live out the American dream? Or the jury of the damned with the 1970's Philadelphia Flyers. Or the cynical knock on US election-speak - "The politics of failure have failed. We must make them work again" to this episode, devoid of laughs, seeing Bart get killed in fifty different ways and an inexplicable Godzilla spoof?

I can't believe Kelsey Grammar lent his voice to this one. And this is not the first episode voiced by Kelsey Grammar - he has voiced Sideshow Bob in every former episode (see other user review).

As comic book guy would say - worst episode ever. But with a 6.8 rating, I gusss this show will continue to blow for another 25 years.

The X Files: The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat
Episode 4, Season 11

Worst episode ever
Not funny. Not plausible. Bad acting. I feel bad for Gillian and David.

Don't insult the old X-Files fans.

South Park: You Got F'd in the A
Episode 4, Season 8

Dancing Duck & Goth Kids
Something about the standard poor animation along with slick choreographed dance moves to hip-hop is just hilarious.

Chef doesn't disappoint ... explaining the nuances of getting served. Butters the dance champion and a dancing duck. What a troupe!

Finally, the Goth kids trying to out-non-conform each other was classic...

South Park: You're Getting Old
Episode 7, Season 15

One joke - 21 times over
Other than the serious ending which gets a point, one joke shouldn't warrant a 9 or 10.

Yes, people change as they get older - lots to mine for the creative SP team but they decide to use the same gag and ratchet up the disgust factor. Not SP worthy.

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