
IMDb member since September 2018
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A League of Their Own

This movie is probably one of my favorites that we have watched in this class. I thought it was really entertaining and it was a really fun movie to watch. It's a good way to learn how the woman's hall of fame became to be. The story was just meant to become a movie with her sister switching teams and it all came down to the last play. I think the director did a really good job getting the story and the point across. I would really recommend this movie to anyone who hasn't seen it.


I really enjoyed this movie and the inspiration that comes with it. I really liked the scene where the German racer told him to take his last jump and he broke the record. It shows great sportsmanship for him holding up his arm as he wins. It is something we can all learn from. We can all learn to be good sports and to not judge someone no matter how they look. I think the history is interesting because I didn't know that Hitler was in charge and there would still be olympic events. That was the only thing that I had questioned. Although I don' t know anyone who was in or help make this movie, I really liked the ending scene because it's such a big topic that we as a society need to learn to do. I liked the story that the movie tried to get across and I would definetely recommend this movie to others.

Cinderella Man

I'd say that this is the best movie that we have watched in this class. You got a taste of what it was like when the Great Depression happened. I really liked the build up for the last fight and how the last fight was actually worth the wait. It really had you on the edge of your seat when he had the flashbacks from when he killed the other guy. They made it seem really realistic and it was all around a great movie.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

This movie is actually one of my favorites that we have watched in class. It had a good storyline and was really action packed. I liked the old Western vibe and how it brought back how it was back then. I also liked the characters and how they would go about things as it brings some sort of humor to the movie.

Wonder Woman

I enjoyed from what I saw from the movie. I found it interesting and liked how they would throw in historical features. I felt like it held a good storyline and had a good build up to the end and what would happen. It´s not one I would watch again

Iron Jawed Angels

I liked this movie because it showed what they would have to go through when they were protesting for what they believe in. I liked the story and learning about the history behind it. I though it was interesting how they used the hunger striking because back then I would've thought that they wouldn't have cared. They sacrificed so much because they truly believed what they were trying to do. And it changed things forever. They made it better for all the women that didn't have the courage to come forward.


I liked this movie even though it was a musical because it still had an entertaining storyline. I liked how the main characters weren´t way older because that takes some of the fun out of it. The fight scenes I thought were entertaining but the older dudes put off a scary type of vibe that is most likely too inappropriate to write on here. But 10/10 recommend.

Far and Away

I liked the movie for the most part. I was absent the day we watched the ending but I liked how the story line went. It was interesting to see how they reacted to different situations. How we went and did bar fights just to raise money and once Shannon saw the other women in there and got jealous so she went and did the same. Also how they just completely fled to America.

The Alamo

I really enjoyed this movie because it was really action packed and it gives you a good idea on how it was back then. You could see how people thought and how some wanted power and thought that they knew the solution to he problem. It gives you a good idea on how it went with the violent deaths and how he gets stabbed to death in his death bed. All around I liked the storyline and how they told the story through the movie.

The Crossing

I thought that it was an all around good movie. I liked it because it was really informational considering the the fact I don´t know that much about our history. I also learned what type of a leader George Washington was and how he acted on things so that was cool.

In the Heart of the Sea

I liked the movie because it was very action packed and it was in a situation that I would never want to be in. I thought that the acting was good with them having to kill themselves so others could survive. I think that is a big part that a lot of people wouldn't notice but it actually happened.

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