
IMDb member since February 2006
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    18 years


Fear Street: 1978

Much better than part 1
I actually felt emotions for the people involved this time. This one was infinitely better than the first with much better acting.

The Luminaries

This is proof a beautiful woman could do no wrong in the eyes of men
The lead character of this tv show is extremely unlikable. Yet men are bending over backwards for her. In many ways that's true of life but when it comes to a tv show its truly hard to stomach it. You consistently watch the lead character treat everyone around her with such lack of emotion and get herself further down the rabbit hole of bad circumstances of her own poor choices. Yet were supposed to pity her? Why? Because shes pretty? The only redeeming character is eva green who despite being a villain ive been rooting for this whole time ive been watching. She is absolutely captivating on screen. The story is still interesting though. Although it does ridiculous time jumps for no real reason. As i feel the story could have been told in a linear fashion and still be interesting. I just wish the lead was likable.

Bayonetta: Bloody Fate

Does not do the game justice
I absolutely love how the story unfolds in the game. The anime? Not so much. Much of what happens is rushed through so quickly you barely have a moment to really savor it. The voice actors for the angels are laughably bad. Bayonetta while charmingly cheeky in the game is overtly sexual and soooo cheesy in the anime i want to throw up. In the game we feel for her on her quest to uncover her memories and we watch as she goes from taking everything as a joke to becoming serious and genuinely forming an attachment to "little one" and fighting to protect her. In the game Bayonetta actually feels like she might be in danger but in this anime nothing feels like a real threat. The epic ending battle in the game is not nearly as awesome in this anime. If this is your first time watching Bayonetta u will enjoy it. But if u are a direct game player than anime watcher you will be disappointed.

Hâdo ribenji, Mirî: Buraddi batoru

just as good as the first if not better
Personally i wish this became a franchise because the story of milly and the subsequent need for others to thirst for revenge against her brought unlimited story potential. but sadly that was not to be as this was the final installment. Needless to say i thoroughly enjoyed this film. The actions scenes were top notch and I loved the addition of the new villain with a certain sexual fetish I will not reveal. I think the main thing to take from the film is that revenge will hardly ever bring real peace but for some people thats the only thing they have left to live for.

Jue ji

Don't understand the negative reviews it's pretty good
I've read some of the negative reviews and while I agree the plotline is confusing I don't think that makes the film terrible. It just requires you to pay a lot more attention and perhaps rewatch to get an even better understanding. I thought it was a fun film. Great action sequences and the cgi was truly gorgeous. My only real complaint is I felt that many of the female stars were kind of sidelined in the action department for the male cast. I hope for the sequel we get to see them have solo battles like there male counterparts.

Hâdo ribenji, Mirî

complete thrill with over the top gore yet credible story
I had watched this movie at a friends house but after viewing it i had to go and order it online. i think this movie is truly phenomenal. it's definitely apart of the over the top blood/gore fest that has been popular in japan as of late. However unlike the others like tokyo gore police or machine girl. the lead character has a much stronger personality as well as motivation for her actions. also, the fight scenes done by the female heroine are top notch and do not scream fake like the other films I've mentioned. the movie is basically about a young woman who was horrible wronged by a gang of hoodlums who ravaged her body and killed her family. she goes on a quest for revenge that is a action fan like myselfs ultimate dream. full of blood & amazing choreography.so if you liked machine girl or tokyo gore police i definitely recommend this film.

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