
IMDb member since September 2018
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The Umbrella Academy

Haunting of Hill House for Super Heroes
Ok to be fair the title is abit misleading. It's more like HoHH because of the family drama being such a huge part of the story. But it's still so good.

To be fair it's probably a 8 or 9 out of 10 but after seeing someone give it a 1 I felt like someone had to balance the scales. This isn't the typical generic super hero story you're used to it. Its not action packed(although there is action and it's really good) and omg the CGI is amazing. It's more character driven. And that's good imo. Its excellent acting and writing and yeah some of the characters aren't likeable to start with but that's why you watch the whole season. To see them develop.

I don't think people should come in here after watching one episode and give it a bad review. It's not going to be for everyone. That said I do think a lot of people are really going to enjoy this and appreciate it for what it is and not hate on it because it's not some generic action packed superhero story we see almost monthly now a days.

Russian Doll

Wow. The critics got it right this time.
I don't usually write reviews but I ended up staying up all night/morning watching this. I don't have much to say as I don't want to spoil anything. But the acting is great, the humour is great and the mystery is really interesting and will keep you interested from episode to episode. Highly recommend.

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