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You Can Shine No Matter What You're Made Of!
I don't think the movie gets enough love. Not sure why. I went to the theater to see it and thought it was a good movie. It is actually ahead of its time because it has to do with upgrades and charging large amounts of money, and middle-class robots can't afford upgrades. Sounds familiar such as real life with technology. But it is a good story about a boy Robot who's dreamt of being an inventor like his idol Big Welled. He goes to Robot City to make his dreams come true. It's a feel-good action-adventure film we don't see often. It holds up well. The animation holds up well. The story is predictable but it's charming for all ages.

Legally Blonde

I Am Found Guilty of Underestimating This Gem
I admit. I have avoided this movie for years. I immediately judged it assuming it was kind of stupid. Or that she's dumb blonde who got accepted to Harvard because she's attractive. Of course, it's acknowledged she is judged because she's an attractive blonde she must not be smart. I did the same thing and I regret it. She is smart in a different way, and she brings it up people assume she's dumb and it's great. I love when movies point out stereotypes in people.

But I never realized the script is pretty good. The premise is ridiculous yet great pitch for a film. It's a great script for a romcom. It is obviously Reese's best work as Elle Woods. She is made for that role.

Inside Out

Unsung hero that is Sadness
Definitely a tearjerker for any age. It is a fun family film but with so much depth. Kids will enjoy it for the character as emotions and the colors of the world inside Riley's mind. However, adults will like it because it has a hidden message for all ages, but probably more so for adults than children. I believe it is a secret movie for adults because of the hidden message. The message is it's not healthy to keep your sadness bottled up inside. If you ignore sadness, you might go into depression which is what Riley goes through. This was out in 2015 before everyone else preached mental health awareness. This was probably a first hint maybe it's a good idea to let out your emotions to heal your wounds.

The Wizard of Oz

Game changer for technicolor
Where to begin? I have loved this movie since I was a child. It has been a part of my life. I watch it all the time. It has special memories personally and professionally. I wanted to write and make movies because of The Wizard of Oz. I became obsessed with Judy Garland because of the movie. I have books and magazines. There is a lot to say about the film that love but also aware of the negative behind the scenes moments that occurred. Yes, there are flaws in the movie I can point out, but after a while I don't care. The songs are iconic, the story is iconic, and it's very quotable through the decades. And it is still ranked one of the best films of all time on many lists.

I Love Lucy: Lucy's Night in Town
Episode 22, Season 6

Underrated Classic
Definitely not an episode people talk about as a favorite, but it's mine. I love it because it feels more early seasons of Lucy in New York. It feels more season 3 or 4 or 5 when the Ricardos lived in New York. Another small incident happened, and it keeps building up. Again, another simple premise the couples are going to see a play, what can go wrong? Lucy accidentally got the matinee tickets not the evening. And so Ricky buys enough for two only. Girls see the first half and the boys see the second half, but the girls snuck in for second half. Ethel's bag falls, Lucy goes to get it, she grabs the wrong bag, chaos after chaos after chaos. I love these episodes.

I Love Lucy: Lucy and Superman
Episode 13, Season 6

And they call me Superman?
Probably the best season 6 episode, hands down. And perhaps one of the best of the series because it's one of those shows you watch over and over again. But not just because George Reeves appearance as Superman, but also the set up at the beginning of the episode. The dialogue between Caroline and Lucy over who was born first Little Ricky and Stevie is so well written I didn't appreciate it until I got older. I had to listen to line by line to understand what they were talking about. The writing is so superb on this show, that it disappoints me we don't have much of those today. Of course, Superman's entrance is hands down the best guest star entrance ever.

I Love Lucy: Lucy and the Loving Cup
Episode 12, Season 6

Can you get a loving cup out of a woman's head?
Classic I Love Lucy episode. Lucy's head is stuck in a loving cup, literally. A normal conversation between Lucy and Ricky over what hat she should wear, and it ends up with her putting on the loving cup on her head as a joke, and it turns into a whole premise. Ethel's phone call asking can you get a loving cup out of a woman's head is hysterical. And her saying you won't have trouble recognizing her. I love that even though Lucy has a cup on her head, Ethel is worried she'll be judged wearing her blue jeans at the Subway. Lucy makes a point no one will notice her jeans if she's going with a loving cup on her head.

I Love Lucy: Off to Florida
Episode 6, Season 6

One of the best episodes of season 6, in my opinion. The reason I love it is because it's a heavy Lucy and Ethel episode. It's them two in a situation where Lucy messes up and they have to get through it. Of course, it goes bad, it's the show. It's a great suspense episode if the driver is a killer because of the description of her grey hair, but the woman thinks Lucy is the killer because later the radio hosts say the killer died her hair red. I like the beginning; Lucy says don't get panicky to Ethel knowing she lost her train tickets. Then gives up and says start panicking. The whole episode is a winner for me.

Sing 2

Fantastic sequel!
I was hesitant about the sequel because I loved the first movie too much, however my expectations were met in this movie. I dare say it might be better than the first movie. From start to finish, I was Entertained all the way. I love the characters, new characters, and the songs. Sure, it is campy but in the best way. It's one of those movies where I feel some critics and audiences are too critical when it comes to cheesy, feel-good movies. As though a good story has to have tragedy, heartbreak, or serious subject matter. Not every story. If this one had one of the main characters die then people will say it's great, but if there's no serious subject matter then it's cheesy, silly, and Eh kids' movie. As an adult, it's a good story structure and a feel-good family-oriented film.

I Love Lucy: Lucy in the Swiss Alps
Episode 21, Season 5

I love this one. Almost any episode with the four characters is a good episode. The part that makes me laugh is Fred holding on to Ethel with a rope, he swings the rope to help her climb up, but the rope comes but not Ethel. Lucy and Fred freak out thinking Ethel fell off the mountain, but she was right there climbing. The marching band is a riot. To have the four up in the mountains and being trapped at a cabin is something comforting, I can't explain what it is. Many shows after this have done, we're trapped episode. Lucy hiding her cheese sandwich makes me laugh because Ethel is a food expert, she can smell it from afar.

I Love Lucy: Lucy Gets a Paris Gown
Episode 20, Season 5

Page 23, Baloney
I know this episode is most memorable because of the fashion. But I personally like the performance of Lucy pretending she's on a starvation protest. The potato's sake dresses are hysterical on Lucy and Ethel; however, I remember the sneaking food around plot a little bit more. Lucy pretending she's starving but won't eat is memorable scene to me when Ricky tries to force her to eat a loaf of bread. Not to mention Ethel keeps on eating and Ricky takes the food service cart away from her. And then Lucy takes all her pieces of food to make a sandwich from all over the room where Ricky wouldn't think to look.

I Love Lucy: Paris at Last
Episode 18, Season 5

The language translations are definitely what everybody remembers the most, but the episode overall is one classic scene after another. The painter scamming Lucy, Lucy at the restaurant pretending to be a French citizen ordering snail, pretending she doesn't know Fred and Ethel, trying to talk the police into calling her husband Ricky, and the end all of them buying the same paining thinking they all bought an original. Yes, the French, German, Spanish, English translation scene is the best writing in comedy show. Hands down. But the scenes leading up to it is as great. Bob Caroll Jr. The writer dressed as a French man nod to Lucy at the table, nice little wink, wink.

I Love Lucy: Lucy Goes to Scotland
Episode 17, Season 5

A love/hate show
The episode is either loved or hated. I, on the other hand, don't hate it but I don't love it. It's not as good as The Operetta episode. If I had to choose a musical episode, I choose The Operetta. But this one has funny moments like Ricky taking a lock of her hair and sings it -- very funny. And the songs are sort of catchy, the sword dance is my favorite part, the extras are great. The singers and dancers are doing their best, give them credit for their talent. It reminds me of a Televised play so that's a bonus. Fred and Ethel as a two headed dragon, why not? It's a dream fantasy fairytale so anything goes, you can't judge it. The best joke for me is Ethel saying they won't eat Ricky because Spanish food gives them heart burn.

It's a fairy tale I love Lucy episode that you either go with it or you can't.

I Love Lucy: Lucy Meets the Queen
Episode 15, Season 5

Underrated Classic
This is another classic episode that isn't mentioned often. This one is great because Lucy is desperate to meet the Queen and gets in Ricky's face to put her on his show. Often times she begs to be on his show, but this is super important he actually caves because he knows this is very important, he doesn't even argue with her.

I love the interaction with the Guard, Lucy, and Ethel because guards at the Palace can't interact. The man just stands there no reaction. And the old man with a heavy English accent talks to them and they have no idea what he said. I love Ethel's line 'we're from America, we don't speak English'.

And the circus act performance is just great.

I Love Lucy: Bon Voyage
Episode 13, Season 5

You don't know what it's like to be a mother, mother.
This has to be one of the best episodes of the show. At least to me. It starts simple Lucy gets caught in the bicycle to missing the ship to missing another ship to flying a helicopter. It is the most expensive episode to make, and it was worth it. Only this could happen to Lucy. I love how it starts off innocent saying goodbye to her mother, son, and neighbor and saying goodbye to her son again, the boat is starting to move, and something gets in the way. Her interaction with the helicopter pilot is fun to watch. The part I never noticed is Desi accidentally kicking Vivian in the face after he gets dragged by Lucy on the harness.

I Love Lucy: The Passports
Episode 11, Season 5

You should stop by and bring your mother.
This is an episode that is overlooked because it's simply Lucy tracking down her birth certificate. The pitch itself sounds like a boring premise, but it works. She goes to her old babysitter's house to be a witness to her born in Jamestown, but it backfires because the woman's husband thinks she's younger than Lucy. It doesn't make sense because she is a childhood friend, so what difference does it make who's older? They grew up together. But her lying about her age is amusing. She's terrible for making Lucy a loony but her come back at the end is great. Then her idea getting inside a trunk is another scheme that backfires. Great episode.


Family friendly entertainment
It's a simple premise. Why got to be so picky? It is an animal animated film I am not sure what the critics expect. I guess a singing competition played by animals with beautiful voices is somehow distasteful for whatever reason. But who cares, in my opinion it's a fun movie. I appreciate the songs old and new featured in this picture.


Classic is classic
I grew up with the story. I grew up watching the movie. I love it. It is a good wholesome experience. I've heard the positive and negative reactions to the franchise, and those who are reading too much into the context should relax. It is called a Disney fairy tale and that's what the story is a fairy tale. It's plain and simple.

I Love Lucy: The Ricardos Are Interviewed
Episode 7, Season 5

I love this foursome
I love Fred and Ethel trying to help Ricky even if it means getting him and Lucy mad at them. The interview is kind of mindblowing because it was virtual -- 70 years before our time with virtual video chatting.

I Love Lucy: The Homecoming
Episode 6, Season 5

The fact Ricky doesn't want to be treated like a star is nice. He doesn't want Lucy to wait on him hand and foot is interesting because before he expects her to be the traditional housewife yet appreciates her as her own person. I love seeing Lucy lose it and he does too.

I Love Lucy: The Great Train Robbery
Episode 5, Season 5

Stop this train!
One of the best episodes in my opinion. Lucy is a riot, Ricky is great, Fred and Ethel constantly having food on them is funny.

I Love Lucy: Ricky Sells the Car
Episode 4, Season 5

Ricardos versus Mertz
This is a good one. The motorcycle scene is the best part. The fights between the Mertzes and the Ricardos is a gem to watch.

I Love Lucy: Lucy and the Dummy
Episode 3, Season 5

What a trooper!
The dance between Lucy and Ricky (the dummy) is so funny. She's too much. She can interact with a plant and it'll be hilarious.

I Love Lucy: Lucy and John Wayne
Episode 2, Season 5

The Duke has arrived
I love seeing movie stars go on the show to have a good time. John is a trooper.

I Love Lucy: Lucy Visits Grauman's
Episode 1, Season 5

John Wayne's block
I wish it was that easy to grab a souvenir celebrity block. I love when Lucy and Ethel do their schemes along with Fred.

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