
IMDb member since February 2006
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    18 years



Very intelligent writing
Probably the most intelligent script of any Star Wars production so far with tight directing to make it shine. Characters are well-grounded, their reasoning and activity justified, and their backstories colorful and emotional. There's a satisfying complexity in them and their interactions with each other. There's poignant commentary woven throughout on culture and humanness. The violence is pleasantly untraumatizing, and, in fact, the way it's kept well under control just adds to the strength of the story. Tension builds and the stakes rise with every episode. Overall, I'm thoroughly enjoying it and am glad that there are 24 episodes listed to look forward to!

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Deviates painfully from what we expect of the MCU
Spoiler alert

Others have mentioned the choice of director, some like what he did and others not. I'm in the 'not' category. I'm really surprised that they brought in a director known for horror movies to do this to the MCU. I didn't bother to check his last work until I'd seen the movie and was disgusted with elements of it. The way the story played out was painfully uncomfortable to watch. Like butchering what we know of Dr Strange, literally at times. The only good is the actors, who obviously do their best to play it out. But the spiritual elements become just plain gross, and their chosen method of redeeming Wanda is so much less than I'd hoped. In fact, because it's the multiverse, viewers can feel like they haven't actually lost the character because a better version of her exists somewhere else, so we end up being ok with - even wishing - her death. Disturbing. All in all, I felt deceived: I'd hoped for particular things based on expectations and trust built over many years with the MCU and trailers for this specific movie, but then elements poured into the story that weren't advertised and left me feeling disgusted. I'm not a fan of horror and I do not watch the MCU for horror. Those elements aside, the editing with scene transitions felt cheap, and the transition style choices felt like a cop out when better CGI options are not only available but clearly demonstrated within the scenes themselves. Something big suffered in the creativity there. I hope this director does not return to the MCU.

Wall of Secrets

Entertaining, but leaves you with questions if you look too deep
On the surface, this movie is entertaining enough. It provides some suspense and a decent plot. However, if you're the type to piece together the information and try to understand the characters' actions, you may be disappointed.

The tension is enough to keep you interested but not riveted. The story line could have been better developed to avoid the questions that the deeper thinker will find. The plot doesn't get too complicated e.g. faked deaths, etc. But there are enough lies to at least keep you watching to see if you're right about who's telling the truth. And you probably are.

Overall, it works just fine for tame, quiet Friday night entertainment.

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