
IMDb member since October 2018
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    5 years


Johnny Montana

A movie to watch more than once
A movie can lose my attention in about 60 seconds and not only did that not happen but I rented it for 7 days and best believe I am watching it again. I got intrigued by it in the one minute it had to impress me. The acting was good by the main character and supporting characters. Everyone must contribute the story and boy do I hate when characters are unnecessarily thrown into scenes for movie watchers to do their cell phone checks. In other words this movie kept to its premise by making sure every ingredient was necessary for the end product. A lot emotions got tugged on in this movie. You could not help analyzing Johnny ' s character and thinking " he reminds me of ..." and I either hated him or I liked that guy. The movie got you thinking what's this whole meaning of working to pay bills and fulflling everyone else's thoughts about what you should be doing and who you should be. What we really want is someone to love and others to love us back. It's got comedy, thought provoking self digging moments, sadness. It's short but powerful movie. Great script. Good acting. Two thumbs up. Hope we see another one from him...

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