
IMDb member since October 2018
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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Worst MCU plot and movie
Weakest movie of the series. Yes weaker than Quantumania.. I failed to understand why a country as powerful as Wakanda consider themselves persecuted. Why the angst in every dialogue?

Suri is the weakest point in the entire movie. The director and the story writer need to decide that Suri can either be a proper superhero or just be a nerd who whines.

I still can't understand how come Talocans still have not found the damn statue of the Celestial. Are they really advanced? Why only Namor's genes got activated? And why no one in the next 500+ yrs could not get the same mutation?

Really really a weak movie.

The Devil Conspiracy

Could have been wayyy better
I like mythological movies. So a movie with this kind of story line attracted me.

Movie is not bad. Editing could have been lot better. Unnecessary background scores could have been removed.

Story continuity is bad. Michael's journey to hell is pretty shoddy.

The transformation in the male protagonist is simply disjointed. A ton of questions are left unanswered. Michael and Lucifer are depicted in a strange way. God seems to favor Lucifer while Michael is left to his ow luck. The supporters of Lucifer are pretty laughing stock.

If you are looking for a remotely authentic storyline, this is not the one. But see this for a campy experience. No NSFW at all.

The Book of Boba Fett

Looks like Jon created it as a time pass
Quite frankly this is the sloppiest production I have ever seen with Star Wars. Really don't think Jon F created it. Extraordinarily sloppy acting, way too much errors, incoherent story lines, disjointed character buildup... I cannot imagine a Mercenary to be this unfit, sloppy and thrown around like this. Bobba Fett is just way too dependent on all his juniors. Stupid story, stupid direction and really really bad execution...

Masters of the Universe: Revelation

I was telling my kid about He-Man ever since I heard about the reboot. And WHAT A DISASTER!! Where is He-Man in this entire movie? Why at all there was a need for rebooting it?

Great animation. But PATHETIC storyline. Ultra-Pathetic character development. Entire Masters of The Universe storyline is destroyed. This is why Netflix is turning out SO BAD! Unbelievable! Why bring social justice to even kid's show?

The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue
Episode 8, Season 2

This is Star Wars
OH MAN!! THANK YOU JON FAVREAU! After the rubbish trilogy this is what Star Wars needed.. This specific episode is just Mind Blowing... So so good...

Lovecraft Country

Tried way too many things. Except Horror.
I really wanted to see this series. Lovecraft name was the primary reason. But what it turned out was a mash-up of Social Justice messaging, pathetic CGI, laughable Indiana Jones copy, tired copy-pasted writing, series wide discontinuity and clearly the characters were not sure what emotion they need to portray. The protagonist was forever frowned, his father forever high-toned and all characters extremely foul mouthing. But what this series completely bypasses is horror. You will laugh at the so called horror scenes.

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