
IMDb member since October 2018
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Deadly Mile High Club

One of the dumbest films LMN put out. Not one sympathetic character in the film. .I thought there might be some redeemable values, so watched to the end. Sorry, no spoilers. You have to find out for yourself. The acting was not that good. Handsome male lead was flat and colorless. Leading lady over the hill. She really was that annoying in her behavior and often ludicrous. Then the ingenue seemed to have a button loose and was the dullest one in the film. I couldn't help but laugh at her acting in the end. You'll see what I mean if you watch. The mother-in-law a laughable performance you couldn't wait till she was gone. I give this one star just for the courage LMN had in producing this.

Munchausen by Internet

You gotta be kidding
One of the worst written hokum ever. And that goes with the acting as well. It seems our leading lady seems to be walking around in a dream even when she's sober. A real wimp of a performance. It was very hard to watch this movie. Very hard. Our evil nurse got away with everything she meant to do and it seems all her victims didn't have a clue. And if they did, they turned their back on her. Please. The husband's drunk scene, a couple of beers?, was a joke. His dopey wife slept through it all. Even when she woke up she was still a zombie. I won't mention names of cast in respect of their careers but I hope to not see their work again. And the writer must have knocked this off on a lazy afternoon. I felt bad for the director and gave it one star for his courage to make sense out of this loser.

Murder Unresolved

Hard to watch cheapie
This has to be one of the worst on my list of tedious LMN dramas. The story is mundane, so who cares, and the acting even worse. Too bad Nicole Tom grew up. She is not that attractive with a terrible evil mouth and hair that always seems to get in her way on close-ups. If she pulls her hair back a thousand times that is just the beginning. Did she ever hear of bobby pins? Or is the limit of her acting? To this viewer, her presence and acting totally ruined this film, not that it is even that good, but might be passable with a beter lead. Miss Tom give up acting, dear. You are not that good nor attractive. Maybe when you get older you might be a decent character actress, without the stringy straw bleached hair. And definitely a haircut to get that stuff out of your face. Thank you.

DNA Killer

Ho hum
Once again another female lead without talent. Where do they find them? This one has these bug eyes that are constantly popping out a small mouth and constantly messing with her hair, long, bleached and stringy. Ever hear of bobby pins? The plot is silly and the male cast fare better than the females, usual for LMN features. I guessed the killer right off the bat. I kept changing the channel not to be watching this female with the popeye eyes. I sometimes wonder how they get cast. Is there a strict code in hiring females with long bleached hair, over the top make up? It seems the male casting is more on target. Most of them, good looking, clean shaven, well groomed and fair actors with the material they are given. I wonder sometimes how they can keep a straight face when working with some of these females.

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