
IMDb member since October 2018
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The Silent Sea

Decent sci-fi show & a new experience in S. Korean filmmaking
I am not a fan of sci-fi or space drama/thrillers but as a fan of S. Korean movies and TV series, I gave it a watch. Overall, it's slow-burning with a somber mood, different from other sci-fis of this kind giving out a realistic feel of their challenges, no aliens or creatures about but something more mysterious and deadly, with intriguing twist and turns and you have to watch all the episodes patiently to really experience the show. There is also a very important message - climate change and the effects on future generations like water shortages which can easily happen if not already. Some of the acting surprisingly was not up to par for me but maybe because this whole project was a complete new experience for all involved. I think, the show would have been better with fewer episodes but for a new director and first attempts at this kind of genre, I was really impressed and enjoyed the show.

However, I like to point out somethings based on the comments/reviews I have seen a lot lately (Squid Game, Hellbound, My Name, etc.):

1) There is so much comparing every recent S. Korean show that comes out to Squid Game. Even the reputable sites that review films/TV shows are doing it. It's ludicrous and at this point aggravating as if all recent S. Korean shows must somehow be like Squid Game to be worthy or that's all they have to offer!

2) I have seen some reviews that seem suspicious and generic whether rated high or low. Sadly, I have even seen few racist ones!! Not sure even any of these ratings were based on actually watching the shows??

3) There is always some comparing the shows from other countries to Hollywood ones as if that is the "ultimate standard". International shows have become very popular in recent years so they must be doing something right. Viewers these days, at least some, are looking for something really original, unpredictable and emotionally engaging and with natural acting and great character build up/storytelling (fast or slow-burning) which is offered more in international films and TV series than the Hollywood productions. You can find reviews/comments to that effect as well.

Anyways, I definitely recommend watching this show because it has a new approach to this type of genre. South Korean filmmaking can be very innovative and this too does not lack in some originality,


A show with powerful and very relevant messages
Main elements of the series:

Radical Group Arrowhead = QAnon-like with hardcore following influencing/controlling people through their messages and brutality. Dongwook, a true nutjob, is the social media personality of the group that preaches about the wrath of god, sins and living a righteous life in YouTube-like broadcasts while encouraging violence. The group go hand in hand with The New Truth.

The New Truth = Religious organization, cultish and authoritative controlling people through using God, fear, sins, and a divine intervention. Gained power claiming the supernatural creatures are supposedly sending sinful people to hell and only they have the right on how "this phenomenon should be interpreted". Nobody knows, at this point, where these creatures come from or what they truly mean - (agree with one reviewer that probably they represent society's judgements rather than god's).

Social Media/Media/instant uploads = It is quickly and drastically changing the mindsets and actions of people and not for the better. Facts/logical thinking are no longer given enough importance.

The real horror of the show is not the hulk-like figures gruesomely sending sinful people to hell and the mysterious cult-like figure who started it all but the aftermath. That's why the last three episodes are different from the first three. I saw complaints about that but actually that was a smart move by the director because its not about continuing with stories of all the characters from first episodes but about showing a drastic change (from episode 4 on) that most people are now controlled and living in a completely different world after only few years. I think the director wanted to show how fast lives can change through fear, misjudgments and blind following as there are many opportunists out there that take advantage to gain power.

Lastly, If you are looking for another Squid Game type show, this is not it. Nor it is right and quite ludicrous to compare the two!! Also, if you are looking for constant action, blood, gore, CGIs that impress you and easy answers maybe this is not for you either because it's all about the subject matter that is multilayered and philosophical. My only complaint about this series is that some of the acting needs improving in case of a second season so it doesn't come off as pretentious & over the top. As for the undeserving low ratings, especially the many 1-2 star ratings, who knows what's the thinking/motivation behind them (besides the Squid Game effect) but in this case really ignore them and draw your own conclusion.

P. S. From the same director, highly recommend Train to Busan. A zombie horror movie with social commentary about classism & class warfare.

The Raincoat Killer: Chasing a Predator in Korea

Ignore the low ratings!! It's worth a watch.
What I've learned about IMDB ratings is that only some are rated properly but others are either puzzlingly under-rated or shockingly over-rated and some of the comments don't do any kind of justice.

As for the documentary, this is my very first one from South Korea although they have many great TV series. The documentary is not without its flaws but it did not disappoint either. Maybe this is a genre new to their film industry. Overall the documentary grabs your attention from the beginning to the end and is informative regarding the specifics of the case and it how it was handled by the police and other departments; the rarity and the shock of having serial killers in South Korea; the effects of occupation/war; years of economic inequalities especially before and during the times these murders took place and how it drove some people to different extremes.

The gripping and intense South Korean movie, The Chaser, is partially based on these horrific serial killings.

I would definitely recommend it. It's worth a watch.

Hit and Run

An International show + American filmmaking formulae equals this show
I won't even bother writing some specifics about the show.

However, as someone who has watched many international TV series long before they became popular on streaming platforms, the American/Hollywood formulae for filmmaking is going to ruin international shows (it already has with some British productions) that have the potential to be good. THIS IS A WARNING. Of course, there are some US made great movies/TV series but most are shallow, violent, with excessive bad language and over-confident bad guys/good guys, the hero gets away with all, no slow burning character & story development (god forbid) & so on. And this show unfortunately has many of these elements.

I have watched couple of decent productions from Israel but this is not one of them, not for me. It has lost its way copying the Hollywood formulae & well the rest is history.


Move to Heaven

Such touching stories and beautiful storytelling!
As someone else commented , this is a class act production/acting & one of the best in Kdrama series.

This show is so unique, beautiful, touching, emotional, gentle, gut-wrenching and humanizing from beginning to the end. Episode 9, especially, really got to me and you know what I mean when you watch it and I hope that you do.

When Kdramas are good, they are really good better than many US/international shows out there and thankfully their TV series are not always full of violence, gore, sex scenes or bad language. The good ones are just all about true storytelling and always thought provoking.

I hope that there will be a 2nd season. This show deserves one.


Another brilliant Kdrama series!
In the last few years, big thanks to Netflix's wide range of international shows, I have started watching Korean and Chinese TV series and when these shows are good, they are just so brilliant unlike anything I have ever seen. These shows are much better than most of the British dramas, other International TV shows and shows that come out of Hollywood. There is no comparison, in my opinion.

Misaeng is no exception. The story of brutal Korean corporate/working culture and its effects on people of different backgrounds is so real/relatable and the acting so natural and unpretentious. The story grips you from the beginning and makes you take on a journey with every character. All the actors were so convincing in their roles especially the actors playing Jang Geu-rae and Oh Sang-shik. Sometimes, I completely forgot I was watching a TV series.

Thank you to everyone that made this thought-provoking & at times hilarious and infuriating show possible. DEFINITELY RECOMMEND.


Finally a great show with a full cast of international talents
With all the great international TV shows streaming on different platforms these days & finally getting some well-deserved attention, it was about time to have a show that has actors/actresses from all over not only a few or only one. Not only this captivating relatively well-acted show has accomplished this but also we have the lovely & talented James Norton. What could be better.

You get hooked from the beginning as it portrays greed, corruption & brutality that exist among organized crime, police, governments and politicians and how they are all connected across different countries. Also, I am really glad the storytelling is not ruined by excess bad language, gore, violence & sex at least not so far & those elements are subtle. My only complaint would be to show more the influence of international politics & that I am somewhat disappointed about the ending of first season - too fast of a change in the main character.

Bimilui Soop

This show leaves its mark on you!
Corruption, greed, and ambitions that become more sinister and damaging as you move up the social/economical/political ladder and how everyone is affected by it one way or another. This is the basis of this amazing, well-crafted and complex show. The story that gradually unfolds and the message that is conveyed is told through a series of past and present events and a series of murders and the investigations that follow.

It is very well-acted and intelligently written although it definitely requires some patient viewing (especially with the fast moving subtitles) as if putting together a large puzzle with many small pieces. You have to put all the pieces together to finally see the whole picture.

I am really hoping for a second season as the ending seemed to imply but we have to wait and see. A must watch especially for the ones such as myself that love and follow international TV series especially in this genre.


Finally a Turkish TV series truly worth watching
Wow. I was blown away. The brilliant acting, the unique at times horrifying storyline, the editing and the natural flow between the scenes, the unusual beautiful music and a whole lot more. It gave me the feeling of watching a Nordic Noir production and maybe that was the director's aim.

THANK GOD there was no sign of over-done actors and actresses, endless boring flashbacks, soapy unreal storyline that drags on in hundreds of episodes and constant over-dramatization with annoying music in the background which basically seems to sum up most of Turkish TV shows.

This for me ranks high up there with the likes of Behzat C although there are differences. Finally, the great Turkish talent is being used to its full potential and in something quite different.

I highly recommend this series to anyone Turkish or otherwise interested in a high quality psychological crime drama/mystery with an engaging storyline which keeps you interested to the end.


Americanized/Hollywood style/ultranationalist/propaganda
I was so looking forward to a Netflix original from Turkey but was greatly disappointed. My reasons:

1) Too Americanized with Hollywood cliches and style. What a shame for the first Netflix Originals from Turkey. Netflix Originals from other countries are not treated this way and it is as if the only way to show the Turkish ones is to bring it up to the standards of Hollywood shows so that they can sell it here??! There are some very strong actors/actresses in Turkish TV series even though most of the series are soapy and censored. Please use these talents in the right way and actually show some originality.

2) Ultranationalism + villifying the Kurds and the whole show seems to be leading to the so called questionable coup that led to the purge of many. Erdogan must be loving it.

3) I get it that the director wanted to do something very different from the usual soapy over-dramatized Turkish TV series that drags on and on but somebody needs to tell him, the era of Hollywood style action packed good vs evil and hero wins the day is slowly dying. Just look at what is being shown on different streaming platforms when it comes to foreign imports.

4) I gave it 5 star only because, as I mentioned earlier, there are some great talents from Turkey and hope they get what they deserve - a Netflix original that has true substance, originality, quality and great story embracing Turkish culture, issues and people.

Al Hayba

Could have been much better!
I was so glad to find yet another binge-worthy international TV series on Netflix especially this time from the Middle East and it did not disappoint in the beginning with the story of a family controlling arms trafficking on the border of Lebanon/Syria and also shedding some light on the Syrian conflict, terrorism and other issues in that region. I was also very impressed with acting especially of some of the main characters throughout the season but it unfortunately turned soap operaish after half way through the season. But that's not the only reason I did not give it a higher rating. Other reasons:

1) Most actors/actresses and places looked perfect and unreal especially the women. It was hard for me to take the part of Alia (Nadine Nassib Njeim) for example, sometimes seriously, because the actress playing the part looked like a a perfect mannequin and not someone you can relate to. Have seen this too many times in Middle Eastern, Turkish, etc. TV shows. For god sake, that's just wrong on and degrades the whole show. 2) Shows in these countries have usually strict censorship laws but I really hoped if possible the story shed more light on problems in that region and the connection to different types of illegal activities and arms smuggling instead of just a hint here a hint there. 3) The role of Alia suddenly became of a submissive type woman the minute she fell in love with Jabal and accepted many things that she despised and protested so vehemently before and Jabal and his matriarch mother ruled everything to the end and knew best throughout, of course! 4) The family was mostly shown on a moral ground that took away from the reality of arms smugglers, the violence and the money laundering that goes with that kind of business. That was unfortunately another point when the show disappointed me.

Overall, I am still happy that through Netflix we get a chance to watch this show and know of the great talent that is out there but to the directors of these shows, PLEASE make it more real - the stories and the actors who make it happen.

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