
IMDb member since November 2018
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Blow the Man Down

Poor writing, high school drama
Seriously, it started out great, for 20 minutes, than it just got nasty and childish. We were rolling our eyes and didn't even make it all the way past the first episode. Thank God for fast forward. The 2 sisters were well acted, but writing for much of the rest of the characters was amateurish. I did line the older ladies though, they were hilarious. Too bad the rest of the characters couldn't be like that. Amazon is pumping out more movies, but lower quality. You will never see shows like The Expanse again. They just don't have the writers to do this much. Certainly not a series . I think those days are over.


Wow, this was bad.
I don't know what was worse the doll in this movie or the adults who can't seem to handle a child. Seriously you got a little nine year old girl telling adults what to do. This generation of 30 something year olds can barely tie their own shoe but they can develop a doll like this, the writing was really terrible. You could see what was coming before it did to the point that it was just irritating. Thank God for the fast forward button because I used it a lot. I was actually rooting after a while for this superhuman doll to just kill everybody and get it over with, so the movie would be done. Geez.


Sooo over rated. This has all been done before, many times
Beware of the ridiculously high ratings. Because this is a cultural show I guess it gets special ratings, but it's just the same old same old. Fake college degrees in the mail, wow that is original. Old story lines that were done in the 70's? Seriously, this has all been done before many times. I mean it's not a terrible show but it's just so overly rated. It does have its moments, and yes, the characters and the acting is fine, but the whole storyline is just average humor. To put this at the same level as Star wars or Indiana Jones is an absolute joke. Just cheap humor. These shows are being pumped out to the point that they're literally a dime a dozen. I love the fact that the 23 actual reviews are virtually all 10. Yeah, right.

Invasion Planet Earth

Only a rating of 3.0 out of 10? Give me a break it's way better than that
Yes this is a somewhat low budget sci-fi but this is a really good one for being basically low budget. It's a British movie the special effects are average but the overall idea of the movie is very different the ending is very different the whole premise is a bit different. It's not bad for a free movie that you watch on TV or whatever the case may be. It certainly doesn't justify a 3.0 but I do get quite a humorous laugh out of all the stuck up yucky yuck's who think they're really great movie reviewers and get so overly traumatic about their reviews. Overall it's a decent scifi movie and it's free, which is saying a lot for all the Sci-Fi movies out there now.

Escape 2120

Filmed in a park
Seriously, this is another one of those low budget movies that was filmed in a park. There's nothing to it, just walking around in the woods and pretending that you're a few hundred years in the future. It's pretty non-sensible and really doesn't seem to have a point and doesn't go anywhere. The idea of it is kind of cool but it's just poorly made. The fact that this thing won an award just tells you that the awards system for movies is absolutely meaningless. The acting is average and as I said before it's just a typical low budget movie. I guess if you got nothing to do for an hour and a half you could watch it or surely not going to get much enjoyment out of it.

Lost Gold of WW2

Worse than Oak Island but same outcome
Ridiculous assumptions, everything they find is a booby trap possibly, or a marker for treasure which of course they never find. And they never will find anything, it's just another one of these silly treasure hunting shows that really goes nowhere.


Terrible low budget
Don't bother. These low budget Sifi movies are a dime a dozen now, and this one is not worthy. You can find a lot better to waste 1.5 hours on. People giving this a rating of 6, 7 or even 8, really gives me pause as to what their true intentions are. Trust me, move on.

Outpost 37

A bit slow at times, bit decent movie
If you like those kind of movies where somebody's running around with the camera bouncing up and down then you'll like this one, it's actually fairly well made for a lower budget movie. I guess it was definitely worth watching.

The War of the Worlds

Well done
Amazing scenes and making it so realistic. I can't imagine the work involved since it's not some crappy CGI movie. Quite a gem to find on free tv.

Blair Witch

Bubble gum fare. A free headache though
This is even worse than the first one. A low budget, cheesy attempt at capitalizing on the first movie. God awful movie that utilizes, hold on to your hats folks, young adults running and screaming in the dark woods while you see nothing from a shaking, headache inducing, camera. Novel idea. I couldn't even finish it, just wasn't worth it

Slender Man

Remember the directors name. Boycott her
To make a movie after a girl was nearly murdered, purely for money, is disgusting. Forget that the movie is just plain bad, but the writers and director's names should be forever remembered for having no class and having even less talent.

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