
IMDb member since November 2018
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The Turning

18 short stories that lead to nowhere
Wtf.... Seriously what a let down, this is my first review and am so disappointed that I have to give one like this. I decided to watch this on Australia Day with a few friends, thinking how many good Aussie actors and actresses in this movie must be good. The cover is misleading, making you think that maybe the stories are somehow consist with a bonfire at the beach, making you think it's gonna be good story or stories that joins together. The only consitantcy is 18 stories that confuse you, there was so much potential for growth in each story, but you are left wanting your favourite part to continue, just to be let down by introducing a new short story before you can wrap your head around the last one. I recently watched Breath and that was awesome, I am now going to go and read the book because It remind me of my younger years I highly recommend Breath, but this was a waste of talent and has no story. The only good one for me was the turning & reunion.

Don't bother,read the book instead

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