
IMDb member since February 2006
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    18 years


Sapphire & Steel

Classic British SciFi
When I was a child in England my parents never let me see this show. I did manage to catch one episode (Assignment IV; Sapphire and Steel get captured in a photograph and talk to each other telepathically and cause the picture to turn silver to reflect away the heat of a match) and that image remained with me for years. When it came out on VHS in the UK I bought the whole box set and watched all the stories over one weekend. When they came out on DVD I did the same thing.

Interestingly, each story line was merely numbered; there was no title. The titles on these IMDb listings are not as broadcast.

Like a lot of British SciFi the hook is in the writing and acting. It's not the sets or special effects, but in everything else. It can actually make following a spotlight track across a carpet engrossing and scary! An excellent series. Shame it was so short.

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