Reviews (33)

  • This was a stunning movie.

    The acting from faces we know and faces we don't were all equally well done.

    Given that yes, they packed a lot of story and characters into it, it was still easy to follow each of them, and the plot. I can see how some people might have lost what was happening if they stopped paying attention for a bit. It is a movie to watch for the first time, with no distractions, especially if you're going to do a review on it.

    But it never slowed or got boring, something was always moving forward.

    The special effects were seamless and the world itself was beautiful. And the imagery... I must have commented out loud about it no less than 5xs.

    It was refreshing to see something come out of Hollywood that wasn't the same old characters or a remake or sequel. And yet it had a familiarity from some of it's inspiration sources that was comforting.

    My only critique was too much slow motion. But that seems like hardly a mention at this point.

    I look forward to Part 2.
  • Based on a true event from 2005-2009 in the Manitoba Colony in Bolivia.

    The importance of the dialog comes down to the women realizing they have been conditioned for generations.

    And about how they are taking back their rights as humans and how to handle that in their particular religious sect. Then add the fact that this particular colony has purposefully kept their women uneducated, which makes it a scarier thought of leaving when you can't read or write.

    The dialog is intelligent, well worded and perfectly delivered, and most of all, important.

    It doesn't just stop at that this particular colony where 150+ (including men, boys and 3 yr old girls) were abused and raped (according a quick google search). It is a conversation for our society itself and how we handle rape, whether it is at a mass level or individual.

    Each character has a different personality to contribute to the conversation, to give different points of views and experiences. The actors played their parts well, with the fight and passiveness of almost every mennonite woman I have known.

    I have never read the book (written by a woman who belonged to a branch of mennonites) but I felt that Sarah Polley most likely did it justice. Her choices of lighting and colouring, as well as the authentic mennonite outfits, was spot on and created the appropriate mood and wardrobe.

    The only fault I find is that there wasn't more to explain the true event that it is based upon. Even just words at the beginning. And the character Melvin would have been shunned, no questions asked.

    The mennonite faith, and the branches of each type, all hold the same values at its core, no matter their liberal or conservative tendencies and allowances.

    And mennonite women, in general, are taught from the start what their role is, and it is not to truly think for themselves in all 'deemed important' matters.

    This has been going on since no less than the 1700's, possibly longer.

    I have read many of the other reviews and many comment on how it was boring. I disagree. Maybe they didn't understand the background story.

    Or perhaps I found it more interesting because I grew up in a branch of mennonites and know women that have been a victim of the men in power over them.
  • This episode focuses mainly on Riker and a character named Soren. Soren hails from a planet that is populated with an endogenous people.

    It is a dialog driven episode, with precise and poignant conversations that is said between the characters. The main subject focusing on genders and the society's strict opinions and laws about what is expected, without regards to the individual. But it is flipped on it's head.

    At the time of this episode, the discussion about accepting a person's preferred gender was whispered in public, shunned in 'polite' society and just not talked about it for fear of what could come from it. It still happens today, but the openness and support was a long hard fight by many that lost their lives, friends and families.

    The fact that a main stream tv show openly discussed it, showed a realistic portrayal of the struggle in one person's life, was bold at the time, and sadly not common enough. I think they handled it well considering the year it was written and released.

    I have read many reviews that pick it apart, call it boring, are annoyed that the characters are played by women, Riker 'wouldn't go for that sort of woman' etc...

    Does it matter that they were played by women? Not at all.

    Does it matter that Riker is the main character involved? I can't see how.

    Was it boring or preachy? Hardly.

    Perceiving any of these as being bad things says more about the viewer's character than anything else.

    In the end, it is left as an unresolved issue, because it is bigger than just one episode. The reality of the subject isn't a quick fix, neat little package with a bow on it.

    The entire show is about the subject, not the actors.

    It's the words that count.
  • I like the one episode stories to compliment the anthology with the big hitters.

    And I didn't even think that the (albeit predictable) story and ending were all that bad.

    I didn't like this episode because the actors treated their characters as 1 dimensional. Lines were either delivered like a table reading or with absolute boredom.

    Sort of like watching a typical show on the CW network, where everyone looks the same, everyone looks bored and lines are mumbled out from their fake lips and hair. I literally didn't know one guy was a different actor from the other.

    It was hard to feel sorry for any character that had an obvious spoiled adult life that tried to 'whoa is me' throughout the show when you know they are rotten to the core.

    Purposes and reasons throughout the script were vague, or boring, or felt just thrown in there.

    Could have been a good script with decent delivery but the actors were just too bored to make it interesting.
  • The episode itself is the expected hilarity of poor choices and antics, with a few role changes.

    But the first moments of this one - Randy on the bus - is the best moment of the entire series, which is saying a lot. Kudos to the woman - she deserves to be on the casting list. And the sound!

    Pure gold.

    Bubbles is extra enjoyable as well.

    And like, here are like, a few more words to like, fill the space since I like, have to write enough to like, make sure there are enough like words and stuff to appease the weird algorithm that requires 600 words. And stuff. And then more and more typing. Seems like wasted space and most people won't read this far but if you're still here, good job! Remember to treat animals with kindness, and others that are also kind. Is that enough now?
  • I have only seen this movie once, and I was immediately drawn in. I think it was a well told story, lots of great actors doing what they do best and yet it is no where to be found.

    If you do come across it, ever, and you like movies about lives, give it a chance.
  • This was glorious!!

    You're laughing at the beginning, you're laughing in the middle, you have moments where it's not quite as funny.

    And then you wipe tears away at the end from laughter.

    Very diverse group. It's interesting to watch them interact with the different styles.

    I found myself enjoying the faces of the people trying not to laugh more than the comedy itself at times.
  • It was beautifully done. Excellent acting, brilliant theological thoughts and ideas, great CGI effects, wonderful story.

    Great directing, and if I am honest, I was so involved with the story, I didn't realize the music, which says something, it enhanced but didn't overpower.

    I will look forward to anything directed by Chloe in the future.
  • It starts out like an 80's movie... A mysterious prologue type of scene.

    After that it lulls a little, but it ramps up to a strong finish.

    Nostalgic with call backs, but also original in itself.

    Also, there are many easter eggs you can catch if you're paying attention.

    And don't forget the post credit scene!
  • Turns out you can't just put a blonde feathered wig on an actress and call her Princess Diana.

    I have liked Kristen Stewart in some movies, and not so much in others. And this is one of those. Her acting was one dimensional and I was not convinced of her portrayal, which left me distracted. She delivered almost every line the exact same way, with the exact same face, darting her eyes to the left. It felt like watching a play where it is required for an actor to 'over act'.

    She portrayed Diana's demur nature as weak and feeble. I don't doubt Diana suffered mentally over her life after her marriage, but I never saw her as unstable and 'pathetic'. Kristen is missing her quite perseverance and determination.

    The dialog was long, most likely to draw out this work of fiction into a movie length, and it was uninteresting. They tried to maker her 'quirky' but it fell flat.

    The music score sounded like a 1960's mystery movie with too many horns and randomness.

    Good movie to fall asleep to.

    But if you still want to check it out, then do it. This is only my opinion.
  • For real. It was quite funny, if you can get past the painful part of nodding to yourself and saying, yup, this is how the world would react to this.

    Sort of like the movie Idiocracy, but a different sort of humour.

    Watch it on a day that you feel you can handle the absurdity, definitely NOT on a day when you feel overwhelmed by society.

    The acting is good, as we have come to expect from all the names, as well the not so known names.
  • Everyone was thier true selves but Charlie stands out the most. Some of the best work I have ever seen him do, I was deeply effected by it.

    Sad this was the last episode of the season though.
  • You're either a fan of the Matrix movies, or you're not.

    I am and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    So watch it for yourself and don't let other people dictate what you will or won't like. There doesn't have to be a deeper meaning, a movie can just be a good story.
  • Great acting, great story, well executed.

    I kept waiting for the 'shoe to drop', just like in life, but it was just a great story. I think if Jon had written it with the same formula we have all come to expect from hollywood, it would have been 'lesser'.
  • I'm not sure what I just watched, but I was entertained.

    I enjoyed it, you can tell the voice actors had a good time.

    But I would guess it will take some time before the people that will be offended, to realize they actually are. And I can support that.
  • Well done, gritty, dirty, honest, and poignant.

    And I can't stop thinking about the ending.
  • My love for the second segment of this episode is at the top level.

    It's campy, has some loveable characters and a bit of gore. So many great homages.
  • I don't understand why it has such a low rating with such bad reviews.

    I suspect too many people want their sci-fi movies to be contained in a box that they have pre-conceived.

    I have turned a lot of movies off in my life but not this one.

    It was engaging, I was never bored, the plot was interesting and the acting was good.

    Sure they probably would have liked to have a bigger budget for effects, but they did a decent job through out most of it.

    I say if you like Sci-fi movies that are not mainstream or overblown, watch it and decide for yourself. If I had read the reviews and decided not to watch it, I would have missed out on something I enjoyed.
  • I watched this with english dubbing, you don't really notice. They did a good job of the dubbing, and even with dubbing, you can tell the acting is well done.

    It was a very good story. Unique and interesting and I feel that the world and it's ideas could be expanded on.

    The visual effects are gorgeous.

    I found this to be a really good movie to watch, and I recommend it
  • The acting was good, too good at some points. Some minor plots were predictable but done well and realistic. It's a bit frustrating watching one man bully so much to survive though. It's no wonder the US is where they are in this current time of covid. The visuals are stunning! If you have a lazy afternoon to watch an end of the world movie with little commitment, it's ok.
  • It is the old friend we needed during this terrible year. 2020 has sucked. And watching this movie was like being in a different, happier time, with life long friends.

    I found myself smiling at the references, the returning actors, the new cameos and the solution they have been seeking all this time. It could have used a little more 'Be Excellent" lines, especially in these times of hate and division, but it was always there.

    If you loved Bill and Ted before, you will love them now.
  • There is a good chance you will enjoy this. The title threw me off, but the plot reeled me in. It was gorey, it had great music, and the acting was good, with the right amount/kind of cheese. Was not disappointed.
  • I watched it to the end with interest. There have been many others I have turned off after 3 mins. Main actors were pretty good, some of the voice acting sounded like 'the guy that calls you with information' on a video game. Good effects, some of the plot twists were predictable.
  • Hoser. Seriously, as a Canadian I had a really good laugh at this episode.. I also learnt that I am really good at picking up small details in cartoons.
  • ....then you will relate to this. Shown from the point of view of a woman watching her friend spiral down the cycle of schizophrenia. Juno Temple does an amazing job at showing her confusion at first, then the different stages of trying to get him the help he needs, and sometimes wanting to give up.

    Simon Pegg really stands out in this movie, he captures the art of portraying the thoughts that inevitably lead a schizophrenic to going off their meds (anosognosia), the charm they display to make you think it's alright (they can be so damned convincing) and then the absolute random outbursts of hate, violence and/or rambling.

    It isn't the most quickpaced movie, but it is a great story. It is hard to fit the entire dimensions of what a relationship with this particular mental illness is like into a movie, but it is definitely a glimpse. And they only touched on it a little, but it is enough to show that there are severe problems in the mental health department in the US. Anyone with a sense of empathy will take something away from this movie.

    It is worth noting that the timeline of this can be hard to follow. And it might seem like he is 'suddenly crazy', where in actuality a fair amount of time has passed.

    I am however, disappointed that they felt the need to put Alexandra Daddario so much in the forefront. Don't get me wrong, I like her and she did a good job. But her character was not that important. Certainly not enough to put her on the cover. And the confusion of their choice to push her as such a main character in advertising, was distracting.

    Summary; A hard story to tell but it is done well by all actors involved. If you like that sort of thing, give it a watch!
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