
IMDb member since December 2018
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    IMDb Member
    5 years


The Sinner

Guilty Pleasure TV
You can't stop watching this, however, season 1 was better. They do an excellent job keeping the audience captivated between the detective's life unfolding slowly along with more secrets being relieved about the farm community. I thought the story with Cora in season one was more captivating however. I watched season 2 because I was glued to season one. Still couldn't turn off 2 because the story was so suspenseful. Great show.

Naked and Afraid XL

Can't look away
This show is a must watch- very entertaining when they have tribes. Love the all female team gettin it done! The dynamics are perfect for entertainment and love of the outdoors. I can't wait for it to be on each week. Great show

Texas Metal

Great Show
I absolutely love this show. The builds they do are like nothing else on TV. Bill has serious vision. It does a nice job showcasing creativity- he is always coming up with something new. They don't mess around with shop drama or cost negotiations with the customer which is refreshing. The interior guys are amazing. This is a great feel good car show- hope to see it renewed for season 4.

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