
IMDb member since December 2018
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Death Stranding Director's Cut

'S' Tier Delivery
This Game has Bridged the gap between Film and Interactive Entertainment. If you want a Cinematic Experience, look no further than DS. Become a Porter today!

Death Stranding stands as a powerful author's game which drives a strong message of how our over-connected society is evolving, and how we can help other players. Unlike many AAA games, it shines on a truly spiritual level.

But my favorite part of walking in Death Stranding is that it's slow and often quiet. Video games, especially triple-A video games, rarely give the player a second to think. We are constantly bombarded with stimuli such as new things to shoot, new explosions to run from, or any number of other things the developer has inserted out of fear that we may get bored with their game, even if only for a second. While a lot is certainly going on in Death Stranding, especially narratively, it's not afraid to be quiet. To leave the player alone for upwards of an hour to just do their thing. To just walk and complete their task.

I Call First

Character Study
This movie really made me relate to my college days. Coming to age story.

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