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Twilight Zone: The Movie

Excellent tribute to the Twilight Zone series!
It's not quite a horror film, and probably not really science fiction, though it incorporates elements of both. I think it more appropriate to call it what it is, a collection of four trips into the realm of imagination. Each director handles his episode with loving respect and tribute to the original source material. My personal favorites were "It's a Good Life" (in the remade version, Anthony Fremont gets a teacher who wants to help him and learn from him) and "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" (in the remade version, John Lithgow plays a really convincing paranoid passenger...who turns out to be right!).

Not to mention, a nice appearance by the wonderful Dan Ackroyd!


The Terminator meets Twilight Zone's Talky Tina
This movie is SERIOUSLY creepy! If Arnold Schwarzenegger's original Terminator were crossed with Rod Serling's Talky Tina, M3gan would be their child. She has elements of both, and the actress who plays her did a great job bringing her character to life. The script was VERY well written, though the movie was a bit slow in the beginning. That was probably on purpose, to allow us to become endeared to Cady and Gemma.

I won't address the technical glitches: there were a few, but those don't really matter, and might actually lend credence to the storyline (not initially testing M3gan's programming inside a virtual machine, for example).

****SPOILER**** Driving a screwdriver through the CPU would really kill a computer or andoid in the manner shown. Even touching the CPU with your bare hand could do it.

Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert

Positives and negatives
Ok. Overall, this was a decent production. It was a MUCH better production than 1973's Jesus Christ Superstar film. Here are some of the things I liked:

1. John Legend's singing was AMAZING. He is an incredible singer and was MUCH better than Ted Neely in the role of Jesus.

2. The actor who played Judas also was excellent. Very believable. His performance in the song "Superstar" was really well done.

3. The Crucifixion/burial scene was excellent. I loved the allusion to John chapter 1 ("That was the true light, which, coming into the world, enlightens every man.") that was hinted at with that really powerful spotlight.

Now here are the negatives: 1. They end the story at the wrong place! Jesus Christ rose again from the dead three days after He was crucified. He triumphed over death. According to 1 Corinthians 15:17, if Christ is not risen, our faith is in vain and we are still in our sins.

2. The Last Supper scene made the event seem more like a drunken party than a solemn gathering as the Bible records it to be.

3. There are several other scenes they got wrong and thus, the production itself is theologically unsound.

The bottom line: I enjoyed it, but it could have been SO much better.

The Parent Trap

A superb remake of a classic film!
This film, quite frankly, is as nearly perfect as a 1990s era film can get. Lindsay Lohan is at her finest as Annie and Hallie, two lookalike twins separated by their parents when they divorced. The two meet as tweens, having grown up not knowing each other, at a summer camp. Through a series of hilarious hijinks, they come to realize they are twin sisters, and conspire to bring their parents back together.

As with the original Parent Trap (1961) , this is a film that reminds us that marriages, even bad ones, are worth working out and fighting for. Add in an especially charming subplot of a budding romance between Chessy (Lisa Ann Walter) and Martin (Simon Kunz), absolutely delightful performances by Dennis Quaid (as Nick Parker) and Natasha Richardson (as Elizabeth James) , not to mention delectably evil Meredith Blake (played by Elaine Hendrix), and you're in for a real treat of a movie! Also look for a TON of references to the original, such as a witty performance by "Aunt Vicky" (once again played by Joanna Barnes).


Good adaptation of terrible rubbish!
First of all, I'm not one who shies away from superhero films. I grew up reading all the Marvel comics and DC also. I had heard about Kick-Ass and decided to read it and see the film.

The basic story itself is terrible. A teenage boy who has no superpowers or training decides one day to be a superhero. He befriends a young girl who is basically an 11 year old trained assassin and her father, an ex-cop with a vendetta. Their friendship and exploits result in the father's (Big Daddy, played by Nicholas Cage) death, and a LOT of killing and blood, not to mention foul language and overt sexual situations.

The saving grace of this film is Chloe Grace Moretz, who does a really good job bringing to life Mindy MacReady AKA Hit Girl. Every one of the villains is basically an interchangeable mook used as cannon fodder. The action scenes are well choreographed, if a bit unbelievable. The story however is morally bereft and rudderless.

Freaky Friday

A thoroughly enjoyable Disney Channel film!
Having read the reviews here, I have to wonder if these people saw the same film I did. The premise is simple: a mother and daughter can't stand each other, so fate intervenes and forces them to switch bodies for a day. Yes the premise has been done before, but this cast pulls it off well, showing a depth to the mom and daughter characters that I didn't expect.

The music is really good, and the particulars of this version of the premise (a teenage scavenger hunt and a mother catering her own wedding) are original. No it won't win any Oscars. Yes it will give you a solidly entertaining two hours. (And yes I saw the first two Freaky Friday films. Both are wonderful too. So what?)

Mary Poppins Returns

In a word: AMAZING!
When I first heard Disney was revisiting Mary Poppins, I wondered how you could do that without Dame Julie Andrews in the lead. Fortunately, she and the Disney casting team had an excellent answer: Emily Blunt. She delivered a SUPERB performance as Mary Poppins. Add in a finely crafted story, AMAZING sets, wonderfully choreographed toe-tapping songs, beautiful animation, and wonderful references to the original and that made an excellent movie!

***spoiler alert*** Look for a well done cameo by Dick Van Dyke and a delightful surprise cameo by a well known and loved British Disney veteran near the end (not gonna say who, the surprise alone is worth the wait).


Top Gun + Independence Day + Midway = fun movie!
This is a film that takes plot elements from three mega-hit movies and nicely mixes them together. A mid-level US Navy officer takes command of a task force after everyone above him in said force is wiped out. He pulls the USS Missouri out of its dock at Pearl Harbor and uses it to engage and destroy space alien ships that have come to conquer Earth. The spacecraft of course have settled in the Pacific Ocean.

One drawback: Liam Neeson doesn't kill anyone in the entire film.

Star Trek Continues

Faithful tribute to a television classic
This series is excellent. Every episode has been prepared with absolute love for the source material. They set out to end the original 5 year mission and provide a logical bridge to The Motion Picture. They accomplished that goal.

Beautiful sets, really good stories, good acting. The musical cues were true to form as well. Some special notes: (spoiler alert)

Chris Doohan did a fine job as Scotty, the role his father originated.

Amy Rydell is gorgeous, and does an amazing job recreating the role of the Romulan Commander that her mother, Joanne Linville, originated in the Star Trek episode "The Enterprise Incident". She appeared in the two-part finale "To Boldly Go".

Vic Mignogna could have served as William Shatner's body double. He imitates Shatner's acting style very well.

Every member of the cast and crew was outstanding. I regard this series as the finale to Star Trek TOS. I recommend every Star Trek fan, especially those who believe compelling stories can't be told without glitzy special effects and tons of lens flares, watch this show.

Captain America: Civil War

Good, not great
This movie is a good enjoyable entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a faithful reproduction of the comic book Civil War storyline, so don't go into it looking for a straight adaptation. The New Warriors aren't the cause here: the Avengers are.

That being said, the action scenes are decently done, and the central conflict between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers is well acted. In summary, it's enjoyable, but not the epic adventure that the comic book series was.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Disney meets Warner Brothers in this hilarious fun-fest!
This is probably the closest there is to pure, unadulterated fun in a movie. If you want to hear Mel Blanc at his finest in most of his voices, coupled with a REALLY fun rabbit and an especially villainous Christopher Lloyd, not to mention Bob Hoskins as Eddie Valiant, watch this film. I laughed hard all the way though it.

I would give it 10 stars but for a tiny bit of profanity. Even so, this is one of the best films for pure entertainment I've ever seen.

****SPOILER ALERT***** Cartoon purists will love the piano duet between Daffy and Donald Duck. Also the scene with Eddie Valiant falling out of a building with Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny was well done.

Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit

If you want to be somebody, you better wake up and see this movie!
This is, quite frankly, an AMAZING film. It's one of the rare instances in life where a sequel is not only as good as the original, but EVEN BETTER. Lauryn Hill has a beautiful voice, and all the choir singers sounded great too.

As importantly, the film comes out with a message. If you want to do something meaningful with your life, you need an education. And if you work hard and together as a group, you can accomplish anything. And of course know that Jesus loves you. This film gently mentions Jesus without shoving Him in your face. (God is a gentleman anyway.)

This film is roughly 40% "To Sir, with Love", 30% "Sister Act" and 30 % "Glee".

*****SPOILER ALERT**** Lauryn Hill's rendition of "His Eye is on the Sparrow" is one of the best ever. Her solo in the final number also shows off her incredible musical talent.

The Dark Knight Rises

Special effects and length overpower fine acting
I liked every single actor in this film. I thought Christian Bale did a fine job as Bruce Wayne/Batman, and Anne Hathaway turned in a wonderful performance as Selina Kyle/Catwoman (more on her later).

So what went wrong?

First of all, the movie is WAY too long. It's over 3 hours. If I start checking my watch in the film (I did several times), it means the movie's running time needed to be shortened. The movie DRAGS in pacing in several places, especially where Bruce is escaping from the clutches of Bane and his handlers.

Also the movie is not about the Batman I know and love ( none of the trilogy movies are). I expected a film more or less in the style of Michael Keaton's Batman character. I grew up with him and Adam West/Burt Ward's TV show/movie Batman as my guides to what Batman should be. I got nothing even close. I got a darker, grittier epic wannabe film. If I want darkness and semi-reality, I will watch reality TV. I certainly won't go to or rent a movie for it. In a superhero film I want escapism and fantasy/adventure.

Third, the special effects. They overpowered the film! In places it became a CGI demonstration reel. Effects should ENHANCE the movie, not BECOME the movie.

Finally, the character of Catwoman. Gone are the days of the playful but adorably evil villainess played by Julie Newmar/Eartha Kitt/Lee Meriwether, or the vengeful dominatrix played by Michelle Pfeiffer. Instead we are treated to....an enhanced skillful cat burglar and jewel thief? Props to Anne Hathaway for giving it her best, but come on, DC, is that the best you can do???

Never again will I waste my time if this is the continued direction of the Batman franchise. The older movies I mentioned are MUCH better.

Love, Romance & Chocolate

Lacey Chabert and Chocolate...two of my favorites!
First of all, is this a standard Hallmark film? Yes. So what? It's set in a beautiful city, and who doesn't like chocolate? The plot is not terrible, and miL really started rooting for Lacey's character and the chocolatier to fall in love and win the competition early on.

I've always LOVED Lacey Chabert ever since "Lost in Space). She makes the character believable and has grown up into a gorgeous young woman. I can't wait to see what she brings us next.

Wonder Woman

Gail Gadot's acting is stunning, but...
Ok. First of all, what is good about this film?

1. Gail Gadot was a FABULOUS choice as Wonder Woman. Not only is she STUNNINGLY gorgeous, she brings a tough, gritty depth to the role. VERY well done casting choice and acting job. 2. Chris Pine also did well with his role as Steve Trevor. He played him with authenticity and a bit of roguishness. 3. Cinematography was excellent. It was authentic for the period chosen.

Now for the negatives. 1. The film was set in the wrong period! Wonder Woman was originally a World War 2 character. This might seem like a minor point, but if you're going to make a superhero movie, you need to get the backstory right. 2. The special effects were TOO good. They overpowered the story and nearly became the story. 3. Also Wonder Woman originally teamed with the Americans, not the British. I suspect that since DC had Wonder Woman carrying a shield , they may have made this change and the period alteration in order to avoid copyright infringement with Marvel's Captain America.

Overall, not a bad effort. 7/10 stars.

First Man

8/10 movie celebrating a 10/10 moment
This was a good film. Ryan Goslinv plays Neil Armstrong with a sincerity that impressed me. Kyle Chandler also did an excellent job as Deke Slayton. This movie helps fill in some of the pre-flight stuff and family drama well.

That being said, I do have suggestions.

1. It really could have used a "Here men from the Planet Earth" scene. 2. I also would have liked more of a scene about the splashdown. 3. There should have been accompanying narration in the beginning.

Other than that, good movie.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Wouldn't pay to see this again
It's not the worst film in the world, but there are a few things that would make me not pay money to see this again. *****SPOILERS AHEAD*******

1. The animation was clean, but the special effects animation was dizxying, and at times unnecessarily so. NOT FOR ANYONE WHO HAS EPILEPSY. There are a lot of bright flashes in all the fight scenes.

2. The film plot is at times straightforward, at times confusing. In commendation however it may be said there are some really delightful whimsical moments, and no crude humor.

3. Peter Parker DIES! Marvel, PLEASE fix this! Or Hulk will SMASH!

I wouldn't pay to see it again but might watch it on TV if I have nothing better to do. 5/10 stars.

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