
IMDb member since January 2019
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Change your perspective, root for the antagonist!
I tried watching this several times figuring I'd root for the girl but I always got annoyed and turned it off. Then it dawned on me...watch it while rooting for the antagonist, Mr Russel Crowe himself. Guess what? Now I could honestly enjoy it!!!

The protagonist girl is completely annoying!! She could have ended it with a simple apology, "Hey, sorry I'm late taking my kid to school, my bad!" Boom, done, over. Nope, she couldn't do it. Speaking of "late", she oversleeps on the couch forgetting an important client and getting her son to school (she's been late before). Even her lawyer acknowledges "Rachel time?" Meaning she's always late. But she blames it on traffic!! Narcissistic self absorbed people are late. Normal people show up on time. She has zero respect for other people's time.

And yes, she did lay too hard on the horn. A simple tap would have done it. Everyone zones out every now and then and a quick tap is all it takes. I would have been annoyed too.

Who leaves their cell phone in an unlocked car at a gas station?!?! Again, I cheered for the road rager.

She walks around with some kind of subtle arrogance yet in reality she's a dummy. Even her husband is leaving her. Her son is well aware she operates below the norm, but it's his mom so he loves her. He calls he self centered and entitled. The most honest line of the movie. She's horrible and she deserves a miserable life. Sadly her family and many innocent people paid the price which is the real tragedy of this story.

Screaming at the cop driving only to get him pancaked only cemented it for me. It's all about her. What did she think the cops would do? Start shooting? How many people died because of that ridiculous stunt? I'm supposed to root for her? No. I can't. What is her body count for not apologizing? Yes, the man in the truck is evil. He's a bad, bad person...she's worse. She could have apologized. Shown some kindness and understanding to a man under a stressful breakdown.

All in all I enjoyed it. I just had to change my perspective.

Dragged Across Concrete

Shhhhhhh!! Everybody whispers!
Turn up the volume because everybody speaks in a low "voice fry" whisper, in extreme low lighting. The opening scene is so boring I forgot what I was watching. Finally after 10 minutes, Vaughn and Gibson show up on the fire escape! Thank God right? Wrong. They turn out to be complete abusive over the top cops, whispering the whole time Only excited to get breakfast at the diner.

The entire movie takes place an very low light. Full off cliches!! Oh, buddy cops from the past where one has out ranked the other over the years? Never seen that before.

I've always loved Vaughn and Gibson but this was so bad!!! Ridiculously bad. I'm shocked at its current rating and wonder who could see anything positive in this movie. Horrible!!!!

Two Sentence Horror Stories

Lower your expectations and you'll be fine...
My gfirlfriend recommend this and we watched several together one rainy cold Sunday afternoon and it was fun! Borders on silly sometimes and definitely has political stuff sprinkled in..ugh. I got over it. Some have good plot twists which isn't easy to do in 20 minutes. These are perfect for our short attention spans lol. Willful suspension of disbelief required. It's like a guilty pleasure snack. It's quick, you chomp it down then watch another and another knowing it's not the best for you. I understand the low star reviews and some of what they're saying but I take them with a grain of salt too. It's good. Great production. Good acting. Have fun!

The Outsider

Starts great...ending slow and boring.
It stared off great. Seemed really interesting but it goes nowhere??!? The last 3 episodes are excruciating to suffer through. I gave it 6 stars because the first 6 episodes showed promise. If you have insomnia, play episode 9 and you'll be sound asleep in no time.

Charged: The Eduardo Garcia Story

Truly inspiring documentary!!
I'm shocked to see some reviewers giving this a 2 rating. One person even called him arrogant!!! Eduardo is pure inspiration! I was moved to tears. It made me think of my life and how unappreciative I am of the gifts I was given. Eduardo is an awesome guy and I wish I could meet him someday and shake his hook. The production is top notch. Great music. Well told story. Even the side stories about his father, girlfriend and family are touching and interesting. Do yourself a favor and watch this...and then challenge yourself to life your life with Eduardo's passion and energy!!!

Old Dogs

Ok, it's not a real 10...
Look, it's silly, it's ridiculous and it has no reason for being there...and I'm not talking about Travolta's wig...but it's a great "feel good" movie!! You WILL laugh at some point. Fun to watch Travolta and Williams be buddies. It has that orchestra background music that follows the characters every move like old Bugs Bunny cartoons. Do they still make movies like this? Anyway, watch it on a rainy Sunday if you're feeling gloomy. It'll make you smile. The scene with Travolta and the waitress should make you spit up your soda. Enjoy and feel good!

The Open House

It makes no sense. Starts off like it could be something. I struggled to stay awake just so I could at least get a "who done it" payoff at end....nope. Nothing. Nada. It's frustratingly bad.

Bird Box

Bird Brain
The opening scenes lure you in, but it starts to drag a bit. Kind of a mix of "Night of the Living Dead" meets "The Happening". The saving grace is the acting. Sandra Bullock is great. Malcovich is Malcovich as usual. The others do ok. Not sure why they needed the blindfolds if they had the birds to warn them anyway? Wasn't that the whole premise and title of the movie?Seems like they could have taken a peek every now and then without a problem. Also the ending where she loses and finds the kids in the rapids of a river and again in a thick forest only to miraculously wind up on the very doorstep she was looking for is a little "unbelievable" It was enjoyable to watch however, just lower your expectations.

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