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10,000 BC

They forgot something
I imagine the making of this movie went like this

The director: I feel like I'm forgetting something. We have big budget, beautiful sets, top of the line graphics and good cast.

The director: the style is very important too.... Yeah whatever I forgot is probably not that important.

The story *standing out in the rain, forgotten*:........

The Jane Austen Book Club

book lovers
Book lovers everywhere will love this book. as bookworm myself, I loved it. the idea of people coming together to discuss books is my idea of heaven. my favourite couple of the bunch are of course Grigg and Jocelyn. Hugh Dancy is so stinking cute and the dynamic between young man and slightly older woman is classy and cute. I love the part at the end when Grigg brings his big sister Cat to the last meeting and she very deliberately takes Jocelyn aside and Grigg looks very smug? like "my big sister will get to the bottom of this"? cracks me up every time. Prudie was amazing, she represents the dreamy women. you know them. the ones who dream about novels and drive the poor man she settled for insane. there's a bit of Prudie inside every woman.


Dark humour
As newly converted fannibal (the auto-correct is keeps trying to make it "cannibal" but I'm that that far gone, yet) I'm years late to the party. as fangirl, i'm fighting the urge to write a review that consist of incoherent screaming, gasping, shocked faces and cackling laughter. here I'll try to be more articulate. Hugh Dancy had the most difficult acting task, by far. the expectations on Mads were higher but the true weight laid on Hugh. his understanding of the character is amazing and he is fearless. no, he is enjoying himself. playing a man who is the personification of exposed nerve ending. his mind is wide open, he has no barriers and his psychiatrist is Hannibal freaking Lecter! (I imagine things would have been quite different if Will had support system. no way Hannibal could have messed with Will's head if he had a wife and three kids instead of 7?! dogs).

I love Hannibal's character but I can't romanticize him even if my life depended on it. most fannibals (for God's sake auto-correct! stop making us cannibals) do. Hannibal is alien. he sees humans as toys, as food. even Will, who he presumably loves, is raw material for him to sculpt. let me quote Will here "if you're partial to beef products, it is inconvenient to be compassionate towards a cow" that line summarized Hannibal's action. one brilliant review states "Hannibal loves Will the way god loves his creations" and Hannibal seems to see Will as a rare and unique individual but he doesnt LOVE that individual, rather his potential.

Bryan Fuller's imagination is thing of beauty. standing ovation to the man who gave us such darkly poetic show. I'm torn between wishing for a 4th season and being happy how the show ended. to quote Hugh Dancy, going over the cliff with Hannibal was a final victory for Will who fought his darkness till the end. if there was a fourth season, I don't have much hope for Will's morality. i'd like to see it again. to see Will who thought saving people felt good and was compassionate. if we get season 4 and Will ends up being a mirror image of Hannibal, i will rage.

Criminal: UK

hand that man an oscar
I waited up last night for David Tennant's episode and watched it the second it became online. AND. IT. WAS. WORTH. IT. the acting is so stuble and contained. Tennant barely speak in the first 25 minutes and doesn't move. he never fidget, taps his feet or display any symptom of being human in distress or otherwise. makes determining his guilt one hell of challenge. the detectives are more animated but still, every move is counted for. I immensely enjoyed rewinding just to watch the micro expressions. please, watch it if you wanna stay glued to the screen for 45 minutes. (I feel we are sympathizing with David Tennant's character because we are used to him as "the doctor". we need him to be innocent. stone faced doctor charged with raping and murdering his stepdaughter should have raised a lot more hate and suspicions than I felt)

Criminal: UK: Edgar
Episode 1, Season 1

hand that man a freaking oscar
I waited up last night for David Tennant's episode and watched it the second it became online. AND. IT. WAS. WORTH. IT. the acting is so stuble and contained. Tennant barely speak in the first 25 minutes and doesn't move. he never fidget, taps his feet or display any symptom of being human in distress or otherwise. makes determining his guilt one hell of challenge. the detectives are more animated but still, every move is counted for. I immensely enjoyed rewinding just to watch the micro expressions. please, watch it if you wanna stay glued to the screen for 45 minutes.

Single Father

I cried at first episode
I heard so many tales about widowers getting over the "devastation" of losing their wives amazingly fast. tale as old as time, first time I've seen it in action thought. i bet David Tennant made every female cry watching him mourn Rita then second episode i was annoyed by how fast Dave got over Rita but as i said its probably one of the most truthful aspects of the story.

The Escape Artist

I loved it
This is very important. if you enjoyed this series, stop here. seriously stop. reviews here have combed the plot to within an inch of its life.

if you have no knowledge of UK courtrooms, like me (i have no idea if the complaints in other reviews about court procedures hold water) and decided to excuse stupid actions to human failings then you can enjoy this immensely. i don't know if i'm trying to excuse plot holes here or if the writers meant for his characters to make seemingly stupid decisions deliberately. ppl do insane things everyday. look around you, reality is illogical.

at least everyone can agree David Tennant killed it here and the last episode made it worthwhile. the last 10 min were nerve wreaking. my heart was beating so hard, i couldn't breathe or move i could only stare mouthing "wow"

Doctor Who: The Family of Blood
Episode 9, Season 3

so unfair
This episode is unfair. the doctor can never realize how unfair is asking Joan to come with him, to live all her life waiting to see glimpses of the man she loves will be torture. Joan lashing out, asking if he didn't choose this place at random then people wouldn't have died, trying to remind herself that he wasn't human and he wasn't the man she loved? it hurt. all in all thanks David Tennant and Russell Davis for breaking our hearts. once again

Altered Carbon

science fiction glory
When altered carbon released on Netflix last year, all the reviews made it sound like "meh" so I ignored the show but one late night boredom made me start the first episode and if I could burn those reviews, I would. altered Carbon's problem is its authenticity. every sifi show starts with explaining to us mere mortals what the hell is going on... but think about it. do ppl walk the streets talking about the WWII? the great events that shaped our life? hell no! most ppl don't know when WWII started and when ended, nevermind how it impacted life today and its reprecautions. that's what altered carbon does, it throws you right in the deep end and you'll spend the first -dare I say- FOUR episodes stumbling around trying to figure out the world bc PPL DONT WALK THE STREETS GIVING HISTORY LESSONS!! despite the abysmal critics reviews, I find the show PERFECT. everything from acting, production, worldbuild, concept, every-freaking-thing is topnotch. altered carbon asks the question "what will happen when you grant immortality for money?" the answer is humanity will travel to the far reaches of space, some will live long enough to see empires rise and fall, the rich will afford to live forever and gain unspeakable power and influence while the poor will die. meaning, eternal power for the rich and eternal servitude for the poor and at last we lose our humanity because death is what gives life meaning

I loved Joel Kinnaman as Takahashi kovacs and if you stick around long enough you'll realize the concept is intriguing and its PERFECT

Halt and Catch Fire

I'm horrified by the idea I might not have seen it. EVER! in the first season Joe(Lee Pace) is the heart of the show. watching him is like watching train wreck. youre horrified/fascinated by his methods and you cant look away. lol. no seriously I started watching bc of Lee Pace and his..... passionate character. I could feel the energy, his willpower through the screen. (the scene at the end of ep 2, best acting I've seen) plus watching Joe create chaos and everyone running around like headless chickens is endlessly entertaining LMAO. at first Gordon was just spineless engineer and Donna was nagging mother and Cameron was wild card and Joe... well, Joe was manipulative ba$t*rd but as the show progressed the characters changed in the most realistic way. they matured! the writers offered real growth and change while maintaining the characters core. Gordon grow a spine but he remained a follower, a builder not a leader. Joe stopped being ba$tard but kept being manipulative. but the true power of the show is feminine power. Cameron and Donna were..... unique. it is unique for a show to focus on women that way. they gave the women the same attention and storylines they gave the men. they weren't just love interests! usually, I don't care to watch this type of shows bc we all know the end, we know the winners. those characters seem like they don't have future bc we already know the future. its bittersweet but it's worth it this time bc the story and the acting... aha the acting is formidable. insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. this show is insane bc no matter how many time you knock these ppl to the ground they try again.

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