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excellent, old school yes cliche i'sh sure but done right
The first season starts off a little slow but the more you watch the better it gets yes it feels like a good old school drama satire comedy (but not dated rather old school style)

all the small jokes gags and stereotypes all the characters personalities and etc hit just right

the story is simple but the writing and acting is excellent goofy and exaggerated to just the right degree

and we're talking about more then humor and drama the writers even manged to squeeze in some dept moral/philosophical questions which do no feel shoehorned or forced

and in general the series is quite subtle in many ways while having a blatant style to it so excellent overall

underrated in my opinion.

Dark Matter

(so far) totally watchable,not great but just ok
There's not all that much to say (only 5 episodes released by the time of this review) while the show is stylized in a very reasonable modern way looks fine and there's some character and story development everything just feels a little empty missing substance never introducing any real tension pain drama etc nor deals with the philosophical themes morality existence decisions etc etc all missing

while we see different paths taken we never see the reason/the decisions or significant consequence

there's just not much there, not much for the story (but this is a little early)

the first few episodes are quite boring if you don't like the first episode i'd suggest you skip the series

but in comparison to other "modern entertainment" completely watchable.

The Family Man

no bad... feels like good old spy action classics
Simple and good (i most admit the title/description nearly drove me away expecting something much more silly/family frendly -but no we've got a good well balanced show on our hands)

there's not much to say simple story good execution

even if you're indian there are so many languages where it's a little bit annoying the transitions between indian lenguages and english can be a little weird/out of place at first but completely watchable

there's not much to say really... reminds me of the good old days people put some effort into entertainment

i'd definitely argue the series get's a little better later on and the start is a little boring (not horrible but relatively speaking)


the series has potential BUT! ....
While there are certainly some good things going for the show we start off with a bit of plot development character development etc etc everything just feels out of place and far too absurd and i don't mean the scifi elements rather the writing the entire show

the characters are completely ridiculous and have exaggerated empty personalities the girl boss trop is on steroids -and with a "disadvantage"/ "flaw" which should in theory add a little bit of struggle/something interested except just... NO cuz who needs an actual talented writters when you've got a checklist

the acting is reasonable i suppose -given the roles

and so on.... the more i watch deeper into every episode i go the more my brain shouts at me wtf why am i watching this everything's idiotic and absurd

if you're fine with shutting down you're brain for 40 minutes or so then yeah the show is fine

also while each episode is focus on it's own self contained story the main plot get's kinda lost on the way progressing very very slowly

defiantly overrated but it's sad since one can see there was potential... maybe talented writters first came up with the concept only to later be replaced or the show was rushed/studio interference or idk but there's something really wrong with well everything.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

in 1 word excellent... ,season 1 isn't great by any means but overall the series is good
Yeah season 1 feels a bit off... a bit out of place and maybe mostly redundant it takes the characters and story a little time to adjust but while there are certain jokes themes and moments which feel exaggerated weird or far too absurd the show really starts taking itself more seriously around season 2

if i had to score it per season i'd say season 1 =6/10 while 2-3=10/10 (however season 1 obviously has some important context and should not be skipped)

there's not much to say this series has it all from a well written plot to quirky characters great scenery style music etc

the ending episodes (6 and 7 of season 3) can feel a little underwhelming relative to the ideas they're meant to convey but non the less excellent

defiantly the sorts of series i'd recommend you watch but just note that even if you don't like the first season it may very well grow on you as the story matures so give the entire thing a try.

Lady Ballers

a bit too on the nose and drawn out but non the less hilarious, i havn't laughed this hard in years- minimal spoilers
There's not all that much to say other that yes yes this is political comedy satire etc.... done well and doesn't pretend to be neutral or "centrist" released a little late perhaps political-issues-in-fashion -wise but non the less hilarious.

A little bit on the nose and not exaggerated per say rather exactly what you'd expect.

(spoiler) some of the behaviors of characters get absurd such as for example a father just forgetting about what his daughter was exposed to like it doesn't matter is too absurd and unrealistic

and the messaging can be a bit preachy/bland ,

but overall the worst criticism i can give the movie is that it's a bit slow as in 2 hours long when there's no need for it to be a hour-1.5 would've done it's not horribly drawn out but could've been a bit better

not the kind of movie one might like to rewatch it's just a simple funny plot executed well nothing more nothing less.

The Killer

slow pace done right- simple plot excellent execution
Personally i don't particularly like slow movies and obviously that's what you might hear about this one because many did seem to expect a fast pace action film so i'd definitely argue the movie is underrated but other then that everything was done well the plot the story and writing is as simple and minimalistic just as it should be

the acting is great the cinematography light style and etc could there be some more substance or depth to the story -sure could there be more fast pace action and violence -sure but that's just it -there's no need for it the movie feels a void in the market right in between both aspects and does so well and never feels particularly drawn out nor rushed

if you come to this movie expecting something else then what it delivers then sure you might be disappointed but everything from the acting casting etc etc is done WELL

there's not much to say other then that.

Old Dads

the ending is a bit disapinting a few small issues but mostly great!
Great old school humor not much to say

(i'd defiantly argue a few jokes /fart humor feel a bit forced a bit exaggerated) but at the end of the day for the most part excellent

almost nostalgic reminds me of a time humor was allowed.

(and some of the behavior feels a bit unrealistic but maybe that's just due to how well compact the movie is... doesn't feel rushed or anything the pacing is great actually)

overall we're dealing with a simple good concept which was implemented perfectly.

100% underrated every single thing was done well from the casting the acting the writing the atmosphere cinematography etc etc

it practically feels like a classic.

Fun simple good.

The 10th Kingdom

much better then i expected but has a bit too much cringe for my taste
Heard it was good and definitely seems to be quite decent

but while most of the series is ok certain aspects are taken too far the acting/characters can get a bit too exaggerated the scenarios unrealistic and cringworthy the decisions and actions taken aren't particularly logical and etc while i wouldn't go so far as to say the writing is bad it can defiantly be a lot better and you gotta remember the context this show was made arguably for kids... while including a few not very family friendly things it's still for the most part the demographic so in that context i'd say yeah very reasonable

maybe 6/10 is a bit of an underrating let's say 6.5 just because of the cringe and how much better things could've been

the world building storytelling many quirks references jokes etc are great and really pull the show there's just not enough of the good -excellent elements even and too much bloat maybe not so much "filler" per say rather an attempt to cramp as much as possible and please everyone.

One Piece

only from a visual standpoint not as bad as i expected but still 5/10
I expected the adaptation to look quite horrible from the trailers and netflix's history and etc and it's surprisingly better MUCH better then i expected not great or good BY ANY MEANS not at all 5/10 might even be a bit too high (at least from episode 1... just take a look at the animals wtf is that even 20 year old cgi)

but yeah no where nearly as "plasticy" as you'd think the world looks lived in the effects such as blood are reasonable idk about the casting.acting but could've been better

and as i said i'm only referring to how the series is visually i never had the patients to watch the thousands of animated episodes nor did i like the animation i found annoying so i can't speak about the merits of the story how much it was changed/etc.


much much better then i expected it to be ,however to be fair my expectations were't high not at all
There isn't all that much to say really the 3ep mini series defiantly has some potential but it falls short mainly because there's just so much more that could've been done.

With another season or 2 or 5 maybe

overall i most say it's quite the reasonable good old sci fy show when i just started watching episode 1 i expected it to be quite bland boring empty but gradually realized it was much better written and implemented then i had expected

sure hss some... well TONS of issues but also lots of great world building story progression pace etc. Twists backstabs drama and so on

could've been better but i'm defintly surprized at how much better this had turned out to be compared to what i've expected going in.

Good Omens: Chapter 6: Every Day
Episode 6, Season 2

much better then i expected... i wasn't sure if 1 episode could wrap everything up so well for a long and boring season
Yeah i'd argue that season generally isn't all that good drawn out boring and simply lacking (i wouldn't say season 2's over all is that bad but defiantly not as good as season 1) but the finale was done quite well closed quite a few loose ends maybe not entirely perfectly but reasonably well and leaving us with a taste for more... sure the series defiantly lose some of it's cheerful comic spirit and become more emotional/dramatic with time but i wouldn't say it's bad (yet at least but that's not the path i'd prefer the series to take long term)

and without giving any spoilers some of the "developments" in the finale were done very well and naturally and didn't feel like they came from a checklist or to taunt people, i still feel things could've been done slightly better but nothing's too on-the-nose or radical

(maybe the problem is that this is the season's finale so some aspects feel closed but others just too open ended feels a bit like the ending of season 1 but idk maybe things'd be followed up on/done better with season 3)

What We Do in the Shadows: Pride Parade
Episode 3, Season 5

excellent hilllrious.... reminds me of the good old days of matt berry
It's been a while since companies felt so free making fun of pride and i mean not that it's done in a bad/offensive way

matt berry's it crew'd days were much funnier but also much more offensive obviously so i'd argue the episode strikes a good balance making fun of pride in a polite manner

excellent simple execution all the good old main tropes were addressed.

(even if certain ideas were a bit more hidden so to not be offensive such as Colin Robinson's "behavior" without giving spoilers)

over all well done there's not much more to say other then that

(there is a small issue with one of the subplot's but not everything always has to make perfect sense in a vampire world so i guess it's fine)


the first 10 minutes tell me exactly what to expect from this show
Now ok you could argue it's unfair to rate the series based on the firt 10 minutes or first episode or.... alone and while sure idk it is possible for the series to get better but the mear simple fact that for a whole 10 minutes nothing... absolutly nothing is happening (with the "situation" in hand -without giving spoilers)

tells me this is a complete waste of time

watching paint dry is more interesting then this crap

if you want to watch characters stay in place or walk around chitchat small-talk deal with bureaucracies over the phone or in a boring office environment etc etc... maybe not circle jerk (yet but close enough i'm sure expecting it with the way things are going) and doing absolutely nothing this show is for you

yeah to say boring slow and empty is an understatement.

It's supposed to be a comedy critical of bureaucracy and procedure but there's just absolutely nothing in it making fun of things

imagine trying to criticize wall painting/ imagine there was a movie which is all about watching paint dry imagine trying to mock it by filming paint dry and expecting people to laugh at it yeah that's basically how i'd describe the series

and if 30 seconds "worth" of content of story were stretched into the first 10 minutes or so i can't imagine the rest of the series

maybe i'm wrong but with some shows you can just tell right from the start what's it all about.

Cunk on Earth

3 minutes into the first episode tells you evrything you need to know about this "humor"
Just so it's clear 3 minutes into the first episode and the first "question" to an "expert" is about the type of meat/flesh /"branding" primitive humans had

oh well at least the expert clarified primitive humans had the same bones as we do and he suspects there was flesh on those bones that makes sense good thing we have experts...

i mean don't get me wrong i get that it's a mockumentary but in order to mock you gotta have a sense of humor or.... interest

this comes off as fart humor as far as i'm concrend.. no actually fart humor is much funnier in comparison...

bravo so clever bravo bravo brraaaaavo brave and stunning mockumentary 1000000 out of 10 brilliant absolutely the most brilliant clever intelligent work of art this show is

if only i could describe my eye rolling my eye's are almost pooping out of my head because how of "good" this series is.


so far a decent show but has it's issues some episodes feel drawn out and unoriginal uninspired
I mean to call some of the episodes unoriginal/creative/... wouldn't be fair given the time frame yes some episodes can get a little drawn out and abit too "simple"/generic feeling that's not to say they're bad over all everything is done well the acting and story telling is good etc etc

i haven't watched all seasons/episodes yet there are lots after all and they're all quit long but generally speaking i'd say the series is fine and would recommend maybe it's not for every one if you're going into it expecting a modern detective show you'll be disappointed because of the style and focus on characters and leg work and etc as compared to more modern shows of the style with a larger focus on the mystery creativity etc etc... (again not to say there isn't creativity here there sure is there are very creative criminals and plots but the way the writers address this creativity is different -again more so leg work and human and character interaction)

not bad but uou should know what it is and how it's different then what you might expect from the description

i do miss shows like this... with quality writing intelligent well spoken articulate coherent characters with dialogues that remind you reasonable rational adults rather then emotional children... excellent.

The way he taunts suspects and people in general with such things as his 'absent-mindedness' so to speak.... without giving any spoilers is simply great simple and excellently implemented.


wtf did i just watch....
Nothing good on tv this was playing so i figured i'll give it a try despite expecting it to be bad from the commercials and boy was i right

this is absolute dogsnit what kind of a lunatic would write something like this it's a "comedy" i guess.except everyone acts like they're lobotomized mentally ill and fictional at the same time i mean sure it's fine sometimes when comedies portray unrealistic people/situations/...and eccentric behaviors but here it's nothing not comedy no nothing

basically take a look at the poster commercial of her licking the floor and imagine an ai wrote a series around it there's absolutely nothing interesting or funny or anything going on really

all i was left with is a taste of wtf in my mouth and a desire to see no more of this... needless to say i haven't finished the series i watched episode 1 thinking it might improve and episode 2 was playing as a background noise small peeks of attention into it told me it's no different then episode 1

you'd be better off turning on a toddler teletubbies channel or one of thoes for dog's channel and use them for background noise they sure'd be funnier and more interesting

seriously it's been a while since i've seen something this bad what kind of lunatic saw this and approved it for tv.

Wayward Pines

not bad but could've been so much better also season 2 starts of poorly but ends up ok
I see all sorts of criticisms here i disagree with such as the idea that answers are answered too early and while sure the series defintly looses some of it's mystery i wouldn't say it goes in a bad direction obviously has some issues but for the most part the series is ok season 2 starts off very poorly boring empty and well just snit but slowly becomes watchable again and comparable to season 1 not all that much mystery but there's definitely a lot to explore yet i'm afraid over all the series just fails because there's soo much soo many good potential ideas plots directions to take the series into but non are taken the series ends "abruptly" the ending's of boths seasons 1 and 2 are disappointing in many ways but mostly in the sense that there's so much more that could've been

it almost feels like the writers planned for 5-10 seasons leaving room for so much but never going for it only to give half-assed destructive/disruptive open endings which don't work well plain and simple

(idk i havn't read the book so can't compare to the original story...)

over all not horrible but definitely not great.

Good Omens

so far very good.. very creative well made and fun
It's very much clear the cast is having lots of fun and enjoys portraying the characters the series over all is very creatively done looks great (for the most part except a few animations) and there's not much to say other then that the story is simple well phased told and again made decently well

there are a few issues with the dialogue of the characters near the end of the series (season 1) for example but for the most part there's no much here to screw up given the world the setting and so on

"coincidental" things that happen to foreword the plot are introduced very eventually and well -well...... and so on

a little bit weak on the grandiose ideas/moralities/perspective the series taunts but never takes anywhere but the story is good as i said simple and good.

Overall i'd say the series is good but has room for improvment.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

if i had to describe it in 1 word i'd say disapointing
I know this review is a little late to the party and i've heard a lot about movie 3 being very good and it is don't get me wrong but out of 2 and a half hours only around half an hour or so is truly excellent entertaining interesting emotional and etc that half an hour os so gets a 10/10 the only problem is that this is after all a 2 and a half hours long movie 2 hours which can be described at best very very very generously as 6/10 boring lavish sets and behaviors potentially good ideas not pursued i wouldn't go so far as to say 2 hours of filler but defiantly a bit out there outlandish unimportant and disappointing really that's the way to describe it

it's almost as if 2 (or more...) writers were responsible for this 1 intelligent good capable writer and another just for the filler

for example without giving spoilers the antagonist is so disappointing and lacking the actions and behaviors of the main cast are so empty mindless and just boring detached almost as if there was a checklist then character does x without regard to the context

very much disappointing

but the good aspects of the movie bump it up to 7/10.

The Ark

so far not as bad as i expected not good by any means but not as bad
With nothing better to watch i figured i'll try this despite the other reviews and i most say... not not underrated....... uh it's kinda muuuh the writing the dialogue and etc is dumb boring childish and just dumb again... let me emphasis that again dumb poor dialogue/writing (with a bit of cringe sprinkled a little bit here and there) the acting isn't great nor anything else drama etc etc... despite the stakes being high there's just nothing to keep me interested (so far at least i'm up to ep 3) not much of a story or character development no nothing

things happen for no reason... a new problem pops up a random solution appears because the "plot" (if you can call it that) needs it

so yeah.... not great not good at all in fact... but not as bad as i've expected.

The series looks reasonable i guess and it's a bit early still we'll see if it'll get better but so far this as served it's purpose as a mostly background white noise for me to watching while focusing on more important things... and that's what i'd recommend... there's not much here that requires attention it's more then easy to keep up with it passively.

Black Mirror: Loch Henry
Episode 2, Season 6

yeah idk i'm split not at all bm not bad but not the series
Well the episode is perfectly fine ok but completely out of character/style some random idea probably taken from another series/movie/writer's pitch and just boldly interjected in.

Cuz why not... there's no theme here let's inject whatever dramatic story in i mean at the end of the day one can always over analyze and argue that such themes ass technology/the future the series uses are just a means to an end and the series is really about how people how society turns it's self into a dystopia and etc etc etc but it doesn't matter .whatever drives the plot makes the difference just because it's different doesn't make it bad but it makes it not black mirror it lacks the character the feeling and style of the series and you can't just take these elements away even if the motive is the same even if nothing's different the format or story can be practically identical but it's the implementation that matters

just like action movies generic plots good guy bad guy rescue save etc etc the formula is the same but the reason different movies and franchises stand out is the implementation

so yeah nope... as far as i'm concerned this episode isn't black mirror it's separate "from the creators of black mirror" would be a reasonable way to describe it but it lacks any bm soul lacks the technology the future the dystopia just nope.

Dan Vs.: Dan Vs. The Bank
Episode 5, Season 2

man the nostaliga
While the series overall is rich and fun made well with lots of small jokes and references this one is so out there the bank in this episode is called NWO which stands for new world order bank (keep in mind this is 2011)

from making fun of shadowy quasi governmental organizations and aliens to new world order jokes this series has it all

which's a great reminder why it's a classic...

idk if i'd call this "edgy"/enough but as fun of a cartoon as i remembered

do recommend.

(not much to say other then that very well made the art is fantastic (simple... animated but as i said before full of character style passion and small tiny jokes)

Four Lions

simply put... boring ,maybe would've been funnier if i had watched it back when it released idk
While i most say the plot the acting and etc is all very reasonable there's just something missing to the story "passion" perhaps

which is why i think the movie could've been funnier in the actual context of "fear"/"fresh memory" at around 2010

but at the end of the day the movie is soo forgettable i think i might've actually watched it before -i'm not sure (without giving spoilers -i basically had to watch to the colorful end to realize i've seen this scene before) maybe it's because i tunned out/watched the movie second hand so to speak/... but that's just goes to show just how forgettable and boring this movie is

not horrible but just not.... not worth it just meh.

The Last of Us

in 1 word OVERRRRATED!!! not bad but really really hyped up overrated
The series defiantly has it's strong sides such as the visuals for example the series for the most part looks great

acting wise it's a mix pascal being pascal an experienced good actor and Ramsey defiantly new to the industry (well it's not as if you can expect a someone this young to have years of experience but still a bit of a disappointment in my opinion)

the writing is also very mixed some episodes are better then others and i mean by a lot

lots of good character development struggle weight to the story but the emotional weight just isn't really there a lot of people might point to the 3-7 episodes as an emotional filler/.... but they're mostly just standalone fillers (i'll get to that)

(spoiler) emotionally speaking by the end of the series rescuing ellie to the determent of the world just doesn't make sense we see the 2 grow closer together but we don't really see a strong enough emotional bond before the episode

there are also a lot of aspects of the story which feel rushed and not fully thought through like for example telling joel she's going to die/harvested after he made his entire way to the hospital idk the old villain secrete plan reveal feels a bit like a cliche in this context

there's also tons of filler and i mean lots and lots of filler 9 whole 45-50 minute 'ish episodes so far yeah i can see how i'd be difficult to fill them some episodes are much better like episode 8 for example some are really poor like episode 7 the entire plot/emotional narrative of episodes 7 could've literally been fitted into 10-15 minutes.

Dialogue can often be good and often slow boring and just drawn out because again there are around 6.5-7 hours of content to fill so yeah disappointing.

Not bad but really overrated.

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